Guess what time it is… It’s the last Saturday of the month!.. which means…
{If you aren’t sure what Share.Inspire.Create. is, click the button to read all about it}
I’ve Shared lots of ideas and tutorials with you. I’m thrilled I was able to Inspire you enough to Create one of your own!
Here are all the amazing crafts & projects you guys have been busy working on!
This Little Light of Mine made APOTHECARY JARS:
Kathi’s Creative Corner made SPINACH ARTICHOKE DIP:
Decor Chick made a CHEESE DOME CLOCHE:
Decor Chick updated her KNIFE BLOCK:
Thrifty Decor Chick made a CHEESE DOME CLOCHE:
(Eek! Yes, THE THRIFTY DECOR CHICK herself, Sarah, copied me!)
Brown Paper Packages updated her KNIFE BLOCK:
Scrap Candy Designs made a FALL WREATH:
Krystal Kreations made some CHEESE DOME CLOCHES:
Earnest Aspirations made some CHRISTMAS TREES:
On a Wal-Mart Budget made a FALL WREATH:
The O’Donnell Nest made some CHRISTMAS TREES:
The Cooking Nurse made SPINACH ARTICHOKE DIP:
My Repurposed Life was inspired by myMAGNETIC CHALKBOARD STATION:
Mustard Seed Memories made a CHEESE DOME CLOCHE:
Crafting in Cowtown made a FALL WREATH:
Keep up the amazing crafting! You guys are so talented. Thank you for letting me share your crafts.
If you have emailed me your craft and it didn’t make it on this list, I have had almost 2000 emails in the last two days from my awesome Silhouette SD Giveway and some emails have gotten lost in my inbox. I PROMISE I will have your link in my roundup for December.
I really like your ideas, but I’m not sure the others’ items are copies of your originals. I’ve seen painted cloches on stands for years now and made wreaths from dollar store, free, found items for ages, too. My fave ideas and inspirations are things I’ve NEVER seen or EVER would’ve thought of. I really love those! Best wishes and happy holidays!
Hi, Allison! This is such a great post, because I am a fairly new follower and had missed most of these ideas. Obviously they are great projects because people NEEDED to do their own iterations. I am now zipping back in time to visit them all!
Thank you for the link and ideas!
You inspire me, Allison! Being inspired has nothing to do with originality or creativity – But has everything to do with how you motivate people to want to do it for themselves! Keep on doing what you do, because OBVIOUSLY, 1200 followers think you’re pretty darn special. We finally finished redoing baby boy’s dresser – not something I’ve seen on your blog – YET, inspired by you because you’re a go getter, and a motivator.