Have I mentioned that I may be just a tad bit OCD?
Yes, I’m making another Rodney White post.
No, I will not guarantee that this will be my last Rodney White post.
(It won’t.)
“Nothing To Dream” is my favorite of all his art. LOVE IT.
I was on a mission to acquire this piece of art and nothing was going to stop me until I succeeded.
Sure, I could have dropped $129 at World Market…
But I just can’t justify that kind of moola for artwork when I’ve got other things that our family actually needs.
I tried to convince my husband that a Rodney White print was a NEED and not a WANT, but he just rolled his eyes.
For at least 2 months I’ve been scouring Craigslist every.single.day. looking for his artwork. (That’s how I scored my last two pieces.) I have searched every city within a 300 mile radius just hoping to stumble upon this Lemonade art.
Wednesday I struck GOLD. I did a search for “Rodney White Craigslist” and a 36″ x 36″ Nothing To Dream canvas print popped up in Google. (That’s a yard by a yard big, y’all! – HUGE). And it was only TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS!!! Only there was one teensy tiny little catch…
It was in Los Angeles. Culver City to be exact (near Santa Monica).
“Hyperventilating” isn’t a strong enough word to describe how I reacted. I actually was so giddy and immature that I forced my mom to hang up her phone (I was at her house) so that I could call the lady. I called the lady and said I’d be over by 9pm that very night.
I’m sure you all are wondering how I was planning to pull this off considering I LIVE IN TEXAS, NOT California….
Well, as luck would have it, my husband just so happened to be in Santa Monica that very day for business. (I know, so lucky, right?!!). I called him. It went like this…
“Hi! I have a REALLY HUGE favor to ask you. It’s going to be a HUGE inconvenience on you and you will probably hate me by the time you are done. You will probably only even agree to this favor because you REALLY REALLY love me. A lot.”
He was like, “Oh no. What do you want?!”
At which point I blurted out, “OMG I’m dying, Ben. DY-ING. I found THE.PICTURE. (He knew exactly what I was talking about.) Only problem is… it’s in LA, but it’s right by you!! Will you go get it for me and bring it back home with you when you fly home Thursday?”
He is the best husband in the entire world, so he obliged. And then after he agreed and couldn’t back out I just slipped in that it was “only” about a yard squared…
So he goes and picks it up. And it would barely fit in his car. He almost had to strap it on top of his rental car. Yes, it is THAT.BIG.
And then he has to go to the FexEx store and spent an additional $35 on packing materials ($60 total for the picture and the packing supplies).
And the package was so big that when he got to the airport they tried to make him pay $150 to check the package because it was “over sized” (over sized is an understatement. This box was ridiculously large…).
Well, I know he must truly love me because he actually got into an argument with the lady at the bag check about having to pay the $150. They just would not budge. So he threw out that he travels every week with American Airlines, and he NEVER checks a bag. Nope, they still wouldn’t budge. He mentions that he already has over 50,000 miles with American this year alone and would they please waive the fee just this one time. Nope. And then he pulls out all the stops. He pulls out his phone and asks for the CEO’s phone number. He tells the lady that he’s going to call the CEO and personally let him know that American Airlines has just lost a weekly business client that has already clocked in over 50k in airline miles this year over a checked package. He asks the lady if she thinks the CEO will be happy that she personally caused a weekly client to change airlines over one little checked bag. (Niiice… I love my hubbs!). And then as a crowd is gathering around listening and seeing how AA is not being very customer friendly, he throws in that he’s about to miss his flight because of her.
Then she obliged and let him check the package for free.
So now not only do I have the most awesome HUGEST picture ever that I am head-over-heels in love with, I also have a great story attached. (And I also have the most awesomest best husband ever that I am head-over-heels in love with.)
And that my friends is how I finally acquired my Nothing To Dream Rodney White canvas print.
And when I hang it, you’ll be the first to know – pictures included.
OMG that story is great!!!! I am glad your husband didn’t give in to the crazy woman about checking the box!
Your husband ROCKS!! What a guy!! I love the pic and the story!
Hurry—–Hang it!
I have never heard of Rodney White until you started posting about him. I went into a thrift store the other day and saw this piece I loved. I picked it up to see who did it and it was Rodney white. It is his motorcycle piece.
Haha! A most wonderful husband you have there! A great story and this is my favorite Rodney Print you’ve posted so far.
that is a GREAT Story!!! your hubs is the absolute best!
OMG! My husband would NEVER do anything like that! LOL! What a great pic that is!
You are so lucky!!! My husband would never in a million years do that for me:) I love it!!
You DO have a great story! And I can’t wait to see where you hang it!
That picture was meant to be yours!! And what an awesome hubby you have!! So happy you finally got your favorite art!! : )
Wow, your husband sure is special! I am so glad that you got the picture you have been wanting for so long!
Thanks for sharing. Great story.
I am sort of falling in love with Rodney! White. I will try my best not to steal that picture when you finally let me come visit! ;D
That is awesome – you have scored my very favorite Rodney White piece ever! Looking forward to seeing what you do with it!
And, big ups to the Mr. – whattaguy
And now that print will forever have a great story behind it!! Thank you for sharing it with us at Anything Related!
I love the story!!! And, I’m so jealous of you getting that art. That is one of my favorites!!!! Yay for your husband!!!
LUCKY!!!! That is awesome. I am super jealous right now.
What an awesome story–just like a fairy tale (even had the evil airline lady) and in the end true love wins!!!
that.is.awesome. ur hubbs is unbelievable! he was going to fight to the death for you- to have ur dream! love that the print is about dreams too! man, ur hubbs totally GETS you! awe.some.
SCORE!! Awesoome awesome. I love it too! About a year ago and snagged the big Life needs more green lights big red one with the motorcycle at — get this Goodwill for 5 buckaroos! Whoohoot!
That story is more than excellent! I have the “Seek Happiness” print and can assure you that I paid LOTS for it! (Before the collapse of the world economy…)
Great plan to search on Craigslist! A new tool for my arsenal!
Love the story! What a great print!
LUCKY GIRL~ yes I am a bit jealous =) Congrats on the new house! I can’t wait to see you go through each room and decorate! Hope you are enjoying your weekend! ~ Stephanie Lynn
I saw that at World Market the other day and loved it! You got a great deal!
Oh, what a GREAT story to go with a great picture! Seems we are somewhat alike, in that I adore this picture by Rodney White. But I just cut the little pictures outta magazines, never thought to scrounge around C’s list for it. And please tell your Hubby that he is a Hero in blogland, I’m sure that will make him smile!!
I’m not even sure how I founnd your blog, but several weeks ago, I did and feel in love with the Rodney White prints in your first post.
I loved this story and decided to start “stalking” CL in hopes of finding some. To my surprise, a listing finally showed up, but it had been up for 2 days (I missed the weekend) I emailed, she had them ,I got them!
2 canvas (24×24) for 50 total-LOVE THEM!!
Oh, they are the Lemonade and the Share a Random moment prints.
Thanks for the new addiction!
oh my god,……i NEED that print for over my fireplace, Ive been looking for something with a vintage feel (we have a street sign with out daughters name that started the look) and this is PERFECT! i found a version i can afford on posters.com that im getting soon!
I know this happened a year ago but give your husband a big thumbs up for me. That was huge that he went thru all that trouble for you!!!
What a sweetie!.