I’ve been blogging a little over five months.
It seems like forever and it seems like I just started yesterday.
I have just reached 600 Google Friends.
Yes, you read that right. 600!
I am just in shock and so completely thrilled at the same time.
I am so happy that there are so many people that enjoy reading my blog. I’m so thrilled that I get several thousand page views a day.
Pinch me please.
Blogging life has been good to me. And I want to thank you.
Thank you for all the kind words of encouragement. All the emails and notes that you have sent my way.
Thank you for leaving almost 4,500 comments so far.
Thank you to all my sponsors who have supported me and taken the plunge with me and have had faith in me.
I know it sounds silly and probably dorky and lame, but blogging has changed my life for the better. I’m glad I can share my life with each of you, and I’m so truly thankful for every ounce of support you’ve given me.
Thank you!
Here’s to many years to come!
thanks for blogging! i just love reading whats going on with you!
I think I was No. 600 too. Love all your ideas. Good luck unpacking and getting settled in the new place.
Congratulations Allison! So proud of you!!!
Congratulations, Allison! I feel the same way about blogging.
~ The Speckled Dog
Cheers and Congrats! Thanks for sharing with all of us!
maybe you can share with all us newbies how you did it
Yay for you!
Aw…no problem! Anytime.
Congratulations on your followers. I think you have one awesome blog!
That’s awesome! Way to go!! I am SO excited to see what you do with your new home. =o)
I love your blog. You have given me so many ideas for my home. I visit every day and love the things you blog about. I miss it when you aren’t there. . . thanks for sharing your talents and your life.
Congrats on reaching 600 followers! That is awesome!
And blogging will change your life even more if we ever meet! Bwahahahahaha!
Yay Allison!
You’ve got a beautiful blog and I look forward to reading it for a very long time!