The past few weeks month I’ve been trolling Craigslist like a crazy stalker person.
Nothing in particular, just anything that might catch my eye.
Here are a few cool things I’ve found…
Coffee table and matching side table. $20 for the set.
This table is HUGE! I was going to put it in my piano room, but it’s too big. After himming and hawing, It will eventually take up residence in our game room.
The side table matches the coffee table, but I’m still not certain where I’ll put it. We’ve got a couch with very tall arms in the game room, so a normal height side table isn’t tall enough. We shall see!
Enormous picture $20
I’m not crazy about the actual picture, but the frame itself is massive and gorgeous! Plus it’s almost 5 FEET wide!
The picture frame will eventually hang in my dining room. Hopefully I’ll find a picture that is more my style to put inside the frame.
HUGE pile of trim and moulding! FREE!!
Yup, I found this for FREE! Yippie! I’m going to use most of the moulding here to trim out all my mirrors in my bathrooms.
Dresser $20
I originally purchased this to go in my breakfast room but it just wasn’t big enough, so I bought my other dresser. I’m not exactly sure where this will go, but I’m certain it will be loved. Only problem? I didn’t realize it was missing a chunk from the top left drawer. Now I’m stumped as to how to fix it. Ideas?
Round table $15
I bought this table because it’s the perfect height and width that I need to go next to our randomly large couch in the game room.
Sofa Table $35
This came from Goodwill, not Craigslist. It is SOLID wood, great condition, and is Broyhill. This is the back of the table. The front has a cute little drawer. I’m thinking I’ll put it in the entryway to our game room. There’s a wall that is just the perfect size for it. I’m still unsure of the color I’m going to paint it. I need to pick a paint color for the walls of the game room first.
Two sets of corbel things $5 total
These things are heavy and are iron! I’m going to give them a fresh coat of spray paint and instead of using them as brackets for a shelf, I’m going to copy Shelley over at House of Smiths.
Greenery $2
This is going to get a cleaning and then will take up residence above my kitchen cabinets.
Apples $2 total
Can you believe I got this big bag of apples for only $2? The flash of the camera makes them look funny, but trust me, they look REAL. Hopefully once I get them in a bowl on my table they won’t remind me of Twilight.
Chair $5
Hopefully some paint and new fresh bold fabric will make this purdy. I bought it for my living room but the verdict is still out on that one. Maybe it will end up as additional seating in my hubbs office.
Magazine table $5
This solid wood magazine table was only five bucks! For now it’s holding my piano music, but I’m thinking I’ll paint it shabby chic white and put it in my daughter’s room for her books.
Picture $15
This picture was originally from Tar-jay for $35 (I think). I scored it for only fifteen! It’s hanging on a random nail in hubbs office at the moment, but may end up in the T-ster’s bedroom (my son).
Mirror $20
This may look kinda ugly now, but once I get paint and some glaze on it, I’m thinking it will look fan-tab-ulous!
Wrought Iron Queen bed frame FREE!
My mom’s neighbor gave this queen size bed to us for free!! It’s going in our guest room and will eventually get a fresh coat of spray paint (it’s hunter green right now). Now all I need is a box-spring and mattress.
Okay, wow, that was a ridiculously long list of CL stuff! I’ve got my work cut out for me!
The reason I’m acting like a hoarder and buying all this stuff is because we pretty much don’t own anything!
We’ve spent the last 4 years traveling and living out of suitcases for the most part, and most of our stuff has lived in storage. So now that we bought this 3600 sq ft 5 bedroom house, it is like crickets chirping in here. It’s going to take a long time to get all the furniture we need for this place!
At a minimum we still need an entire king size bedroom suite (all we have is a mattress and metal bed frame in our room – no dressers or anything!) and a dining table and chairs and buffet. Oh, and we need at least 3 more bookshelves. Bare minimum.
I may be a hoarder, but rightfully so! When we moved in the only furniture we owned were a few bookshelves, some IKEA cheap tables, bedroom furniture for each child, one couch, a piano, and a wooden chest.
I’m really thrilled that I’ve got all these paint projects lined up. I’ve been itching to paint some furniture!
I would pull the top three drawers out and find some cute baskets to fill that space. I know a great tutorial for how to make some metal baskets if you’re interested. Okay, shameless plug there, but still, some baskets would look great.
Good grief, you found a lot of good deals!! For the dresser with the chipped drawer, you could always ditch the drawers on the top level and use baskets instead. And I can’t even believe you found a piece of Broyhill furniture at Goodwill. We have several pieces, and they are so solid! I figure my great grandkids will be using them one day. lol!
I’m loving all your deals! I actually have the coffee table and side table that goes with your Broyhill sofa table! I bought it off craigslist last year and I stripped both of them and restained them. I love the way they turned out and the fact that they’re so solid! I can’t wait to see what you do with these treasures!
You could add some ball feet to the table to put beside your high armed couch. I second removing the top drawers and putting in baskets.
Great haul! I had to take a break from Cracklist because it was taking up so much of my time. Can’t wait to see what you do with all of you treasures.
I *heart* craigslist!!
Nice Scores! I have a King size bed in my bedroom. When you are ready to look for furniture I suggest buying 2 armories instead of a dresser and a chest of drawers. The armories hold a lot more than a dresser/chest and make me so happy I didn’t go with tradition because a chest of drawers would never hold my husband’s bazillion running shirts.
You are my new BFF… so glad I am not the only Craigslist stalker out there! (I am also a thrift store stalker… the one closest to me knows me by name; I go a few times a week LOL!). Now to convince my DH that I NEEEEEED all this stuff LOL… we move in less than 2 weeks and he banned me (BANNED!) last night from any more thrifty purchases until after the move (and that’s just based on the pile of stuff in our over-crowded apartment… he still hasn’t seen the entire bookshelf that I filled in my office at work LOL!)… but I am definitely a Craigslist stalker… I’ve found lots of neat stuff lately; can’t wait to move so I can show it all off on my bloggy!
You have some good finds there!! That picture frame is gorgeous!! Have fun shopping!
Looking forward to your transformations. I really need to get back on Craigslist and look for more furniture…but, Husband said wait, you never know if we’ll be in the same place next year!
You can buy drawer fronts for kitchen cabinets so maybe one would work on the dresser?
Sharon said, “You can buy drawer fronts for kitchen cabinets so maybe one would work on the dresser?”
OMG, this is the best idea so far. I was thinking about cutting out some new drawer fronts, but this would be so much easier. I wonder if I can find the size I need.
Thank you so much! You are brilliant!!!
Holy cat you got some deals! I think the coffee table is my favorite. I love some serious sofa-front real estate.
I am so happy that you left me a comment! What a small world! Erica is my favorite!! I wish I was lucky enough to live close to her. Thanks for stopping by A.T.T! Your site is very cute, and you have a great eye for style! I’ll be stopping by again.
I tried to comment already, but I can’t see that it went through..I’m sorry if you get this twice!
So, I got your cute comment over at A.T.T. and I am sooo stinkin’ excited that you found me!
You are so lucky to get to live close to Erica! Love her to death!!
Your site is super cute, and I’ll be visiting again soon!
All Things Thrifty!
Holy Moly! that is a TON of great stuff! I need to start checking it out more often!
I was going to say replace the top drawers with baskets but that’s already taken! Great finds! And now I’m on my way over to craigslist
You got some great items for great prices! Nice!
WOW, you have been busy! My hubby would freak if I brought all that stuff home (in one month or one year). We just moved into a home twice as big as our old and I’m excited to fill it, he wants it to stay as is…we will have to compromise:) This is also a nudge to email me back:)
whooo hooo!! you scored tons of great stuff!
You could use that awesome giant picture frame on the wall just by itself. Then find a few more frames like it in smaller sizes to put inside (also empty-right on the wall). So basically frame a bunch of frames! I saw a picture of someone’s wall they had done that too and it was awesome! Can’t wait to see what you do with all those treasures!
Wow you found very nice pieces at great prices! I’m also on Craigslist trying to find some great finds!
Great finds! What fun to have the opportunity to furnish from almost scratch. I would do it so differently now if I could!
Thanks for sharing, always enjoy your posts.
Awesome Finds! Can’t wait to see what you do with them
wow, what great deals! We never find stuff that “good” at our Goodwill!
I was wondering why you needed so much furniture, but then you explained about all the moving. It would get expensive to buy all “new” furniture for a house. This way is much cheaper (and more fun!)
Good Luck with all the painting! I can’t wait to see some of the transformation you do. Maybe I’ll get brave and more energy to do some painting too!

Ahhh, so that explains now where all of your ‘Allison money’ has gone and why you’ve been blowing through it so quickly
heh heh…seriously, though – good finds, and now you’ve got a lot of projects to keep you busy for a while!
Wow Great finds. That huge 5ft frame you found, screams mirror frame to me.
What awesome finds. How have you found security when you purchase on CraigsList? Also, are there real license plates on that artwork? If so, there was an HGTV host who did work like that.
Oooh, I’m jealous of all your furniture finds! I LOVE to do stuff with furniture, but we have no more room! Bummer.
Ohhh…I have a CL chair similar to your $5.00 one (I paid $7.00). I am looking forward to your rehab of the fabric on it. I hope you will do a tute so that I can I mean copy from you on how you did it. I scour CL every day and have found wonderful pieces of furniture for our home.
Great finds, you scored some awesome deals! Can’t wait to see how you use everything in your house.
Wow!!! What awesome finds! For the chip out of the dresser, I’d just take a chisel and a hammer and get the face of the door off and then make your own dresser and either use a router and some trim to replace it, or just remove the faces of all three drawers and make your own faces!
Good luck with filling your home…I’m in the same situation, but it’s slowly but surely getting filled to be our home instead of our house!
You can use Bondo body filler (from the auto parts store) to repair that drawer. Build it up bigger than it needs to be, let it dry, then carve it into the proper shape. Paint adheres to it too. I learned this from a furniture repair show on HGTV. I haven’t actually tried this myself, but it looked like it carves fairly easily.
I love projects like this too. Only problem is…I already have a house full of furniture and don’t have anyplace to put it….but I keep on buyin it. Talk about hoarding. Gotta change….gotta change.
You got some great stuff! I furnished half our home with purchases from Craigslist. I can understand the empty house because we moved with only 3 pieces of furniture. Craigslist was a life saver!
What great finds! Nice work!!! All that stalking paid off!
Wow awesome haul! The Broyhill table matches my bedroom set which is the one from Everybody Loves Raymond hehe So I’d be very interested to see what you do with it & all the other stuff too.
Oh Craigslist.. where should I begin.. I used to like craigslist, but has anyone else noticed that it’s getting very hard to post a legitimate ad on Craigslist lately? I’ve always used craigslist to sell old stuff when I need extra money, but these days the craigslist spammers have made things so difficult for the rest of us. Maybe it is just me? What do you guys think?
I saw on a home decorating show where they took out the top drawers and the drawer slide channel thingy (the thing that the drawer pulls out and slides on, I don’t know the name of it) and they put really pretty decorative wooden baskets in it.