So my son called me out last night for “always yelling at other drivers while I’m driving”. Apparently I talk very aggressively at other drivers who do idiotic things. He bet me that I couldn’t go a week without griping at or telling off another driver. I can SO go a whole week. I bet him a dollar that I could go an entire week without griping at other cars while driving. I’ve got this in the bag. So, um, ya. I made it 15 hours. 14.75 of which I was at home and not in the car actually driving.
Isn’t it great when your kids call you out on your bad habits? Apparently I have a little problem with griping at other drivers from the safety of my own car. Having kids is like having a crystal ball that only points out to you the most unpleasant sides of yourself. So now I’m a dollar poorer than I was yesterday and I had the pleasant realization that I have some terrible bad habits that my little impressionable minded kids have picked up on. Three cheers for parenthood!
In my defense, I swear, parents do not know how to efficiently drop their kids off at the school in the morning. And don’t get me started with how many near-accidents I have witnessed on school property from sleep-deprived mothers with a screaming baby in the back who haven’t had their morning coffee yet. I was front-ended a few weeks ago by a parent who was driving a stick who absentmindedly rolled their car backward into me – while I was dropping my kids off! Anyone else with little darlings who point out your not-so-pleasant habbits?
** So, are you new here? I throw the Hookin’ Up with HoH Party every week to give all of you a chance to find other awesome blogs to read. Below you will find several hundred mini links to other people’s blog posts. Have fun browsing through the links in search of new ideas. Also, if you are a blogger, please feel free to add your own links to the list!

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Here are a few of my favorites from last week’s link party.
The Seasoned Homemaker made a pretty LOVE towel.
WARNING: Adorable baby alert! Nalle’s House has a cute baby with a cute sweater with cute hearts on the elbows. Cute overload!
Amazing mirror update over at Lilikoi Joy.
I Should Be Mopping The Floor shares some great tips about rug buying and placement.
I love this birch tree shadow box art from Ashbee Design.
My kids would flip out for these light saber felt holders for popsicles from Pretty Providence.
Lazy Budget Chef shares a great list of 12 things to not buy to save money, and what to use instead.
Colors Mixed together makes some fun hand-painted art.
A fun draw-string tote tutorial from Rae Gun Ramblings.
Carissa Miss made a DIY farmhouse table.
Just in time for Valentine’s day – a list of fun fonts to make your own cards from That’s What {Che} Said.
Krafty-K made some crafty cute pillows from a drop cloth.
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Thank you for being the hostess with the mostest, Allison!
Thanks for hosting!
Thanks so much for the feature! What great features, and that baby is adorable! Thanks for hosting each week, much appreciated.
Your story about the driving is hilarious, especially when you went on to explain that 14.75 hours of that time you were at home. Ha!
Have a good week. Sharon
Thanks for hosting!!
Thank you so much for your party
Hey Allison! Thanks for the party. Love coming to hook up here! I’m just sharing a “funny” post this week…hope that’s okay. Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day.
Thanks for the party! Have a lovely Valentine’s Day!
Thanks for hosting and have a magical Valentine’s Day!
Thank you for hosting! Wishing you a pretty rest of the week! Be safe out there…lol. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse
Thank goodness I don’t have kiddos to call me out on my road rage and other bad habits yet.
I hear you though. My day job requires a lot of driving so I’m always yelling at other drivers. I’ve come up with some pretty interesting names for incompetent drivers.
As always, thanks for hosting!
My almost 7 year old sounds very similar! Thank you so much for hosting Allison, Happy Valentine’s Day too!!
xo, Tanya
Thanks for the party Allison! Happy Valentine’s Day!!
Lovely features Allison, thanks for hosting. Happy Valentine’s Day.
Thanks for giving me a laugh this morning! Yes, kids are quite good reflective mirrors for ourselves, aren’t they? Mine remind me that if it’s not nice for them to say potty words, then I shouldn’t say them either… Whoops! Thanks so much for hosting and have a Happy Valentine’s Day!
Good morning Allison and thanks for featuring my birch tree shadow boxes. This week I expanded the theme to include a bamboo series. I already linked them up above. Your parenting story is great. My kids are now grown but it is so true that they pick up your habits- both the good and the bad! A parent’s example especially makes a difference during the teen years when you can’t say ANYTHING. You must teach by doing. Happy Valentines Day everyone.
YES, kids are good pretty good at helping us see things in ourselves we may not notice, huh? Sometimes that can be a helpful thing though … a learning experience for all!
Hope you and your family enjoy a terrific Valentine’s Day! Thanks for the party!!
Happy Valentine’s Day!! Thank you for the linky! ~ Angie @ The Dating Divas
You and me both, Allison! Bad drivers drive me insane. My son always says, mommy that wasn’t nice! HA! Thanks for hosting!
You’re too funny! Thanks for hosting and happy driving
I know that I couldn’t go an entire day! So glad to hear it isn’t just me
I have learned to say things more quietly so my daughter doesn’t always hear me though because she was starting to yell at drivers too!
Thanks so much for hosting your fabulous party! Happy Valentine’s Day!
Thank you, Allison, for the partay!
So, yeah, I used to have a bad habit of growling when I was displeased.
My girls used to not talk to me after I did it.
I realized I didn’t want them going around sounding like an animal every time they were mad.
So….I stopped doing that. Now I cry or pray instead, LOL!
I love kids—God’s way of keeping us humble!
Just discovered a blog I like through you–Lazy Budget Chef and the 12 Thinkgs I do not Spend Money on…that is an excellent post!
I couldn’t agree with you more! Morning drop off is the worst!!! We live near you, in Round Rock. I was recently t-boned while taking the kids to school (on school grounds). My car was totaled – again, taking my 3 kids to school!!! We even have a few moms that drive down the middle of the road to beat the line of traffic. Apparently they are more important than the rest of us. I could go on, but need to take a deep breath and relax.
Drive safe:)
Happy Valentine’s Day Allison! Thanks for the party!
Thank you for hosting! I pinned so many wonderful ideas.
Thanks for featuring my Valentine’s Day Fonts!! Have a great day!!
Hehehe! Your message made me laugh out loud! I have the same bad habit, and have been called out on it by my little son (4), the first time when he was about two and repeated a four letter word that slipped out. OOOPS! He hasn’t bet me I can stop yet, but I”m sure it is coming. I have managed to keep the four letter words to myself. HA! Hang in there. I’ve convinced myself that maybe I should walk more.
Out of the mouths of babes! Thanks for hosting!
I taught my 18 month old daughter to say the B word on command! Apparently, I had been using my car horn a lot and would yell “Son of a B&$#%!” whenever some idiotic driver was about to hit me, back into me, or otherwise (in my opinion) try and kill me and baby girl. I was probably not a little paranoid too, but it sure felt like everyone was out to get us! Anyway, with her blossoming vocabulary, baby girl picked up on the one key word in my shouted phrase and connected it with the sound of the horn. Husband and I got the shock of our lives when driving along, someone else honked a horn (not us) and baby girl popped up with a perfectly timed (and articulated) B word, just like mom! Oops. Called out by a toddler. She’s now 13 and I’m awaiting the day when she says it for real, but that’s another issue…
Don’t even get me started on the morons at drop off! Every once in a while I pull out my imaginary gun and my daughter just about dies of embarrassment. I’ve even been known to honk. Really? Johnny won’t melt if he has to walk 50 feet in the rain – pull forward and let more people in the loop! And wtf with kids putting their backpacks in the trunk?!?! And the mom who can’t figure out how to release the trunk. Omigosh I just about stroke out when I have to drive her to school…..
Girl, the school car rider lane will make even the most saintly person crazy. You should read my facebook posts – most mornings it’s about the same dang thing. Your child should be ready to exit the vehicle before you even get in the drop off lane. No combing the hair, no packing the backpack or signing forms at the last minute. Don’t even try to grab last-minute hugs and kisses. Tell ’em you love ’em, and make them GET OUT!
Phew! Sorry – See, I told ya. CRAZY!!’
BTW – I hear the Middle School pick up lane is even worse. Thankfully my dear MIL picks up my middle schooler. I love her!
Allison, I hear you about drivers. I know I am not perfect, but one thing I will never, ever do is hurry in school zones. I do not care if someone is late, grouchy, did not have their coffee or whatever lame excuse someone has. There is no reason to have drive fast or hurry within school zones and on school property. I do the speed limit and even go a little slower while on school property. They are kids after all and sometimes they do not always pay attention to their surroundings. I would rather have someone behind me upset (cause I am going slower) than to hit a child. AND, watch for pedestrians in cross walks!!! My niece was hit and dragged 20ft while in a crosswalk. Yes, she survived. However, she had to get screws in her hips and lots of surgery due to someone else being stupid. Heck, my daughter was almost hit a crosswalk while holding my hand. I had to pull her up and over so the car would not hit her. She screamed because I pulled so hard on her arm out of harms way. People were making sure she did not get hit and the driver slowed at first and then kept going. I surprised myself at some off the nasty slurs that came out of my mouth toward that driver.
Besides, people go way to fast now a days and everyone is in such a hurry. To me, that is a cue to slow down. Enjoy life. Enjoy the moment.
Okay, I am getting off my soap box.
Great features! Thanks for hosting happening parties! May you and your family have a lovely and fun Valentines Day!
Thanks for hosting! ;and yes, it does for sure take miraculous patience sometimes to keep my mouth shut with terrible drivers! Little Bit from
oh wow! thanks for the feature!!! this is big for me:) i love seeing all the features each week, and this time it’s me!! thanks for hosting, hope you have a fabulous valentines day.
My kids’ crossing guard was hit and killed last year, so yes, I get it! I still miss her-she was so sweet. Other pet peeves? One Mom held up the entire line of cars to hop out of her car and chase her daughter halfway to the front doort to give her another sip out of her juice box. REALLY??? I sometimes get caught behind two different buses picking up handicapped kids. Of course I know that it is a production to get the wheelchairs on the lifts and safely secured in the bus, and I will wait as long as it takes to make sure the kids are safe, However, what I do not have patience for is when the Moms then stand out in the street and chit-chat with the driver for another etermity – and I know it is chit-chat because my window is down and I can hear it. Lastly, we have traffic entering our school lot from two directions, and people USUALLY abide by the unwritten rule of one goes from the right, then from the left… but when it is my turn to go and some *&^% rides the bumper of the car in front of her in “my” spot, I let it fly. My kids are so embarassed – I honk, I wave angrily….I can’t help it. Common decency is dying out fast in our society. LOL – bet you didn’t think you’d stir up all this story-telling, did you?
I am totally the same way about yelling at people when I’m in the car. I don’t have kids yet, but when I do I’m sure I’ll have the same problem
Thanks for hosting! And happy hearts day!
You sound like quite the aggressive driver! I am exactly the same!
You totally just made my day, Allison! Thank you for featuring my pillows I copied from Kristen’s blog!
Those light saber pops are AWESOME!! I am a total Star Wars fanatic so I’d make them for myself, never mind my kids.
Great party and great features! Thanks for hosting.
Thanks so much for featuring my son’s heart baby sweater. I’m glad to be amongst such lovely projects. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Thank you for hosting! Hope you enjoy the long weekend!
I’m laughing because I have the same drop-off line issues…pretty much daily!! Our school went so far as to send a note home because of all the parents causing accidents in the drop-off line!! Ay-yi-yi!! I’m totally late to the party…it’s been a wild one. But I just had to come say thank you bunches for the feature of my rug guide. I’m also in love with so many other features this week…awesomeness!! Have a great weekend!!
Sounds familiar! That’s what my son does to me too every time I snap at other drivers. There was this one time when I really had a fit because of another driver. I couldn’t help it I was pretty scared and worried about my son being in the car with me and a careless driver just popped out of nowhere. You know the feeling that you try your best to be careful when driving and out goes another driver to ruin your day. So there, I had a fit and my son told me “mom it’s not like having a fit and yelling is going to change a thing”. Amazing how kids think these days.