Guess what happens in 16 hours?! (1:30pm Friday)
CLOSING on our house!!!!!!!!
Woo Hoo!
In 16 hours, this is all going to be m-i-n-e.
(Well, er, the kids and van are already mine, but now I get the house too!)
And in addition to these two very adorable kids, this will also be mine!
I will officially be a slave to the bank. Yippie???!!
After we sign our life away we can finally be a slave to the man also to earn enough money to decorate this place.
We already ordered a black french-door freezer-on-the-bottom refrigerator but unforch it won’t be delivered until next week some time. Looks like pop-tarts for the kids until we can buy some milk.
The house doesn’t need much work at all, but that shallow sink and basic faucet are two of the first things to GO.
And of course the New Mexico orange paint (no offense to all you New Mexicans…) has gots-ta-go.
But oh, I just can hardly wait to have this all be mine (okay, okay, hubby’s too).
Nothing against my parents (love them to death!) but I’ve been “living” at their house for the past month and I’m not sure who’s more ready for the kids and me to leave – them or me!
Between their two Boston Terriers and my Yorkie, AND my 9 year old sister and my two kids, it’s been quite a LOUD CRAZY ride.
Their dogs taught my dog what vocal cords are. In return my dog taught them how to chase cars and poop in the house. Oy vei.
My mom is a great cook. But she’s an even better BAKER. Yup, she bakes. A lot. And when I’m here, I tend to start baking too. Let’s just say that in a month, all my shorts will hardly button anymore, I’ve got a tire tube hanging over the top of them, AND my shirts need to be “stretched” for them to not cling to aforementioned tire tube. Hmpft.
I’m scared to stand on a scale. Terrified. Once I’m in my own place, I’m going to have to hit the gym and get myself back to my regular routine.
‘Cause this tire tube bidness just ain’t gonna work for me.
So anyway, Friday is the day. Friday I sign my life away. Friday I’ll finally have a place to call
Wish us luck on our super exciting and even more busy weekend!
I probably wont post again until at least Monday, but please know in the midst of all the moving mayhem, I’ll be thinking about you.
How exciting!!! What a beautiful home!
Yay Allison!! So happy for you (y’all)!! You do NOT have a tire tube so shut it!
That looks amazing! Have a great weekend moving in!
I’m moving this weekend too! I’m excited to see how you decorate your new house!
I love your house!
Good luck with moving.
Congrats on your new home! It’s gorgeous! Can’t wait to see all of your before/after shots when you make it yours! Good luck!
Yay!! Congratulations!
I am so excited for your family and to see what all the new things you will create/do with your new space!
Congratulations! Hope everything goes smoothly tomorrow!
Hooray, hooray! So happy for you!
once again…
i can’t wait until i get a big pretty house to move into… and i’m hoping by that time, the hubzy will allow me to spend money on this thing called decor.
Congratulations on the new house. It is SO beautiful, and I am SOOOOO jealous. Can’t wait to see all your decorating projects… I see MANY more blog posts to come!!!
I am super excited for you!!! Good luck tomorrow! I would offer to come help you unpack, but with the Hubby working on Saturday I don’t think adding two kids to the mix would speed things up at all!
Congratulations! What an exciting time for you and your family…have fun.
So exciting. I am so happy for you. I can’t wait to see everything you do. ~Shallow sinks bite. A deep sink was one thing I insisted on in our house.
Oh how exciting! And this is Friday…the BIG day!! And your new home is gorgeous.
I take no offense or ownership of the New Mexico orange! But seriously, that isn’t the correct color anyway! Ha!
Enjoy and may moving day be as stress free as possible!
How exciting!! Hope everything goes smooth at closing. Can’t wait to see what awesome changes you are going to make!!
Congrats I know you are excited. can’t wait to see you work your magic in the new house!
YAY! So excited for y’all. Can’t wait to see all the beautiful things you’ll do to make that lovely new house your home sweet home!! Congrats!
Woo Hoo! Congratulations! What is it with Yorkies and them messing in the house? I love ’em and hate ’em at the same time.
What a beautiful place to be moving into to call your own
Congratulations! I’m so excited for you! Buying a house is always such a rush! And yours is already beautiful – I can’t wait to see what you do to it to make it FAB!
Congrats! That’s so exciting to move into a new home and you get decorate. I don’t blame you on that pain color lol. That was the first thing we did too when moving in. Change out paint. Good luck with all the fun of moving that comes along with buying a home though.
Cheryl M.
Congratulations! Good luck with your closing. Looks like a beautiful house!
Congratulations! What’s with mom’s and baking and then getting mad when we don’t eat? I thought it was just my mom. I can’t wait to see your home decorated!
So exciting and fun! You have a nice big house to decorate!
Wow – that house is just gorgeous. You are so lucky. I love the stone on the front. Just beautiful.
Your new house is gorgeous CONGRATS! Your post was cracking me up about living with your parents. It is so funny because we too lived with my parents in between houses for 5 MONTHS. I too was terrified to get on the scale!:)
That’s going to be your house?!? Holey moley! It’s beautiful!
We’re actually finishing up on refinancing our house tomorrow night – kinda similar, but not anywhere near as exciting!
In celebration of reaching 200 followers, I am having my 1st ever link party. If you get a chance, I’d love for you to stop by!
Come Link Up With LambAround! WOO HOO!
There is really nothing more exciting than a New House! Congratulations!! This next year your blog will be full of photos of the “New Paint, and all the new things your gona do”…. Don’t forget to take a rest once in a while!
Hi there,
I am your newest follower. Congrats on the new house. That is just wonderful news. Good Luck with it.
Marie The Things We Find Inside
I am soooo excited for you!! Congrats and I can’t wait to see all you do to your new awesome home!!
Congratulations! Your house is beautiful!! Love your backyard too. I just moved also and know that anticipation feeling- it’s so good to be home:)
Congrats! I love the Costco couch…..and can’t wait to see what you do with all your new space!
Im not going to tell you that u can get that print on
But its still a lovely home, congrads!