I’ve added a new tab! I’ll post it here as well, but I tabbed it so it’s easy to find and link back to. Click here to link to the tab.
I’m from TEXAS, yee haw!! and my home is in a suburb of Dallas. Here is a picture of it the day we closed on it in October 2008.
Currently though I’m living in an apartment in CALIFORNIA. It’s long and complicated, but related to my husband’s job. We will live in a furnished apartment in Beverly Hills from January 2010 – June 2010. After that we will move back home to Texas. Here is the view from my balcony.

Here are a few pictures of my furnished apartment in Beverly Hills. The majority of the furniture is company-owned and is not mine, however some of it is and all the accessories are ours.
My Dining Room:

The only furniture in this picture that I own is the TV and any accessories (and all the junk) that you see.
My Kitchen:

My Kids’ Room:
Unfortunately while we are in CA my kids have to share a room. We’ve tried to make the best of it and purchased loft beds, desks, and bookshelves for them. It isn’t the greatest room, but we are making do until we move back to Texas in June.

My son and his space:

My daughter and her space:

I’ve got big dreams for their rooms and their “stuff” but most of my ideas will have to wait until we are back in Texas.
Most of my remodel posts are about my home in Dallas. Here are some pictures of it:
My Family Room:

My Master Bathroom:

Does my living arrangement make sense now or are you more confused than ever?!
So, I <3 the new TV in the BH apt – tell Ben to hook me up with the model #. lol.
Also, why do the kid's desks have different colored legs? Are they spray paintable? If yes, could you sell me one when you come back?
I'm so happy you are coming to Austin!!
I <3 you!!
I love that bathroom!! Either you have it GREAT because you can decorate two spaces or you have it bad cause you can decorate two spaces.
It could go either way!
So cool that you get to live in BH for a bit! Your home is adorable in Texas! Were all the remodeling stories from the home in Texas then, I’m assuming?