Aren’t these the most awesome pine cones ever? They are HUGE!
I can’t wait to do all sorts of awesome crafts/decor with them. I’ve got tons of ideas floating around in my head for them, but pine cones are so Fall and Winter so for now they’ll go in a box. Sniff. But I just HAD to do something cute with them so I would know I didn’t waste my time trudging through the snow to collect them all.
Okay, cool, they pass the decor test. Whew.
So I’ve got a pretty great entertaining story about how I came into possession of these totally fabulous pine cones…
We went snowboarding this past weekend at Mammoth Mountain.
On my first run on the first day I went down the black diamond bunny hill affectionately known as Devil’s Graveyard Sesame Street and managed to fall totally wipe-out (in my defense I hit an ice patch while turning from toe side to heel side).
I landed badly on my side and was in so much pain I just knew my right arm was broken. I was totally brave though and walked down the mountain with my head held high had to be pulled off the mountain in a sled by the Ski Patrol (so embarrassing!) while i cried hysterically like an idiot (also so embarrassing!).
Here’s me after Ski Patrol had their way with me…
This total wipe-out was the beginning of a series of events that lead to my totally awesome pine cones. From ski Patrol (equivalent to “the nurses office”) I went to the ER for x-rays. Fortunately my arm was NOT broken, but the doctor thought I had a torn rotator cuff in my shoulder and also a totally broken okay, okay, a hair-line fractured rib (hey, I have to milk this “fracture” for as much as I can!).
All I could think about during this 4-hour might-have-a-broken-arm drama was how on earth I was going to be able to craft and blog! So pathetic, I know. I know. Lucky for you though, my arm is mostly fine (I can’t raise it above my head or reach around behind me) and I can still type! Yay! Plus I’m a lefty (don’t be jealous) and that arm is just fine.
Pine cones. Right. I’m suppose to be getting to a point here. Don’t worry, I’ll tie it all in eventually…
So Friday afternoon all I could do was whine about my arm and my ribs. Every Single Time I would whine about my ribs hurting (one is broken you know! ;)) hubby would say, “Mmmmmm. Ribs….”. So in honor of my fall and my fractured rib (and hurt arm… can’t leave that injury out…) we had BBQ ribs for dinner.
Best. Ribs. Eveh! If you are ever at Mammoth Mountain go eat at Angel’s. Delish.
So the next day daughter and I hit the shops while hubby and son hit the slopes, which brings me to the pine cones…
(Us in the gondola on the way to the summit.)
Daughter and I found a huge pine cone while shopping and ideas for pine cone crafts started popping in my head. We spent the next hour or so trudging through show collecting as many huge pine cones as we could carry.
So there you have it. The tale of how these pine cones came to be.
Wow, that was really anti-climatic. Honestly, I just wanted to talk about my wipe-out but figured since this is a craft blog I needed something to tie it all together. You know, to make it relevant for the blog?!
But just so we’re clear, I was going to collect the pine cones with our without the blog. And if I hadn’t wiped out, I wouldn’t have a huge bag full of the largest pine cones I’ve ever seen. So I guess I’m glad I broke a rib. Kinda.
(At the Summit of Mammoth Mountain. 20 degrees. Crazy strong winds. Over 11k feet.)
I LOVE Spring and Summer, but Fall, come quickly. I’m dying to craft around with these bad boyz… Glitter. Ornaments. Decor. Wreaths. My mind is racing.
No, I take that back. Fall, stay away as long as possible!!! But when you get here, I’ll be ready!
lol, Please tell me you did not just use the words “pinecone” and “glitter” in the same sentence.
I’m glad you’re okay!! And, I’m jealous of your pinecones – they are pretty huge. {Insert: “that’s what she said.”}
And, how AMAZING is Kinsey’s ski coat?? Is that a rental, or will it one day get passed down to my future kids?
<3 ya!
(For all of you bloggers that just want craft things, sorry about my comment. I'm her sister.)
Sorry about the arm. Bummer. I love the pine cones though. Thanks for sharing with Made it Monday! Jules
You can totally use those pinecones now!
Wrap yarn around the top of them as a hanger. Then let the kids rub peanut butter over them and then roll them in bird seed. This is the perfect homemade bird feeder! And when they are finished and the pinecone is no longer, they’ll be able to find the smart bird that used your yarn in their nest!
Sorry about the accident, but love the story about the pine cones. My hubby & I were in Lake Tahoe, Ca. last May. The first thing I said was I am GOING TO GATHER SUGAR PINE CONES before we leave ! We were on a 2-part trip to celebrate our 25th Anniversary! He thought I was CRAZY, but helped me gather 2 HUGE bags of those beauties befor we left. What a GUY ! They were a major part of our Christmas Decor this year ! Love your Blog ! Hope you are on the mend soon !
Awesome weekend activities. Sorry to hear about your broken (cough cough) fracture arm/rib.. Your blog is HILARIOUS!
Don’t forget to bake them to kill the critters that you brought home in them….trust me. I know from first hand experience when my craft room was overtaken by creatures that hatched from mini pinecones that I make birds out of. Eewwwww!!!
Can’t believe you were just here in Mammoth! If only I had started blogging a little sooner, we might have had coffee at The Village.
Sorry about the mishap on the mountain. Not fun. You’re right about the pine cones around here though. I’ve been staring at them thinking, “There have got to be ways I can use these gorgeous things.” Told my husband we were takin’ some back with us. The “bake for the bugs” comment whigs me out a little, but I’m gonna go for it anyway. 
Your sugar pine cones are beautiful and I’m going to try your method of cone glittering.
We live in an area rich in old growth pine trees and I make it my business to collect every cone variety I come across. I have a nice burgeoning collection of varying sizes of cones. I’m particularly fond of the Sequoia cones which I came across in the median of a road next to the church where I’m the “principal” organist. Due to my position, I have ample opportunity to gather the coveted cones. I carry a small flashlight, plastic bag and surgical gloves to work for late night gathering sessions. The priest pretends not to see me collecting pine cones – in the pouring rain – meant for the squirrels. I’m smitten with the Sequoia’s firm, dense begonia bud appearance and due to the smallish size of the Sequoia cones, I think I’ll begin my glittering with said cone.
I was forced to purchase my only three prized sugar pines at a local boys club market. I stumbled upon the cones brimming from three large barrels outside the market. I pilfered through the barrels, coming away with one PERFECT MASSIVE cone and two PERFECT MODERATELY SIZED CONES which I’m proudly displaying in a beautiful large gold glass bowl. Upon completion of my Seqouia glitter fest, I’ll remove the sugar pines from their lofty pride of place and commence glittering.
Just how much (heavy build-up, thin coating and so forth) glue did you apply per segment to achieve such a pretty cone? Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
I look forward to reading about your nature treasures, unless cone glittering is the extent of your nature finds interest :p Happy coning! Stay well and STAY OFF the snow and ice. I hope you’re on the mend!
Maybe, just maybe, I’ll share my more daring cone acquiring escapades in a future post.