I seriously scored the best deal at Goodwill last week.
I really want to show you!!
But that would involve showing you my Master Bedroom. Trust me, there’s a reason I’ve been too mortified to show you this room.
Oh hell, let’s just get it over with, shall we?
Here’s my horribly embarrassing, hideous, and completely undecorated Master Bedroom.
See? I told you I had a good reason for avoiding sharing this room at all costs with you.
There are so many things wrong with this room that it’s easier to point out what’s right. Which is pretty much the… um… er… is there anything? Oh, the mirror! I love my mirror. Everything else is hideous.
But, now the room is looking just a teensy tiny bit better, thanks to finding this duvet set at Goodwill last week.
Before you start barfing all over the place at the thought of me buying used linens at Goodwill, let me explain.
They are not used. They are actually brand new. With Tags! They were donated by Target in their “salvage” pile. But honestly, NOTHING is wrong with this bedding set. Except maybe Target discontinued it or something.
The bedding is still looking a bit flat and frumpy though. Here’s why:
I would love nothing more than a thick, fluffy, hotel quality down-filled comforter to shove into my new awesome duvet, but I don’t have an extra hundred bucks laying around at the moment. So I improvised. I just shoved my crappy comforter into the duvet for now.
As for the huge king-sized pillows to go into the shams?
Target has these huge pillows for only $8! Except they were on sale last week so I picked them up for $6 a pop. They work great considering I’m only using them as decoration.
I was a little worried about this orange fabric though:
But surprisingly the orange doesn’t show through at all. Double bonus.
Here’s the bedding in all her ten dollar glory.
I still cannot believe I found brand-new-with-tags bedding at GW for ten dollars. Best GW purchase of the year.
Oh, I totally forgot to mention. I’ve been wanting WHITE bedding for my bedroom for some time now. I’ve decided when I finally give this room some TLC I want all white bedding so I can mix and match throw pillows on it. I absolutely love the look of white crisp hotel bedding.
As for those stools at the foot of the bed… I’ve got big plans for those bad-boyz. They are going to be the bomb when I’m done with them.
This picture above is killing me. I am so cheap. Let’s see, I got the bedding at GW for $10. I got the wicker side table at a garage sale for $6!!! (It’s currently at Target for $60, so I totally scored on that one). And I got the two stools at GW in Los Angeles for only $6 each. The purple polka-dot pillow is from the Target clearance section months ago. I did buy the bed brand-new, but it’s so old I’m embarrassed to even admit to you when we bought it. Let’s just say it’s been through two pregnancies and has more than worn out it’s welcome at our house. It’s days are numbered.
Okay, so I might as well give you a quick tour of this train-wreck of a room while I’m at it…
When you are standing at the doorway looking in, this is what you see (yes, I flip-flopped the bed from the first “before” picture at the top of this post):
Not too bad, right? I can’t wait to do an awesome wall treatment on that big wall with the windows. It’s going to be fab.
If you turn around, this is the entrance to the bedroom on the left. On the far right is the entrance to the closet and the bathroom.
Kinsey has taken it upon herself to make a “Gallery Wall” for me. How thoughtful of her! I don’t have the heart to take it down. It’s been there for months (and she keeps adding to it).
She is very proud of her artwork.
Here’s a better view of the entrance to the closet (on the left) and the bathroom (on the right). I LOVE this little alcove in the bedroom.
The mirror is from IKEA, but I found it on Craig’s List for $50, and the stool is from Target on clearance a few weeks ago marked from $70 down to $17. I’m going to paint it eventually. I’m not diggin’ the flowers.
And in closing, a nice blast-from-the-past. Do you remember when I gave you my Master Bathroom tour last March? I showed you the awesome placement of the toilet in reference to the entrance to our bedroom.
Ya, not the best floor plan design. You can see the commode when you poke your head into the bedroom. Whether you are sitting on the John or not, it’s still gross to see the potty the second you glance into the bedroom.
So, um… ya. On that note…
The moral?
I got a new duvet set. I love it. It was dirt cheap. The End.
Is it just me or do you find the best deals while thrifting too? And, is your entire house purchased from the Target clearance, Craig’s List, Goodwill, or thrift stores?
PS my kids start school today. Summer went by far too quickly for me. I’m going to miss them annoying the heck out of me all day! Have your kids started school yet?
Love it! I’ve been so busy this summer I haven’t stopped by HOH in a while, this is a perfect example of why I LOVE HOH, so FUN!
Your bedroom may have “issues” but it’s CLEAN! I should post a photo of mine to make you happy you can walk in yours and not step on anything. lol
I live in fear that people are going to walk into my house and think to themselves, “DANG this chick spends a lot of time at the Goodwill!!!”
Oh goodness! After seeing your room I’m even more certain mine is a travesty! You totally scored! Congrats! I actually just tried to check out Craigslist…if only we had an Ikea in town, then we’d have tons of Ikea-ness!
I can’t wait to see what you do with the room! It’s such a large blank canvas!
What a SCORE!!! We have a thrift store here that gets a bunch of new stuff from Target too…love it!! Have you checked IKEA for duvet inside things?
LOVE the new bedding! And what a steal! I am the same way…our master bedroom is soooo bare, it’s embarassing! I have big plans though…one day…! oooh, maybe your good luck will continue and you will find a brand new comforter at GW to put in your duvet cover!
I thoroughly enjoyed this post and your humor about it all. Makes me feel better about posting the pictures I share on my blog, which are at times, hideous to me since I’m stuck in an apartment.
Thanks for sharing!
Oh thank goodness. Mine’s not the only bedroom that’s bad/attention-starved. I just hung picture frames above the bed that have been living under the bed for 7 months or so. I have 2 Kohl’s coupons for next weekend and I think I’m finally going to get a new bedding set. I think it’ll brighten up the room and actually inspire me to finish it!
I love the mirror. I almost bought it for over our couch but designed a piece of art instead. I still lust after the mirror though and wish I had wall space somewhere else for it!
One more thing – speaking of decorating your house through thrift, I’m with you. I spray painted a set of Ikea drawers I’ve been using as a nightstand for 7 years. They were old desk drawers and I finally decided to make them look like a night stand.
I love your find. I have never found anything at our GW that I could even think about sleeping on. I must just have horrible timing. I love the way your new bedding looks. I have to laugh when you think your bedroom is too horrible to show us. Mine is the opposite of empty. I keep trying for the minimalist look and just can’t seem to get there. I also recently started a new medication that has the wonderful side effect of making my memory disappear at times. Now when I have something important to do, I not only write it down – I put some of the important pieces needed to complete the project out where I see them every morning. I’ll take your minimalist look any day because my piles are driving me insane!!!!
allison! We NEVER get target merchandise at our Goodwills. I’ve seen it at Indiana Goodwills, but it was not CHEAP.
You did SCORE on all those goodies. Between goodwill and yardsales you’re on your way.
On the up side, your room looks huge with nothing in it.
have a great week, I hope you keep yourself busy with projects not that the kiddos are back to school.
our local school started last week, after 2 days of delay due to power outages and such.
I’m so thankful for this post!! Thanks for showing your space, even though you’re not loving it right now. That bedding is AMAZING! So so so perfect…I so wish my Target dropped stuff off at our thrift stores!
FYI – I got a really great “down” comforter on clearance sale at HomeGoods for $40 (for a queen)…might be a good place to check if you’re interested!!
LOVING the new bedding and loving Target even more for donating their leftovers!! Nothing better than NIP from GW…can I get a woot?!? That room has SO much potential and I know you’ll make it fabulous! For a cheap headboard idea, check out what I did with 2 large frames! http://fabrehabcreations.blogspot.com/2011/06/diy-faux-headboard-semi-tutorial_21.html
Wow what a fab score at the GW! I use to live in Minnesota and they got Target “rejects” all the time. Brand new things that just didn’t sell new in packages. Boy do I miss that! We still have a good GW but never like that. I always liked that bedding. Great size room you have. I’m sure eventually it will look great. What a way to start the transformation! And loving that mirror for such a great steal!
Who cares if it’s bare, it’s clean! I l-o-v-e the duvet cover. I’m also loving the look of white bedding. I’m on the lookout for a white duvet cover myself. Our dog sleeps on our bed so it is probably a disaster waiting to happen, but that’s why Clorox was invented, right?
my son starts kindergarten on wednesday….boooo! i’m loving that he only goes 3 days/week though!
This is my bed room comforter!! (btw now i want to go home and check to see if mine is a duvet) HOWEVER i bought mine at the begining of the summer for $90 (queen)!!!! i wish my goodwill got target donates! awesome find!
Hysterical! I also bought my duvet cover at a Goodwill – so no shame whatsoever! And I told everyone that mine had never been opened – but it had definitely been used. Oh well… I love it anyways.
PS – My bedroom is still pathetic – and I just redid it.
WOW!!! What a score! It’s looks FABULOUS!! I have an embarrassing plain master bedroom too! IN FACT, we lost everything in a house fire in 2006 and we have YET to buy ourselves a new bedding set. We just have a comfy hodge podgey mix of blankets but no set!! BUT wow Allison, that is an awesome score! OH and I wanted to share with you this great post I saw a while back about creative ways to display kids art work. SO, I search in my HUGE folder called “bloggy wanna do’s” and I found the post….it’s YOUR post! LOL
I long for a white bed. It is not in the cards for me because I have 3 dogs I love to snuggle & a hard-working husband who ruined a white shower curtian already. He wouldn’t get into bed dirty but he might touch the bed when dirty. When my daughter flies the coop I plan to turn her room into a hobby/guest room with a dreamy, white, puffy bed! I have a folder full of whte bed pics.
What a greal deal! Loved this post.
It’s kinda weird how attached you can become to bloggers you’ve never met. That being said, Allison, I’ve gotta meet you irl because you’re a girl after my own heart!
I recently had to do a sponsored craft project. I went from room to room looking for something that would have a nice photo backdrop. Aack! Is my house truly that bad?!? Yep, sure ’nuff is. And here I write every day about painting murals and stuff. Hey – that’s in clients’ homes!
Girl, love the bedding – new or used. You’re brave with the white. Would never make it in my house. But love the look. TFS!
I’m redoing my front yard garden and porch. It’s not Craigslist or Goodwill but Early Free Stuff People Gave Us or I Bought at The Restore and Transformed With Paint. Including the plants. I get lots of compliments on it. No one believes the only thing I paid for new was dirt, wood, and some of the paint.
Ohhhhhhhh love the duvet ! You’re a braver woman then I am- white wouldn’t last long in my house hahaha.
Looks like a great sized room with lots of potential… but as for the position of your toilet… I have to agree with you!
Thanks for sharing !
You totally scored on that bedding set! I am soo jealous..I have never seen new Target stuff at our Goodwill! YOu are sooo lucky!!It really looks beautiful!!! :))
I forget how I stumbled across your blog, but I’ve been LOVING it from afar for awhile now and figure it’s time to come out of hiding and let you know.
I love shopping at thrift stores — it’s a treasure hunt, isn’t it? Yeah, there’s a lot of crap, but there’s some really great stuff too! Around here, Target sends it’s leftovers to Salvation Army, but packages tend to get opened and manhandled and the rest of the merchandise generally isn’t worth the trip.
Keep up the great work!
Okay, I can not believe what a Club G.W. Goddess you are! Seriously! I should know, I practically LIVE at Goodwill! (No, seriously). And I love me my down comforters. Look out, once you get one you’ll never go back! lol Love the white, too. I’d be honored if you, GW Goddess, linked this post up over at my Club G.W. with Charm Bracelet Diva party going on right now. Show ’em how it’s done!
Faithful Follower!
Our mattress is embarrassingly old, too.
I don’t think there should be any shame in your thriftiness. Everything looks amazing, why not pay less!
I enjoyed the tour of your bedroom and your plans sound wonderful!
Love the art wall too!!!! Perfect
That mirror is totally awesome!
I love your GW score!!! What a deal! I love when Target sends stuff to GW!!
So big thank you for sharing that, I close on my first house 2 weeks from tomorrow and I will have NOTHING to put in several rooms (spare bedroom, study, etc.) so this is much relief to see that I’m not the only one that will slowly but surely get things decorated!
Tiffany, I blog over at:
Great deal! Love the white duvet! My master bedroom isn’t nearly finished – I’m currently making a headboard out of a $10 door purchased at Buffalo ReUse –
I still have a long way to go!
Love the new duvet. Its nice to see that I’m not the only one with neglected rooms
What you’ve done so far is great (esp. Kinsey’s gallery wall). Keep us updated!
oh it’s not that bad. it’s a blank slate, right?
the toilet placement. ugh! We had a similar problem with our master bathroom & TERLET…when we renovated the bathroom, I insisted that hubby move the toilet to a better place. Took extra work and money, but thankfully, he agreed. I think our problem was even worse: you could see the toilet while laying in bed…NICE ! (NOT)
First off, I’m so glad you showed your bedroom! Mine looks not much better except that it’s smaller. At least you have a bed frame? Our box springs are smack on the floor.
I love your new white bedding! My husband would hate it (“too girly”). And I love your mirror. L.O.V.E. Love.
You really did score on that duvet cover! I have the same one in my guest room and I paid full price for it…and I still think it was a deal! I love it more than 3 yrs later.
You have wonderful bones in your bedroom to begin with so I know you’re going to have a great time decorating it with thrifty treasures. *winks* Vanna
Love the duvet! Looks a lot like one that PB sells (that I’ve been drooling over for months now and trying to work up the nerve to SEW–so I’m jealous that you found this one at GW!), but theirs is turned the other way so that the rows of ruching run vertically, rather than horizontally. Super cute! It really brightens up your room.
My ENTIRE house is from Target clearance. Seriously, I’m addicted to it. Glad to see someone out there shares my love for it. I have that same garden stool which I scored for $17 bucks too. I plan to paint it antique white.