Or should I have called it Update #3? Or maybe The Saga Continues? Too Star Wars-y? Maybe something to match the first two posts like Oh yes they are STILL doing it!
Exactly THREE WEEKS and two days from my rant about my porch, look what the contractors graced me with yesterday…
“Um, Allison, it looks the exact same as your last *updated* post 22 days ago…”
Look a little closer. What do you see?
We have new cross-beams my friends!
Why the sheer excitement? Because now when I spray paint stuff out there I wont hurt my feet on those old jagged cross-beams. Cheers. I mean, just look at those old termite infested cross-beams. Would you want your bare feet on those?
And I mean come on! I’ve got LIGHT now. No more blue tarp. No more pictures that look like this:
Nope, not at all. Now I get to have beautiful glorious pictures displaying my lovely new cross-beams but with REAL LIGHT.
There ain’t a hint of blue in this picture, baby!
{This post is dripping with sarcasm}
Okay okay in all seriousness, It’s been 23 days since my first rant about this. Three weeks and two days. And my first gripe was about three weeks after they (the evil mean deck people) decided to rip out my deck in the first place. We are pushing two months.
I’m just assuming that I will be forced to enjoy this new cross-beam view for the next three weeks before they actually put down the floor. And then how long after that until the wall is fixed? And then the tile is laid?
Oh dear, I’m just assuming I will never be able to enjoy this deck view (and the ah-mazing weather I might add!) while I’m acutally living here. ‘Cause remember, I am leaving here at the end of June. (I’m NOT counting down or anything… 89 days. Twelve weeks and five days).
Here’s a pre “project-termites” picture.
At least the blue tarp is gone.
Hi! Stopping by for Friday Follow. Have a great weekend!