Thanks so much for all the virtual hugs you sent my friends Jay and Scott after losing their 8 year old son Max to brain cancer yesterday. It warms my heart to see them receiving so much love and support. For those in the Austin area who wish to attend, they have posted the funeral service info on their Grow Taller For Idiots
Team Max facebook page. I’ve also added it to the bottom of my tribute post about Max.
** So, are you new here? I throw the Hookin’ Up with HoH Party every week to give all of you a chance to find other awesome blogs to read. Below you will find several hundred mini links to other people’s blog posts. Have fun browsing through the links in search of new ideas. Also, if you are a blogger, please feel free to add your own links to the list!

Please refrain from posting links to shops and stores.
Please note: RECIPES/FOOD is a separate link. Please make sure you are linking in the appropriate section.

Here are a few of my favorites from last week’s link party:
Better With Age updated a blank wall in her kitchen with an office area. Such a great idea!
Simply Designing shows how to make ice cream in a bag. We recently did this at a resort and it was so fun (and delicious)! I’m glad to finally have the recipe so we can recreate it at home.
The Wood Grain Cottage made a hanging ironing board rack. It’s so much prettier than anything I’ve ever seen at the store.
A beautiful dining room makeover at Nalle’s House.
Smart Girls DIY updated this awkward staircase platform and it looks amazing now. You really must go check out the before pictures.
Like camping? Make sure to read this great list of camping tips from Twin Dragonfly Designs.
The Turquoise Home shares some really great yard sale tips.
I am {secretly} a geek at heart, and I am geeking out over these 8-bit Mario magnets from Law Student to Life Student. 8-bit + Mario = super geeky. Love.
Artzy Creations finished a friendship bracelet so now instead of it looking like something your 10 year old has tied around their ankle, it looks pretty enough for a grownup to wear.
So so so smart! Turn plastic lids into stamps using Crafty Journal‘s easy tutorial.
One Sweet Appetite shows how to make lollipops using a powdered sugar mold. Very cool.
Lizy B does it again! This time with beautiful birdies and owl cookies. Her creations are amazing.
To see the InLinkz party you will need to click through!
To view the remainder of this post please
If you’ve been featured you are AWESOME so grab a button and tell everyone!
Post about anything you’ve worked on recently.
*Please link back to my blog pretty please! Buttons can be found HERE.
A few things to remember:
Link directly to your specific post.
I pin all the weekly features. Check out the pinterest board here. I may not pin immediately, but they will eventually get pinned.
By posting to this party you are giving House of Hepworths the right to feature one of your photos.
Please do not pin from House of Hepworths, click through to the actual tutorial and pin from there.
A few DON’TS:
* Don’t link up your SHOP, STORE, OR ETSY to my party.
* Don’t link up your GIVEAWAY to my party.
Ready. Set. Post!

Please enter your project description in the "name" section of this link form. Make sure to link to your specific post. DO NOT LINK stores, giveaways, or other link parties!

This party is for Recipes and Food only.
I was so sorry to hear about the passing of sweet Jedi Max this week. What a beautiful testimony his life was to so many. Thank you so much for hosting tonight, Allison–have a wonderful week.
~Abby =)
#1, Creating Beautiful Monograms in Word
Thanks so much for hosting Allison!
Thanks for hosting, Allison! Enjoy the rest of your week (which probably involves lots of painting!!)
I’ve been thinking of you, Max, and his family since you posted about his passing. What an amazing little boy.
Thanks so much for hosting!
Thank you for hosting a wonderful party, Allison! I’m your newest follower.
I was so sorry to hear about Max. Thanks for sharing his story. Thanks also for hosting and for featuring my dining room.
Thanks for sharing Max’s story, Allison. So so sorry to hear about his passing. Thinking of his family and yours. Thanks for the party.
So sorry to hear about the passing of Jedi Max and my heart and prayers go out to his family and friends in this difficult time.
Thanks for the party at such a sad time. Comfort to you and your friends.
Allison, may Jedi Max rest in heaven above and watch over his family and friends all the days of their lives.
Praying for Max and his family.
Thank you for hosting Allison!
xo, Tanya
I am so sorry over your friend’s loss… Sending prayers…
Thanks for hosting!!
Thanks for the GREAT party! Hope you have a FABULOUS day!!
Thanks for another great party! Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof
Thanks so much for hosting, Allison! Praying for you all!
xoxo Liz
So sorry!
So sorry to hear about Max’s passing. Never easy when a little ones goes on. My niece was only 7 months old when she passed away. It was hard at the time, but I didn’t haven any kids of my own. Now that I do, I can only image what the parents go through. I think lots of prayers and love help.
Thanks for hosting. Enjoy your day!
I am so very sorry to hear about Max! My prayers are with you and his family.
Thanks for featuring my hanging ironing board rack and hosting the party every week!
Thank you soooo much for featuring my staircase!! My kids were almost late to school this morning because I was so consumed with my feature.
I am still new to blogging and this is the first time I’ve been featured anywhere. Thanks for hosting! And prayers for Max. Thank you for sharing his story. ~Liz
Have a great day! Thanks for the linky! ~ Angie @ The Dating Divas
Thanks so much for hosting each week Alison.
So sorry to hear about your friend Max. Very sad.
Thank you so much for hosting! Max’s story breaks my heart. Prayers are with his family and yours.
Thanks for hosting girl!! Excited to link up!
Thanks for the party! Praying for you and his family.
Thanks for hosting! Have a happy rest of the week. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse
thanks for the party
Thank you for hosting!
Thanks so much for hosting. Hope you have a fabulous week!
I’m so SOOOO unbelievably sorry for all of you guys. I’m keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers and sending good vibes your way. Much love,
Mel the Crafty Scientist
I am always last but I made it!!! Have a great weekend girl! Love U!