Well, today’s the big day. The day I’ve been dreaming about for oh, 9 months or so. Today I’m headed to Blissdom ’11.
I first mentioned Blissdom last week when when my super awesome celebrity status package arrived in the mail for mwa. (Boy did that start a debate, OMG! And Thank you everyone except for Adam, who gave me tons of squeezies and loves. I heart all of you!)
One thing I forgot to mention in my excitement last week is exactly what Blissdom is. Here’s a direct quote from their site:
“Blissdom is the premiere conference for women who find and express their bliss by publishing online. Blissdom ‘11, our fifth conference, is a welcoming oasis in the ever-changing blogging world. Speakers and panels featuring the best blogging, public relations and social media pros will be gathering to mentor new and old friends alike.”
So, ya. There you have it. And in Allison-terms, it’s a big fat huge BLOG CONFERENCE. Don’t laugh! Yes, there are actually conferences for people like me who claim they are bloggers. Blissdom will have several classes over a two-day period (Thursday and Friday) that teach you all sorts of stuff to make your blog better, make you a better blogger, grow your blog, turn your blog into a business, be a better writer, etc.
And one teensy-tiny itty-bitty other detail about Blissdom… Tons of other bloggers that I adore will be there. I’m going to spend 3 days chillaxin’ with the best of the best Home and Craft Bloggers. (The Nester has a list of people who are attending Blissdom if you want to check it out.)
So anyway, I’m leavin’, on a jet plane. Don’t know when I’ll be back again. (Ya, I do. I’m coming home Saturday.) I’ve got posts scheduled through Saturday so try not to have withdrawals while I’m gone. Ha! I’ll let you know all about my {hopefully} fun, wild, once-in-a-lifetime blogger par-tay Monday morning. Unless I’m still sleeping.
Have fun!!!! I can’t wait to hear all about it! And see what you wore
But why are YOU going to a blogging conference? I could understand if it were a how-to-sell-online forum since all you post is either paid reviews or hints and begging to potential Googling companies out there. Maybe it would be a little more believable as a blog if your advertisers section wasn’t longer than the “post”.
Have a blast! I am green with envy, maybe someday.
I want to hear all about it when you return.
I just wanted to leave you a comment and let you know that I totally LOVE your blog…Your funny and sweet and I always look forward to reading your posts…They are entertaining and always inspire me to make something great…I hope you have a great time at Blissdom and I cant wait to hear every detail…And I have set a goal for myself to go to Blissdom’12…so I cant wait to meet you next year.
Oh I so wish I were there! I’d love to do a guest post for you in your absence as I sit here turning the palest shade of green with envy. xoxo
I am fairly new to your blog, but I really like looking through your posts and seeing all the fun projects you have done. You have some really good tips and tricks!! Thanks for all you do, I can’t wait to hear how your trip went, I hope you had a great time!
I also am shocked at the negative comments I have read from people. I guess I’m just kind of old fashioned and try to stick with the old saying “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.”
I really like what I have seen so far, keep up the good work!!
Have a fantastic time and enjoy yourself!!! Angie xo
I hope you have tons of fun at Blissdom! Sounds like it’s going to be an awesome experience for you. You’re blog is awesome. Tempe is obviously a loser who has nothing better to do with his/her time than to troll blogs and cowardly leave negative comments anonymously.
Have so much fun. I’m a little jealous. Maybe next year…
have a blast sista!!!! wish i could go too…maybe next year!
Oh you are going to have so much fun!!
Enjoy and take plenty of pics please!!
Hope you have fun here in Nashville!! We just got a “big snow” (a whole 2-3 inches!), but being from Texas I’m sure you know how big of a deal that is in the south!
I loved seeing the snow!!! We never get snow here, but a big front is coming, so this may be the year!