…wins the race!
I’m slowly getting all my stuff organized. Here’s a few things I’ve been working on the past week.
(You my recognize this stand from here.)
I’ve been working my little fingers to the bone trying to get my stuff organized.
Moving is no fun. Unpacking is worse. Can I paint something now?
We bought these two shelves from Costco (I think they were around $75 each in case you want some). I finally went out in the 150 degree heat and put some garage-ish stuff on them. Yippie!
My counter is CLEAN!
Do you recognize my wheat grass? I still love them – probably even more now. And of course, my cloche and my knife block.
I found a cute wooden black organizer thing-a-ma-bob at Marshall’s on clearance for $15 (it’s pictured on the far right). I plan to eventually drill some small holes in the back to stick my cell phone charger through, but it works great for now.
Between the organizer and the drawer in the counter I have enough space to stash all that crap clutter that inevitably piles up on the kitchen counter.
It’s a great catch-all for keys, coupons, menus, sunglasses, loose change (in the little jar in the drawer), pens, scratch paper, etc.
Even though we have an office in this new house, we decided to put our main computer in the family room so that we can keep an eye on the kids and what the heck they are doing. Plus, hubbs works from home a lot and needs his own space for that.
(Don’t you just love how dogs’ eyes always look in photos?)
Only problem with having the computer in the family room (um, besides having a desk with multi-colored legs – it use to be the kids’ desk) is that it looks so cluttered. And you guys know how much I loathe clutter!
What a mess! And honestly, this is on a clean day. So I headed to My Goodwill and pulled out a little mini dresser that I bought on clearance at Marshall’s last year for $10.
It still needs some labels, but I have an excuse – I just moved in 2 weeks ago! I’m working on it.
Ah, now I can breath again.
All the junk is now stored in the little dresser. It’s amazing what a $10 storage container can do. Now I just need to figure out how to get a nice computer desk for free….
And lastly, I organized my bathroom cabinets and drawer.
I found a few little containers laying around that I organized all my hair things in. Once I get some cash-ola I’ll probably get a nice organizer thing from Ikea or Walmart, but for now this works great.
It’s really not that hard to stay organized. All you have to do is just put your stuff back after you use it. It takes just as long to set a brush on the counter as it does to open the drawer. You just have to make the effort.
The glass jar has all my extra combs and the plastic basket holds all my large bathroom items like lotions, hair stuff, etc.
And here’s the other cabinet…
Look! My Lysol wipes are upside down! Shocker, I know.
The glass jars are from Walmart and store things like q-tips, cotton balls, and razors.
And the baskets under the sink store all the remainder of my stuff. One holds things that are metal like nail clippers, eye lash curlers, tweezers, and other types of nail tools. The other has a small glass jar with lip balms and glosses in it, and then on one side are nail polishes and the other are small bath products.
I keep things I use daily like my toothbrush/paste, deodorant, perfumes, and face wash in the medicine cabinet (not pictured).
I’m sure you are wondering where the rest of my bath stuff is. This is it. I hate hoarding bath products. I try to keep all my products to a minimum. I use what I have, and I get rid of anything I haven’t used in at least 6 months.
I’m not totally put together though. Usually my bathtub looks like this: (or worse)
I can only be totally anal about so many things. The toys in the bathtub seems to not bother me as much as a messy bathroom cabinet or a messy pantry.
I hope I’ve given you some ideas and inspired you to go clean out your cabinets and drawers, desks, and garage!
I just cleaned out the drawers in my bathroom where we keep toothbrushes and such! I almost took a picture, it was so amazing (and anal) of me!
WOW!! You are getting so organised. I love it when our place is like that but then
it slowly slips back to not being able to find the hairbrush etc!!!I am going room by room at the moment sorting out each drawers and cupboard so we can have a huge garage sale!! Feels good to be clutter free – well in 2 rooms at the moment!
It’s looking great!! Unpacking is such a pain but the positive side is having a fresh start- I love that! (Love your blog too!)
I love how organized you are!!! So fabulous.. Your new house looks great. P.S. I am new to your blog… Hi!
Isn’t it fun to organize a new home? I love what you’ve been able to accomplish. I’m hosting We’re Organized Wednesday and would love for you to join the party. There’s a great giveaway that would be perfect for your new home too. Hope to see you there.
You are doing great! I have been in this house for 8 months and haven’t hung a picture!
I am pretty much waiting to move again in 10 months!
i think i fell in love with your wheat grass all over again
okay, since no one else has asked, i’ll bite. why in the WORLD do you have what looks like 30 pairs of nail clippers?
all i can figure is you guys eat so much calcium your nails are like lead and you wear a pair out every time you clip?
please, i must know.
OMG thank you for making me laugh! The reason is because my husband is always trimming his nails yet he never can “find” a clipper so he just buys a new one. I really should throw about 99% of those gas station clippers away.
If I had a penny for every nail clipper he’s ever bought…
Lol, Googlemomma I was wondering the same thing! Allison do tell please.
I saw all those metal things and immediately thought of Dexter. Ha!
Allison – you are my organizing hero! I’ve been in my house about 18mos and it still (and probably never will be) as tidy as yours. Thanks for sharing
The house is looking great! And I am super impressed by your organization after only 2 weeks! Thanks for the Wipes tip. I hadn’t hear that before but I’m headed to my cabinet to turn all of my wipes upside down!
Thanks for sharing your projects at Anything Related! ~Bridgette
Your home is beautiful and I can’t believe how far you have come in moving into your house already. It blows my mind. Good job organizing all those little things too.
Oh my!! You have really organized your spaces well!! It has totally inspired me to do the same. I have allowed things to accumulate for way too long. Time to clean house for sure.

Thanks…I think!! Ha!
Your making me want to go organize all my cabinets! Your making great progress though
Looking Good! I, too, am in love with your wheatgrass. May have to revisit your tutorial…
OOOH! It’s looking so good, Allison! I’m loving all your organization — I feel like I should go through all my cupboards and cabinets now!
@googiemama –
omg, I just about spewed my Diet Dr. Pepper through my nose when I read your question. Hi everyone, it’s me, the proud hubs of Allison and Nail Clipper Hoarder Extraordinaire. It’s true, I am always looking for a nail clipper. I don’t know what it is, but my nails grow really fast. I always carry one in my laptop bag for that unexpected moment when I might need a good nail clipping. Don’t worry, though, I don’t clip my toe nails on the front row at church (believe it or not, I’ve seen someone do that before).
Gosh! Can I have those neat spaces???
Great organization – house looks great.
Followed you from Make it Yours @ My Backyard Eden.
Great job on all the organizing…doesn’t it feel good? Thanks for linking up to “AP Tuesdays” @ New Nostalgia! Hope to see you next week!
Oooh, I feel more organized and relaxed just reading this.
You’re organizing is looking terrific. Your gara shelves look great and I love your wheat grass still. THanks for linking to We’re Organized Wednesday. I hope your getting settled in and meeting some great neighbors.
I just love how you organize everything. But I was told…don’t cringe…that the cotton swabs and the cotton balls-need to be put into a lidded box/jar. Little critters like to get into them/eat on them.

Just something I learned!!
Great Job! I love your blog and I’m your newest follower! Come by Sassy Sites and say HI!
Marni @ Sassy Sites
Hi! I found your site off of Today’s Creative Blog! I love your craft! You are so organized! I just signed up to be your newest follower! Woo hoo! I hope you stop by my new blog. I just started it 2 months ago and would love new friends! Please come see me at http://www.modernfamilymagazine.com
Great job! I HATE unpacking too, but I love organizing. Go figure!
Thanks for linking up!!! Your garage organization is really great! Now, you have to do some of “my” challenges. You dont need much help though. Hugs, Toni
Great job. Moving is a great motivator. I’ll be moving later this year.