I’ve been given my very first blog award… *sniff*. I feel like I should give an Oscar speech right now, except that I tried to go to the Oscars this year – well, you know, stand outside and try to see celebrities, but dumb Hollywood blocked off like a friggin’ 3 mile radius of the Kodak Theater.
Of course we didn’t know this until we were already on the Subway (I got laughed at by my Sister-in-law when I called it a Subway) Metro, and then they said that the stop we needed was closed due to the Oscars, so then we had to get off in crap-hole scary-ville…
Anyway, suffice to say, I don’t like the Oscars anymore. I’m so over it. I’m way too cool for that whole scene anyway.
I guess that was my official acceptance speech…
Here’s my grammy:
I was given this award by the sweet and fabulous Amanda @ Little House on the Corner. You should totally go over and check out her blog. She’s really a doll and her decorating is great.
Thanks Amanda for passing this award on to me.
So I guess I’m suppose to pick some peeps to give this award to and then they are suppose to pay it forward to their friends, etc, etc.
So, without further adieu, here are some gals that have been extra super duper nice to me and I just want to let them know I appreciate them.
1. Rachelle @ Fingerprints on the Fridge
5. Shelley @ Wonderfully Wordy
9. 733 Blog
There are so many more who have been so amazing. I’m sorry if I’ve left you out. This splitting headache is making it hard for me to think or concentrate.
Okay you nine, now it’s time to pay it forward to people who inspire you.
Wow! Thank you SO much for this great award!
Thanks for thinking of me, girl!
I’m so honored!
I just love your cute blog!
oh wow! Thank you so much
Thank you so much for my first blog award. I am honoured that you would think of me! Happy Easter!
Thank you for the award! Don’t forget to enter my Safety Tat GIVEAWAY!!
Love your blog!
Thanks again for this award. I’ve given you a big shout out on my blog:
Thank you so much dear! what a sweet thing you are and what an honor! My first award too! yay!
Congrats!! Following from Friday Follow. Please stop by when you can.
lol, sorry for laughing at you for calling it the Subway, lol
@Kristine HAHA no problem. Thanks for stopping by.