Each week I try to write some type of message or thought or story for you guys before the link party. Some weeks I just say hi. Some weeks I have an announcement. Some weeks I just ramble about nothing. This week? I just want to tell you guys that I really love looking through all your links each week. And believe it or not, if you have good posts week after week, I notice, and I add you to my reader. I have found most of my favorite blogs through this link party! Good content is the fastest way for you to grow your blog. If you put out awesome content, people will notice. Bloggers will feature you. People will pin your stuff. This is the best way to grow your blog… by simply having great content! As Scott Stratten said at Blissdom two years ago, “only post Awesome. If it’s not Awesome, don’t post it.” This has been my philosophy since then. I try to only post Awesome stuff. This advice was one of the driving factors in me stopping all sponsors and promotions on my blog. Don’t let your blog get bogged down with filler posts and garbage just so you can “get a post up 5x a week”. Just post Awesome and you will be awesome. Oh, and stop saying “easy peasy”. That phrase sends shivers down my spine! ::Off my soap box now::
** So, are you new here? I throw the Hookin’ Up with HoH Party every week to give all of you a chance to find other awesome blogs to read. Below you will find several hundred mini links to other people’s blog posts. Have fun browsing through the links in search of new ideas. Also, if you are a blogger, please feel free to add your own links to the list!

Please refrain from posting links to shops and stores.
Please note: RECIPES/FOOD is a separate link. Please make sure you are linking in the appropriate section.

Here are a few of my favorites from last week’s link party:
Beautiful bathroom makeover from Involving Home. She also gives some really great advice about picking tile and countertops.
Oh my, I am in love with this beautiful paper dahlia wreath from Love, Pomegranate House. Isn’t it so pretty? And as a side note, she always links up such fantastic stuff each week, that her blog is quickly becoming one of my favorites.
I Should Be Mopping the Floor has the best tips for creating business cards. Seriously, great tips. And if you look closely you can see my mug right there, front and center. It’s like Where’s Waldo. Where is Allison?
Turn a coat closet into a rockin’ media closet by following Organize and Decorate Everything‘s tutorial.
Practically Functional is such a smartie pants! She used a pool noodle inside her boots to keep them upright. This is why I love reading blogs – such great tips that make me wonder why I never thought of that.
Visit www.workbootsnerd.com for more work boots.
Restoration Beauty added soem dividers to her kitchen drawers to make them more organized.
I love this DIY floating sideboard made from ikea cabinets over at Nalle’s House. Beautiful piece of furniture and a beautiful blog to boot.
How many times have you climbed on top of your washer to retrieve clothing that has fallen behind? Only me? (I use the turned-on vacuum tube & extender thing to suck stuff up from back there!) Well, Lewisville Love put a shelf over her washer and dryer that not only blocks stuff from falling into the dark abyss, it also adds a ton more storage!
Okay, seriously, cutest link of the week right here. The Dating Divas made her family into little magnetic people. I stinkin’ love this.
Magic City Thistle painted an accent stripe down her hallway and it turned the space from boring to awesome!
Make a colorful rainbow piñata for your next party following No Business Like Sew Business‘s very detailed and easy to follow tutorial.
Washi tape does it again. This time The Benson Street turned boring little tea lights into cute little candles that I just want to either gobble right up or pinch the cheeks of. I can’t decide. But seriously, they are that itty bitty and adorable.
To see the InLinkz party you will need to click through!
To view the remainder of this post please
If you’ve been featured you are AWESOME so grab a button and tell everyone!
Post about anything you’ve worked on recently.
*Please link back to my blog pretty please! Buttons can be found HERE.
A few things to remember:
Link directly to your specific post.
I pin all the weekly features. Check out the pinterest board here. I may not pin immediately, but they will eventually get pinned.
By posting to this party you are giving House of Hepworths the right to feature one of your photos.
Please do not pin from House of Hepworths, click through to the actual tutorial and pin from there.
A few DON’TS:
* Don’t link up your SHOP, STORE, OR ETSY to my party.
* Don’t link up your GIVEAWAY to my party.
Ready. Set. Post!

Please enter your project description in the "name" section of this link form. Make sure to link to your specific post. DO NOT LINK stores, giveaways, or other link parties!

This party is for Recipes and Food only.
Thanks for the party. Have a great evening.
Thanks for the awesome party every week! I do say “easy peasy” a lot…glad to see someone else loves that phrase too. I just like rhyming in general
Love you motivation this week, Allison. Only post awesome!! Thanks for hosting
Thanks for the party! I am a fairly newbie blogger, and I loved the pointers in your post today. But I just used “easy peasy” in my post! No more, that is the last time, I swear!
Great commentary
Only post awesome should be everyone’s motto.
Thanks so much for hosting every week – I love your party but I’m always in bed when it goes up. Thank goodness I stayed up a little later tonight and caught it. Hope you’re having a great week
Always love your party. Great features this week!
Thanks for the party!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof
Great advise, Allison! Thanks for the party!
Thank you so much for featuring my Rainbow Pinata!! It’s been one of my favorite projects so far this year. Thanks again Allison!
I’m so glad you like the pool noodle trick! I seriously went out and bought like six pool noodles so I can get all my boots standing up! Thanks for the feature, and thanks for hosting again this week!
I can honestly say I loooove every single one of your features! They are all amazing. I am in awe and am off to peruse them ALL immediately! Thanks so much for hosting! xo, ellie
Thank you so much for featuring my media closet. We get great use out of it now. Love your party! Can’t wait to meet you!
Thank you so much for the feature, and the great advice. It’s always nice to get tips from experienced bloggers. One day I’ll make it to a blog conference, they always sound like so much fun and incredibly informative.
Thank you so much for hosting the party!
I finally painted my garage sale Louie chairs! Thank you for being the hostess with the mostest!
Thanks so much for hosting! Hope you’re having a great week!
Thank you sooo much for featuring my washi tea lights. I love them too! I loved your words of wisdom. I need to remember that in all the posts I post! Here’s to posting AWESOME!!!
Emily @ The Benson Street
Thanks bunches for featuring the business card post, Allison! LOVE that your card is front and center!!
Thanks for hosting, Allison! Hope you’re having a great week!
~Abby =)
#50, Spring Bunting Banner in Word
Love the features! Thank you so much for hosting! Enjoy the rest of your week!
Oh my goodness. Holy moley. I think I just blushed for about 5 minutes straight! Thank you so much for featuring my wreath and for your amazingly kind words! Good thing you are one of my favorites too!
I really really appreciate the great advice you gave! It is so good to hear that, now I just need to create some Awesome stuff! Thanks again for the party, and I love the features!
Thanks for the party and for featuring my drawer dividers! It was a nice surprise:)
Selene @ Restoration Beauty
Thank you so much for hosting!! Have a wonderful rest of the week
xo, Tanya
Thanks for having awesome content, and promoting awesome content. So refreshing. I have stopped following several blogs because I don’t want to wade through the whatever stuff to wait for the awesome stuff (that they do have from time to time.) (And if/when I get back into blogging, I’ll definitely work for that myself.)
Allison, I love your outlook about blog posting. I totally feel the same way. I only post once a week. Every once in a while it might be two, but I struggle with doing projects while also being at home with my little one. I am hoping we are slowly finding a balance. Sometimes, I may most something weird (such a my last post on April 1st). I was feeling silly.
Thank you so much for your awesome party each week!
Thanks for hosting!
Great advice Allison! And I couldn’t agree more about posting Awesome and avoiding filler posts. I still do product reviews/sponsored posts from time to time, but I’ll ONLY do ones where I really love the product and would have wanted to try it anyway. Thanks so much for featuring my bathroom!! It made my day to see this!
Hey Allison! Great advice! Thanks so much for hosting, and have a wonderful day : )
Thanks for the party and the great features! And by the way, I’m with you on the phrase easy peasy. My nephew said easy peasy, lemon squeezie the other day and I just laughed but come on!
Allison, Totally agree with that easy peasy! There isn’t much of anything that I would say is easy peasy. That was exactly what I need to hear today, so I am glad you got on your soap box. Now that your off, go check out my No Bake {Cookies ‘N Cream} Protein Balls, pretty please. I feel like it is my best post yet, but I’d love to know what you think….good or bad!!! Serious.
Becky Crutcher @Posh Pink Giraffe
Thanks for hosting each week, have a great day!!
As always, thanks for hosting.
Totally agree with you! I absolutely ADORE everything you do and always admire when you take time off for family or just to take a break. Quality over quantity any day of the week!! And my dear, you definitely have quality!
Thanks for your weekly link party. We love stopping in to see what you have been up to and to check out the awesome links! Thanks for the awesome! Susie @Bowdabra

I love stopping in to see what you have been doing each week and linking up to the party. I don’t always link up from my blog but I do check in
Keep up the great work and keep being awesome
Oh and as you can tell, we do read what you write.
Have an awesome day!
Thanks for hosting! Have a great week!
Thanks so much for featuring my floating sideboard and for your kind words about my blog. You are too, too nice! Love to hear your outlook on blogging. I hope you have a great week!
I’m with you on that “easy peasy” thing … sends shivers up my spine just typing it!
And may I add the overuse and abuse of the strike-through key … it’s the crutch to trying to be funny …
Thanks for hosting! I’m sharing my DIY Crown Moulding Shelf.
Thanks for hosting, and THANK YOU for shutting down “easy peasy!” I thought I was the only person who could not stand that phrase, but I’m glad to know I’m not alone. LOL!
Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for hosting! Great features!
I appreciate the advice to “post awesome.” That has been my goal since I started my blog – to post content that will be useful to married women who are living busy, sometimes chaotic, lives. The problem, of course, is that awesome, or even useful, takes time and effort. So I sometimes question what I’m doing, especially if I only have enough time for two posts in a week. Thanks for the encouragement.
Thanks for hosting such an awesome party! This is our first time here and you a lovely site! Nice to meet you.
Julia and Gloria @ resourcefulgals.blogspot.com
Thanks for the tip about only posting awesome…I need to remember that!
And easy-peasy doesn’t bother me as much as ‘awesomesauce’….which I know a certain blogger is fond of. 
Love these features…I totally made that paper dahlia in all black last halloween…loved it!
Thanks so much for hosting!!
Thanks so much for hosting! I’m ready to mingle!
This is my first time at one of your parties!! Thanks for hosting.
Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for hosting. HUGE party. Have a great week. Lots of fantastic linkups.
Allison, I just have to say thanks for featuring my laundry room shelf! Didn’t think it would get any attention. I’ve been on a “blog Spring Break” with my kids for the last week, but tonight I decided to check out my favorites. Your blog has been one of my faves for the last year and half. Thanks for all the tutorials and inspiration.