I’m frantically washing loads of laundry and trying to pack for the Haven Blog Conference this weekend. As usual, I wait until the last minute to pack (I loathe packing). Anyone else gonna be at Haven? Also, as usual, I won’t be posting about the conference on my blog (too many people get annoyed with blog conference recap posts) so if you are curious about all the Haven happenings you can follow along on my instagram feed here (or just look me up – houseofhepworths).
** So, are you new here? I throw the Hookin’ Up with HoH Party every week to give all of you a chance to find other awesome blogs to read. Below you will find several hundred mini links to other people’s blog posts. Have fun browsing through the links in search of new ideas. Also, if you are a blogger, please feel free to add your own links to the list!

Please refrain from posting links to shops and stores.
Please note: RECIPES/FOOD is a separate link. Please make sure you are linking in the appropriate section.

Here are some of my favorites from last week’s party:
My Nearly Empty Nest did a fab laundry room makeover. I am diggin’ the dark wall color.
How cool is this yardstick box from Lovely Little Life? Very cool in my opinion.
Nalle’s House shows how to make fabric drawer liners. I love the cherry fabric.
Making Home Base used stain to make her baskets a darker color. What a brilliant idea! I am so doing this.
The 5th Brick House of the Right shares how to {easily} clean your crock pot. I had an “aha” moment reading this post.
This painted tray from Remodelando La Casa is amazing. She has more patience than I do!
These grilled fish tacos from I Dig Pinterest look divine.
The Random Crafter makes gummy candy!
I Love Doing All Things Crafty has me geeking out over this paint palette cake. I was an art nerd in middle and high school so this cake brought back some fond memories.
To see the InLinkz party you will need to click through!
To view the remainder of this post please
If you’ve been featured you are AWESOME so grab a button and tell everyone!
Post about anything you’ve worked on recently.
*Please link back to my blog pretty please! Buttons can be found HERE.
A few things to remember:
Link directly to your specific post.
I pin all the weekly features. Check out the pinterest board here. I may not pin immediately, but they will eventually get pinned.
By posting to this party you are giving House of Hepworths the right to feature one of your photos.
Please do not pin from House of Hepworths, click through to the actual tutorial and pin from there.
A few DON’TS:
* Don’t link up your SHOP, STORE, OR ETSY to my party.
* Don’t link up your GIVEAWAY to my party.
Ready. Set. Post!

Thanks for the feature and for another great party, Allison! Enjoy your Haven trip – I’ll be following along on IG!
Thanks so much for another great party! Have fun at Haven!
Thanks so much for hosting, Allison! Have FUN at Haven!!!
~Abby =)
Thanks so much for featuring my drawer liners and for hosting. I hope you have a wonderful time at Haven!
Thanks for hosting! I won a free ticket to Haven so this will be my first blog conference, hope to meet ya there!
~Katie @ Upcycled Treasures
Thank you so much for the feature! Enjoy your time at Haven!
Thanks for hosting the party again this week!! I brought some cake!
Thanks for hosting! Have fun at Haven!
Thank you for hosting such a great link party!
Raven J. True Blue Baking
Thank you so much for hosting Allison!
xo, Tanya
As a recent new blogger, I am so delighted to be part of your linky party! Thank you for hosting
Thanks so much for hosting!!
Thanks for hosting this party!
I am following you on Bloglovin’ and I would love it if you would follow/like/etc me back.
Have fun at the conference!
Liefs, Audrey
Thanks for featuring my grilled fish tacos! Have a wonderful day!
Have a wonderful time at Haven! Thanks for hosting another lovely party.
Alison, many thanks for another fabulous link party!
Have fun at Haven! I wish I were going with you-what a time we would have! It’s been awhile since I’ve been able to link up a project. Darn these careers! But, I’m back-I have my license, I’m done studying and life is returning to my “normal”. I’ll be back for more!
Talk to you soon!
Thanks so much for hosting every week, Allison! I sure love linking up here. Have a great day!
Have a terrific time at Haven. Maybe one of these years I’ll get to go. Love the features this week. Thanks for hosting even when you are so busy!
Thank you for hosting this great party. Please stop by and join us on our Tuesday Brag About It Party. Link and Hop with BeBetsy
~~Thanks, Sharon & Denise BeBetsy
Thank you Allison for featuring my laundry room makeover! All the features are fabulous and I love all the ideas! So much inspiration! Thanks, again!~~Jenny
So bummed I’m not partying it up with you at Haven
Hope you ladies have some fun!
Blast, sad we’re missing Haven
Thanks so much for hosting and featuring my paint palette cake! Have a great week
Thanks in favor of sharing ssuch a ice idea, pos is nice, thats why i have rdad it