Spray paint. Lots and lots of spray paint.
After: (picture on the left)
Added 3/26/2010 – to see this knife block updated even further, click on this link: Fun With Vinyl!
Great job! I think most things look better in black! I am in love with spraypaint!!! Your upcycling is very good! Where ever did you fnd that awesome globe and candleabra? Very pretty!
Love the knife block!
Ah, the power of spray paint! Everything looks great. This reminds me to spray paint the silver lids on some of my canisters with my ORB paint.
Great makeovers…love that spray paint color…very nice work. Come say hi.
They look great – I’m thinking the spray paint you used is a dark grey, is that right?
I used black on most of it, but the candle stick is Rust-oleum Metallic Dark Bronze. I wanted to use ORB but can’t find any. Thrifty Decor Chick said that maybe I can order it on Amazon?!
Thanks for linking up. I’ve been meaning to spray paint the lids of some jars I’m saving and was wondering how they’d turn out. And now I know.
It is already past my bedtime and all I can think about is painting my knife block in the morning. Great such. I buy my ORB at Walmart at just $2.97. Much better than Home Depot (Hubby and I call it Home Deposit) or Lowe’s.
Thanks for the inspiration.
The spray paint makes all those things look MUCH better!
Whoa, that spray paint made a HUGE difference! I love the after pictures.
I always love a great before and after, and yours are awesome. I’ve never thought to spray my wood knife block, but I will be trying it now!
You definitely have been “getting your paint on!”
I love the newmans own make over! I hate throwing out perfectly good jars, maybe next time I’ll paint the lid of my Classico jars!
Don’t you just love spray paint! Oh the things it can do!
Thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much for painting your knife block…now I know it can be done!!
DOH! Never thought to paint the knife block! You are a genius!! Haha, thanks for sharing, that is awesome!
I {heart} spray paint too!
Thanks for linking up to Make it Yours Day!