For six months I get to live in the SUNSHINE STATE! One reason I am enjoying my stay here is the beautiful weather. The sun shines, the temperature is perfect, there’s a subtle breeze. Did I mention the sunshine?
Here’s what my view looks like from my living room:
Nice, right?! And SUNNY!!
Three weeks ago we received notice that all apartments would be receiving a balcony renovation. Great! Mine could certainly use new tile. The renovation was suppose to last only a few days – long enough to rip out the tile and lay new tile.
Can you understand my frustration when, THREE WEEKS LATER, I’m STILL staring at this:
Yes, that my friends is a blue tarp and a floor-less balcony. THREE WEEKS people!
Apparently when they ripped out all the flooring in all the units they found termites. Oh geeze. So to treat the termites they had to tarp off all the units. We have been forbidden to open our doors or windows until they are done, which they have assured me is today, yet I’m still looking at a tarp and wooden beams.
I need sunshine, dangit! They were nice enough to leave me with this much light:
Now, I don’t want my blog to turn into a rant space, but I just have to get this off my chest. I get depressed if I’m caved up all day with no vitamin D rays. I need the sunlight daily. It keeps me sane. Out of all the times they could do this renovation, they pick a month out of the only 6 months I’m living here. This complex has been around for years, yet as my luck would have it, they take on this huge renovation during the small minuscule time that I’m living here. Not to mention all my pictures of my decor are looking yellow and sad because of the lack of sunlight as well as the blue tarp.
Thanks for letting me vent. Back to cherry happy posts again.
Here’s an update to this post:
Hi! Found you through a comment on 30Days. Your blog is so fun! I especially liked your title to this post. I grew up in SoCal and would be bummed on any day of the year to have my view covered…with blue tarp, nonetheless!
What a cool view! Sorry it’s been stolen! Your house in Texas looks way cool! I’m excited for you! Good luck with your moving spree!
Poppies at Play