** edited to add: I blogged about the final selection here. **
*I’ve updated at the bottom, so make sure to see the new stuff!*
We have family portraits scheduled for this Friday.
If you’ve seen my Real McCoy video, you know I have ZERO fashion sense. NONE.
I can’t decide what to dress my kids in for the portrait. (This is Step 1. I’ll address what I’m going to wear once I figure this out.)
Do I want earthy colors? Or blues? Or gray and black?
BTW, the portraits will be taken outside in NATURE.
Okay, so here’s where I need your help. I’ve created several clothing options. Which is your favorite?
First, I’ll show you all their outfits separately and then I’ll show you the outfit combinations.
For the boy (he’s almost 9):
And for the girl (she’s 6):
Option 1:
Option 2:
Option 3:
Option 4:
Option 5:
And which shirt under the dress?
Option 6:
Option 7:
I forgot to take a picture for this combination.
Option 8:
I can declare this a Clothing Crisis and hit the mall!
I need to decide by TODAY so I can make my daughter a matching hair accessory and also gather up my hubby’s and my clothes.
Wish us luck!
Oh, and don’t even get me started on accessories! Ack!!!!!
Edited to add this color combination. My sister suggested this.
Option 9:
Option 1 or 4, but 1 is my favorite, especially since it is Fall and they are almost UTish colors! ;D
PS – Can’t wait to see them. Love Kristen Duke!
I like option 2 or 5. I think the pictures come out better if there is a nice contrast with the background …
I like option 1 or 2…or you can always go for option 8!
Option #1! The darker colors will totally compliment your kids’ light skin tones and hair and bring out their creamy complexions. Plus, I love the plaid as the base pattern and the solid brown as the tie-in compliment! Be careful with the all orange shirt or striped shirt – both may overwhelm both your photos and your kids’ faces. You want the focus to be on them, not on their clothes.
Definitely option #1!!
I like Option 1 best, with 6 being a close second!
I try to base colors of clothes for pictures based on where they’ll be displayed in my house. That way the colors won’t clash with my decor.
As far as my opinion (for what it’s worth!), blues and browns are popular right now so I’d go w/blue shirt and jeans for boy and brown shirt w/jean skirt for girl…but that’s just me
i like option 1 best! the colors remind me of fall!
What colors are in your house and will best compliment the house? With all the oranges and browns in nature, you could get lost with that color palate. That said, I like option 1 or 5.
Well, that’s the problem (or the blessing!) I don’t have any colors yet. I’m trying to figure out what color to paint my living room and I’m leaning towards gray, but honestly deep down I’m such a brown person and not a black person that I think the reason I’m hesitating with the paint is that I know I should do tan and not gray. So, in a nutshell, I think the brown clothes would match really well! lol
My vote is for #1 or #4…good Luck! And I would like to know how you get your 9 yr old to wear shirts with collars? My 10 and 7 yr olds hate collared shirts!
Oh he hates them too! He also hates any shorts or pants that aren’t basketball shorts b/c he doesn’t like the button rubbing on his belly. Boyz!
I pick out his clothes for him each week and I make sure to include 2-3 basketball shorts and t-shirts and 2-3 polos and nice shorts or pants. It’s our compromise.
He picks what day of the week to wear each outfit based on his PE schedule.
I’m pretty much like, “Look, you can be comfortable at PE 2-3 days a week but I need you to look really cute at least 2 days a week so your teacher doesn’t think you’re a rag-a-muffin!”
Option 1! It goes really good together
Option 1 or 5!
Or 6…
I like 1 the best.
I like option 1 or 2.
I like option 3 or 4. I love that brown ruffle shirt!
I like 4 the best. They coordinate without matching and look like something the kids would just happen to have on any given day–aka not planned.
I like option 1…love that dress!
Option 1! There is a good balance of color and the solid boy’s shirt balances out the plaid in that darling dress.
Option 1. Hands down. I love that little dress on her!!
But I <3 Travie in Blue, so #7 might work too. Question: How does T's blue shirt look with K's brown dress? There is a blue strip in the plaid, no? That might be especially adorable.
I like option 2. The fall colors are great, and the orange is nice and bright.
I think option 4 is a good one! Good luck…
Option 1, but I think I’d put the darker jeans with the brown shirt.
Option 5 definitely! and with the white shirt under the dress. The browns are nice but you wouldn’t want to blend in too much with nature. I tend to think simple is better
Option 7 is very nice too.
Option 1, but with the dark jeans…can’t wait to see!
I always think pictures look best with only solid colors, and if everyone is wearing a similar outfit. Sticking strictly to your outfits above, I would vote for 7, but I would recommend option 8– white/blue/some other solid color shirt for everyone, and jeans.
Option 2 or 4!!!
Definantly Option 1….love the fall colors. I also love your blog. I am new here and really enjoy seeing your projects.
Definitely solids for the family.
Hit the Thrift Store for white shirts (dress shirts for adults/Tees for kiddos) for the entire family. The “color” in the photo will come from the nature setting. If the whole family is wearing white shirts and dark jeans, faces will be featured. And as Martha says “That’s a very good thing”!
(I so not a fashion expert, but I’m voting anyway)
My first choice- Option 1
The fall colors are perfect and I love the dress. The jeans look good, but the darker jeans might look better.
Also, I like Option 5 with the white shirt, but only if for some crazy reason you didn’t want to go with awesome option #1
When Im booking shoots for the photographer I works for this is the advice I give….. Solids are best. It’s good to choose 1 or 2 colors and dress the family in different shades of that color.
Hope that helps!
I lean toward option 9
I say solid colors on everyone as well. You want to remember the features of your children, not their clothes. This will actually stand out more with a black/white photo. But from the options, I’d say option 1
I’d say option 1 or 4. I think if you’re having outdoor photos taken by an experience photographer the pattern on the dress will not be a bad thing. Good photographers know how to work with those fun patterns. Some actually recommend wild colors, patterns and layers. Good luck!!
ooh…this is right up my alley, I love picking out clothes for pics…we were featured not too long ago on a photographer’s site as having perfect outfits
And I agree with others that the darker jeans might look better.
I like option 1 or 9, both are bright, fallish and the colors won’t overwhelm your kids
And you could pull a variety of colors out of the outfits for yourself and husband.
Definitely option 1.
I think the bold color of the shirt will look great in photos. Also it is still green out so they will not blend into the background. I like the dress more than the skirt and top combo because it will look sweet even when you are looking back at these photos 10 years from now, while the skirt might seem out of style.
If you are worried about the entire photo looking too earthy toned I would go with option 9 because it has the same plus points and the blue still coordinates with your daughters dress.
I thought I would love option 2 and then I saw option 1 and thought they went together best. Good luck with the photos!
Option #1 for sure. It reminds me so much of my families picture colors from last year and the photos turned out fabulous. Everyone was in solids mostly with the exception ogf my daughters tights ( the photog said only have one large punch of business i.e. tights. ) your daughters dress would be this. I think the plaid dress, plus the hair bow which is a must would me too much paired with a stripey shirt for your son. http://www.photography-by-ashley.com/# here is a link to our pictures. the photog used them on her website. if you click to enter the webiste and wait until the screen switches to the family suggestions. we are the featured family. the photos seem to have the tone u are looking for… hope that helps i know i struggled and struggled to find just the right clothes for our pics too! Good luck
I think option 5 with the white t-shirt under her dress. I love blues and your kids are blondies right??? Blue’s always look great on blonde’s.
Love 1 and 4!
I like option 9 the best!
i say option 1 or 9, depending on yours and hubby’s clothing options
See – Option #9 is catching on!! I knew I had some fashion sense, despite your vlog saying otherwise.
Before I even saw the added option .. that was my favorite together!
Good eye! Rather than being ‘matchy’ .. the brown dress and the blue boy shirt, just complement each other nicely! 
I like option 2 and 4!! Both would work great outside!
number 1 deffinatly
Option 1 for sure!! I picked those out before I even scrolled down to see your combinations!
I like option 1 or option 9. 9 really brings out the blue in the dress. I’m leaning that way! Cute!
I’m for option 5
Option 2 or 4! You should make a poll so we can vote. It is great you got so many responses, but too many to look through.