** If you are getting any SOUND or POP-UPS from ads on my site, please let me know so I can make them go away. Thank you. **
As most of you are aware, I’ve been updating my piano room for oh, about 5 months.
It’s a process people. It’s a process.
Over Christmas I showed you the room with the tree in it.
Oh the horror of all horrors! The lamps have no shades on them.
Can you say T.A.C.K.Y. with me?
I had previously bought the *brand new* Target lamps at Goodwill for only $4 each. Score baby!
So ya, the lamps have been neked since mid November. I know I know, I’m more impressed than you are.
I finally sucked it up and just paid the dang $14 EACH for two new shades from {shock of all shocks} Target.
It seriously about killed me to pay FULL PRICE for two lamp shades, but in the grand scheme of things, $28 is really a pretty good deal for two lamp shades. I saw some shades at JC Penney last week for $40 each. What?!?!
Now this room is just a *tad* less embarrassing for visitors at my front door to peek in at.
Taking pictures of lamps that are turned on does not work very well!
And here’s the entire piano wall so far:
Now before you start publicly flaming me and sending me hate mail for being the worst home decorator on the entire planet, let me just point out a few {obvious} things I plan on changing as time and funds allow.
Besides the fact that this post is entirely about lamp shades, for the sake of my reputation I felt the need to clarify a few things.
1. I’m paining the frames. Yes, I know they are a Pottery Barn Knock-Off but I just can’t deal with that GOLD for one.more.day. So they are getting painted a fun bright color compliments of Krylon (I’ll let you know more about that in a few weeks). Also, the cute flower wreath has since been moved to another location that I’m excited to show you soon.
2. Painting the piano. I’ve been teasing you with this one since September. The piano is still unpainted for two reasons. 1. I still waffle on the color – black? Bright sunny yellow? Teal? Black? Did I mention black? aaaaand 2. time. I just moved in 5 months ago and I just don’t have the time to do every.single.project. in one day.
3. The pile of blinds are still not hung. I’m hiding my head in shame. All I have to do is take them to our local hardware store and have them shave off about a quarter of a inch off the side of them and then I can hang them. Yet there they sit.
4. The piano room was my temporary holding spot for all my decor when I painted the Family Room. I’m still putting it all back where it goes.
5. I’m thinking about getting some tall twigs or sticks to stick in the basket. The other bunch I bought isn’t tall or wide enough and looked funny.
6. That shelf probably isn’t staying. But for now it holds all the piano music. Yes I actually play the piano. It isn’t just for show.
And now to bring this totally derailed post back to the original topic… Shades. It’s so nice to finally have those light bulbs covered!
I’d say at this rate I might actually have this room completed by about 2012.
Have a great weekend!
Saint Lucia has a talking pop up.
I’m like you – – I need WAY more time. I have big plans and little breaks.
Won’t painting the piano change the sound?
PS: The ad in the upper right corner has video & sound. It only let me mute the sound on one ad out of the three that played while reading your blog.
I have a talking Activia commercial going right now and I had a St. Lucia pop up a minute ago. The St. Lucia pop up just made me sad because I want to go on vacation! Haha
I can’t wait to see what color you decide to paint the piano. The shades look great! I’m in need of a new shade for my daughter’s room since we have been redoing it, but I can’t get over the price of them, either. Talk about some serious sticker shock!!
The room is looking fantastic! And there is some ads (talking) coming through.
Yeah, those ads are video and sound and there is no mute/pause button.
Yup – the LimeAway ad just played twice and wouldn’t let me mute or stop it. Had to hit the mute button on my computer.
Love the lampshades BTW!
Suddenly I am aware of my lack of lamps, their accompanying shades, and hard water stains
yeah. really annoying video
The lamps look great! I agree that lampshades are such a ripoff! Tuesday Morning has pretty nice ones for cheap. And I’m glad to know that I’m not the only blogger who takes more than a day to completely makeover a room (I mean, who are these people and where can I get their super powers?).
I hate buying lampshades! I agree, I love Tuesday Morning! Ya, I think I may be the slowest before & after blogger. The joy is in the journey, right?
I *think* the annoying sound and pop-ups are fixed now….
Loving the shades!! And that was a good deal! Even though it was full price…still great!!
No nasty pop ups or sound for me! One of the things I love about your blog is you keep it real–like Rebecca said earlier, who are these people who can do a room redo in one day? Can I make one tiny suggestion? I’d keep the piano a classic color (black, brown, white) instead of something too funky–that’s one big statement piece, and I would hate to have to redo it in a few months because the funky color was making my eyes twitch I was so sick of it. That’s my humble suggestion, offered with only love and respect! Carry on…
Don’t paint the piano!!!! =D You can get color so many other ways in that room–keep it as the neutral it is.
Thanks for letting a purist pianist rant.
(and really, black wouldn’t be *too* bad…)
First, take the blinds back and get them fixed! Seriously you are passing up a trip to Home Depot? WHY?
Second, I said paint the piano black before and I stand by it now. It would pop against that wall and look awesome!! Teal? NO. Use the color for the accents and keep the main pieces solid or they are going to get lost in the mix and not look like, well, accent pieces.
Third, I was in Pier One last night, totally loving all the Christmas clearance. It said 90% but rang up even LESS. Anyway they had a basket filled with orchid stems that I just fell in love with, hate the price but someday I’ll make the knock off version. You should go (fot the clearance) and take a walk around for inspiration on the basket.
Fourth, the shelf, if it were me (and I needed the storage) I’d paint it black or silver like the wall color and put it just inside the room on the left along the short wall. The color will help it fit into the space and yet still be somewhat out of sight.
Fifth, not that I need a 5th but I want it (ocd baby) I love the lamps!
I think you’re making great progress and I love the lamps/shades!
Just a thought on the piano music storage–a bench with storage instead of a stool at the piano would give you a place to put the music, and I think would look sharp.
Good Luck! Can’t wait to see how it turns out
You might think I’m smoking crack when you read my suggestion b/c of the work involved with it, but I really think you should sand and stain the piano. You could stain it a dark gray. That way the wood grain still shows, and it is updated at the same time. It would be a tremendous amount of work, but it would be GORGEOUS!
You’re SO not the slowest “before-and-after-ist” . . . I never did a final reveal on my bedroom makeover from last summer, because I can’t find or make the right art for one wall. Ack!
I’d suggest keeping the piano the way it is, but black would work too. As a musician I just cringe slightly at the risk of changing the sound by painting it, but I totally understand that you want to spiff it up a bit
Why do you want to paint your piano? It looks to me that only the section right in front of the keys is the only part that needs any work, which really could be easily fixed with some sanding and staining.
Also, if your piano is the focal point in that room, I would put it on the wall directly across from the doorway. I’d turn the chair toward the piano and put those shelves up against the wall that the door is on so that you have some storage in there but when people “peek in” they don’t see it.
For your pictures, depending on what type of camera you have, you can change the ISO settings to a lower number and that will help with the glare when photographing lamps.
One more thing, though it is too late now, it might be useful for the future. We have an old lamp that had two hideous paper shades (Old English street scenes) that I just couldn’t stand to look at anymore. I removed the old paper and, using a roll of homemade paper with pieces of evergreen, seeds and some floral pieces in it, I created my own shades. I used the hideous paper as a template, cut out the pieces, then glued them onto the metal frame and protective backing. I finished it off with half inch ribbon trim. I’ve been using them for about 10 years now, so my guess is, it’s a safe method.
Omg! I forgot that you just moved in 5 months ago. Wow you have amazing energy. I love how you share your …boo boos when most of us wait till everything is perfect or close to that. I can “see” your vision and it’s going to be great. I think decorating slowing really insures that you do what you want. As for the piano, I’d vote for black.
You have so many great ideas. thank you!! I am passing along the Stylish Blogger Award. Stop by and pick it up. 4growingboys.blogspot.com