So, I sliced my pointer finger open today. Accidentally, obviously. Nothing serious, but I have to keep a bandaid on it. Working on a trackpad on my laptop with a bandaid on is like trying to work an iPhone while wearing gloves. It doesn’t work. This bandaid is driving me B-A-N-A-N-A-S.
Let me hear you say, this sh** is bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S. That’s right, yo. It’s bananas. And I’m going nusto.
** So, are you new here? I throw the Hookin’ Up with HoH Party every week to give all of you a chance to find other awesome blogs to read. Below you will find several hundred mini links to other people’s blog posts. Have fun browsing through the links in search of new ideas. Also, if you are a blogger, please feel free to add your own links to the list!
* Please refrain from posting links to shops and stores.
Please note: RECIPES/FOOD is a separate link. Please make sure you are linking in the appropriate section.
Check out all these awesome posts linked up last week! You guys are so talented.
DomesticImperfection wanted a screen door for her pantry so she literally built one herself. And I love it. Especially because it’s black and it’s awesome.
Remodelando la Casa turned a very leggy dresser into a modern masterpiece by building a new base for it and trimming down the rounded edges on the top.
These DIY rope coasters from The Space Between are pretty cool.
View Along the Way has a very cool husband who not only made this mirror frame from old pallet wood, but also cut the mirror to fit.
Creating Really Awesome Free Things created this really awesome free necklaces holder out of scrap flooring.
Want your house to smell good this fall? Just follow these simmer pot recipes from Atkinson Drive.
Live a Creative Life shared several sketches from her sketchbook that are so pretty. I would totally frame one and hang it in my house.
A Swell Place to Dwell just completed a swell kitchen renovation for super cheap. Click through and check out the amazing farmhouse table she built as well.
This is such a pretty office makeover from Lilikoi Joy.
Not only did she follow plans from Ana-White and built her own shoe storage, The House on Harrison also added even more embellishments to the furniture plans to create this gorgeous custom built piece of furniture.
Love Grows Wild painted stripes on a boring mirror to make it totally amazeballz.
Best Bridal Shower cookies ever! Fresh Cut Flours made and decorated these fun and festive cookies.
To see the InLinkz party you will need to click through!
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If you’ve been featured you are AWESOME so grab a button and tell everyone!
Post about anything you’ve worked on recently!
* Link back to my blog pretty please! Buttons can be found HERE.
A few things to remember:
Link directly to your specific post.
I pin all the weekly features. Check out the pinterest board here.
By posting to this party you are giving House of Hepworths the right to feature one of your photos.
Please do not pin from House of Hepworths, click through to the actual tutorial and pin from there.
A few DON’TS:
* Don’t link up your SHOP, STORE, OR ETSY to my party.
* Don’t link up your GIVEAWAY to my party.
Ready. Set. Post!
Please enter your project description in the "name" section of this link form. Make sure to link to your specific post. DO NOT LINK stores, giveaways, or other link parties!
This party is for Recipes and Food only.
Thanks so much for hosting this fabulous party again this week!
Thanks for hosting Allison! Would love to have you stop by Inspiration Cafe’s Grand Opening when you have a moment! Enjoy your week.
Thanks for hosting Allison! We finally finished our baby boys vintage nursery, so I linked it up:) Hope you enjoy! And sorry about your finger!!!
Yay! Thanks so much for the feature and thanks for hosting this great party!
Thanks for hosting! Love your chair rail:)
It is totally awesome to see another lady use “amazeballs”!!! I use it frequently
Sorry to hear about your finger – hope it heels quickly.
I hope your finger heals quickly … I hate bandaids too. Thanks for hosting.
Sorry you hurt yourself – here is to fast healing!
I read recently that you can do a tack stitch with silver embroidery thread on gloves for iphone use. I have not tried it but if it works for iphone it might work for track pad too. I plan to try it and make christmas gifts.
Thanks so much for hosting Allison! Hope your finger heals quickly
I feel for your finger! I bit my tongue Monday and it’s like talking with a giant floppy thing in my mouth! LOL
Thanks for hosting!
Kristy @ Shona Skye Creations
so I’m an idiot and linked up under the wrong category.
I’m going to try and put them int he right spot!
Allison, Thanks for hosting the party again. Hope your finger is better soon and you can get rid of that bandaid! ~Melanie
Thanks so much for the shout out! Hope your finger feels better soon….it’s amazing how such a small part of the body can make such a big impact when it isn’t 100%
Thanks so much for featuring my office makeover! And thank you for hosting again. Now you’ve got me singing B-A-N-A-N-A-S!
I love Karah’s coasters
Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for hosting. Always fun linking up my treats with you. Enjoy the rest of your week.
Allison! Thank you for being the hostess with the mostest!
Kerry at HouseTalkN
Another great party
Thanks for hosting Allison!
Haha, Allison. You crack me up! My daughter told me the other day that she learned to spell bananas from Hollaback Girl. We sing it all the time.
Thanks for hosting.
Dude, Allison…thanks for featuring my pantry door. I always love snagging an HOH feature! Also, I now have hollaback girl stuck in my head on loop, which would be much less annoying if I knew more than just the chorus, lol.
Thanks for hosting this link party. I’ve just submitted my post about Hot Spicy Shrimp Skewers at:
Thanks for hosting, hope your finger feels better!! (:
Amazeballz… You crack me up!! Thanks so much for hosting another amazing party and for featuring my Striped Mirror Makeover. You’re the best! And thanks to you I’ll be singing B-A-N-A-N-A-S all day : )
Love Always,
What great features! Here’s to another great week!
Thanks so much for hosting your fabulous party each week! Happy Thursday.
Good morning, but sorry about your finger! I know how annoying that can be. This morning is a bit of a departure for me. Instead of a recipe or a sewing tutorial, I’ve linked up a step-by-step pictorial on Glamorous Toilet Repair (#180). I know this is something other ladies might want to know how to do and it comes with a little twist of fun. Hope you enjoy!
Rebekah ~
Ouch! Hope your finger heals quickly. Thanks so much for hosting each week.
Ouch! I did that a couple weeks ago while making sweet potato chips with my four year old looking on. She is still insisting that she no longer wants to be a Mom when she grows up because she doesn’t what to cut her finger like that! I will say that it healed much quicker than I imagined it would
Thanks for hosting!
Wishing you fast healing. LOVED some of these ideas – especially that B&W kitchen.
Great features this week – thanks for hosting!
Hi Allison, great party! Thanks for hosting
Thanks so much for featuring my octagon mirror… that I’m totally taking credit for even though all I did was write the post.
I love those rope coasters by Space Between!
You’ve always got the BEST features!! Thanks for the party :o)
Good Morning!
This week I shared another little-bother recipe – cinnamon swirl oat bread. So delicious with a smear of butter!
I also shared an article I wrote explaining how flour can go sour, and how grain bugs get into our food.
Have a great week!
Thanks for hosting! Love your party!
I hope your finger gets better very soon Allison!! I shut my finger in the car door (brilliant huh?) this summer and it drove me crazy, how do you sand wood like this???
Thank you for hosting a great party
xoxo, Tanya
You have some awsome ideas! Hope you will come visit our blog at Also we would like to invite you to be one of followers. We are one of your newest followers!
Thanks for sharing!
Chloe & Kinzie
I can definitely relate to working with bandaids on your fingers. Somehow, I manage to cut myself like once a month and its a pain in a butt trying to use anything touchscreen with it. I’ve now learned to use all other fingers, LOL.
Thank you so much for the party
Thanks for hosting! Hope your finger heals quickly ;D
Great Party! Sorry to hear about your sliced finger. I recommend milking it so others will do all the work!
I’m sorry that you hurt your finger…boo! Thanks so much for hosting. Megan
Thanks for letting me share my own recipe of tasty and delicious
Healthy Homemade Pizza!
Here’s the link:
Thank you so much for the feature! And OUCH about the finger and AHHHHHH!!! about the band aid.
Love the features … especially that reclaimed wood octagon mirror!!