Hey my friends! I hope you have had a great week. I’m currently listening to Somebody That I Use To Know by Gotye. Man, I love this song. I first heard it on American Idol a few weeks ago and now I’m hooked.
American Idol (Elyse & Phillip):
(Click here if you can’t see the video)
Gotye (original):
(Click here if you can’t see the video)
Have you heard this song? Do you love it too? On a side note, I hate that Elyse is always in the bottom three! She is my favorite singer this year.
Okay, okay. I’ll get back to Home Decor and crafting!
** So, are you new here? I throw the Hookin’ Up with HoH Party every week to give all of you a chance to find other awesome blogs to read. Below you will find several hundred mini links to other people’s blog posts. Have fun browsing through the links in search of new ideas. Also, if you are a blogger, please feel free to add your own links to the list!
!! Any projects I feature will be pinned on My Pinterest Board for everyone to see! Follow me on Pinterest to get in on the pinning action.
* Please refrain from posting links to shops and stores.
Please note: RECIPES/FOODis a separate link. Please make sure you are linking in the appropriate section.
Here are my favorite links from last week’s party:
Thrifty & Chic made these adorable crate shelves. So cool.
Jamie from C.R.A.F.T. crafted these super cool mini poloraid magnets.
Adventures in Creating shares how to make your own step stool.
Peace of Home shares her renovated kitchen. She did a great job. The kitchen is so pretty.
This Medical Party is so freaking cool. Check out all the little details over at VixenMade.
AliLIlyBlog made this beautiful bracelet. I love the color combo! I wish it were mine! lol. Check out her post for a few more amazing jewelry creations.
Stars & Sunshine gives a great tip for storing sewing bobbins so the thread doesn’t unravel. Check out her post to see her secret!
I love this little kitchen desk nook makeover by Home is Where My Heart is.
The Crafted Sparrow repurposed some tin cans with the ever-popular washi tape. I think this craft has finally sold me on the washi tape.
This animal silhouettes wall art is so pretty for a nursery. mae armstrong designs will show you how to make some for yourself.
What a beautiful gallery wall by See Sew and Seedlings. I love everything about it.
Lake Girl Paints painted her own Route 66 sign. It’s so cool! I also love that sparkly shower curtain!
To see the InLinkz party you will need to click through!
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Post about anything you’ve worked on recently!
* Link back to my blog pretty please! Buttons can be found HERE.
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* Please only post links that you haven’t previously posted at one of my parties. We want fresh new content each week.
A few DON’TS:
* Don’t link up your SHOP, STORE, OR ETSY to my party.
* Don’t link up your GIVEAWAY to my party.
{Someday Craftshas a great party each Thursday for this!}
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Projects, Crafts, Decorating, etc (everything BUT recipes)
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This party is for Recipes and Food only.
Thanks for hosting Allison and for your sweet note earlier!!! Have fun kitchen gadget shopping!
XO, Aimee
love that song!!
thanks for hosting !!
Such fabulous features because you attract such fabulous bloggers! You know. Like me …
Thanks for a great party!
Bought the album last week and am totally hooked, been a fan, he is good!
Hope you made it to Target in time
Thanks for hosting!! Have a wonderful week!!
Thank you so much for featuring my gallery wall!!! It made my night :). Also, thanks for hosting this each week. I know that it takes a lot of time!!
I found 2 fun surprises on your blog tonight… that awesome song AND you featured my magnets! THANK YOU
Thanks so much for hosting tonight! I haven’t been watching American Idol this year (kinda got hooked on The Voice!). Maybe I’ll have to give it a whirl now
Wow two weeks in a row
thank you Allison! And thanks for all your daily inspiration 
I love that song as well. They play it a lot here (Orlando), so my response may be different in a couple of months, lol! Thanks for hosting, Allison!
I’m always SO thrilled to be featured on your blog!! Thank you so much! Have an awesome evening!
LOVE Gotye. This is my favorite song on my iPod right now. Thank you for hosting a great party!
Thanks so much for hosting:)
Yes I LOVE that song! Its one of my favorites. Thanks for hosting!
You are so super awesome for featuring my bracelet! I love it too! I can’t wait to make some more. AND….oh my gosh. I LOVED that song. See, the hubs is an ex-dj (dj turned corporate dude!) that likes to re-live his dj days each weekend. Loud, hours long dj re-living….every…weekend!! O_o OK, well the last few weekends he has been mixing everything with that song. It’s driving me crazy!!! LOL
Well I’m partial to the Route 66 sign so I’m gonna go check that out, but that medical party……OMG! Awesomely creative. That would be so cool turned into something for Halloween.
Great features! LOVE that Route 66 sign! Thanks for hosting!
Barbara @ Chase the Star
Thank you for hosting!! I am in the process of decorating my office right now and am going to do your “fake a pinch pleat tutorial” I am so excited about how my curtains came out. I will post pictures and link back to you
Have a good night!
Thank you for hosting! Have a wonderful day!!
Thanks so much for hosting, Allison.
OMG, I LOVE that song right now! Sang it on the way to work today! And Elyse is from where I live, Charleston, SC…she was actually supposed to sing at one of my best friends’ weddings a couple years ago but realized she double-booked herself! She said she would do any event for her for free to make up for it (we keep thinking it would be a good idea to pull out that raincheck right about now)
I love Elyse too! Just saw it for the first time this season last night. She did great last night! Thanks for the video! Didn’t know what I was missing! Thanks for hosting…hope you can check out our Periwinkle Cape Cod (#139)
Thank you so much for hosting the party!
Vanessa @ {nifty thrifty things}
Thanks Allison for the fun! I love that song too, but I love the version that the band “Walk Off The Earth” does the best….its a very interesting version of this song and sounds awesome. You can hear it here on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9NF2edxy-M
Hope you have a great week! Heather
Thanks for hosting Allison! I host my own party on Thursday as well. You should pass on by and check it out.
I linked up #50 in the Recipes and #166 in the Crafts/DIY.
Hope you have a wonderful day!
Allison, I just wanted to let you know that I have added a permalink on my blog to your weekly party in lieu of adding it to each post as it was taking a lot of time….I didn’t know of an easier way…..It is under WHERE I PARTY at my blog as I know I will be coming here every week. I didn’t want you to go to my blog and wonder why I didn’t link back to you.
Thank you so much for hosting!! Enjoy the rest of the week and your weekend! Finally nice enough here in Alberta to get out and start doing yard work- very exciting for me!
Thank you for hosting, what a great party every week! Thank for your sweet comment on our cottage dining room too. Little Bit
OH YEAH!! I’m SO addicted to this song….both my husband and I are!!!!
Did you see the “painting/drawing” video (with Goyte)? Or the cover with Walk off the Earth (5 people playing one guitar at one time)? I didn’t get the Goyte video until my husband explained it me… pretty neat:P Thanks for sharing the videos… and of course for hosting!
What a fun surprise to find my Route 66 sign featured! I’m a new blogger and this is a fun new experience. Thank you, Allison, for the opportunity to share like this. Deb
Ya – Go Elyse.
Elise and Phillip are my faves. As for Gotye, I’ve loved that song for months. Did you see the Glee version with Darren Criss and Matt Bomer? They sang it in a different context but did a fantastic job.
I do like that song. My daughter introduced it to me a long time ago, before it was mainstream, after a teacher at her high school pulled her out of another class just to share it with her knowing she’d appreciate it! Needless to say, he is one of her favorite teachers. LOL. Have a great day.
So, that song is starting to grow on me…when I used to hear it on the radio, I’d change the station, because something about it was just too weird for me. But now, I’ll listen to the whole thing, and find myself humming it in my head
Thank you so much for hosting!
Thanks for hosting the party! Bythewayjenngray.blogspot.com
This is my first time linking up here, thanks for the party. I’m off now to browse through the projects!
LOVE that song. I had not heard the Americal Idol version but I am a huge fan of the original. Our local radio station even does a radio version that includes a few more dance tones to it on Saturday night. It is fun but nothing beats the original.
Thanks for hosting!
Allison, you NEED to check out Walk off the Earths’ version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9NF2edxy-M It’s an incredible song isn’t it!! Thanks for hosting…as always
Thanks for hosting. My husband and I love American Idol, that was a great show and a great song. I vote every week, only I vote for more than one and sometimes all of them. I guess that doesn’t really help pick a winner. It’s been a great season that’s for sure.
Well, I feel like a big dummy. I posted my craft under recipes/food. Sorry! I’m new to this linky party stuff. (that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it!)
Thanks for hosting another fabulous linky party — I always gather so many great ideas!
Totally love that song too. My favorite is the Walk off the Earth version on Youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9NF2edxy-M
My six year old will sigh and say “Why are you listening to that again?” Thanks for hosting!
I’m a new follower and linking up for the first time (ceramic tile coasters)! Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend!!
Now, I am singing that song all dern night!
Thank you for being the hostess with the mostest!
Kerry at HouseTalkN
Thank You SO much for featuring my kitchen! I am flattered that it was one of your favorite projects, out of all the fabulous entries that were linked up!
Hi Allison! Have you heard the acapella group Pentatonix (winners of The Sing Off) sing Somebody That I Used to Know? It’s rad!!
Oh, and thanks for the party
<3 Alyssa
I first heard that song sung by Pentatonix and fell in love with it. It is so awesome!