I am having a hard time just trying to process all the emotions I went through at Blissdom this year. I don’t know why, but I just feel very overwhelmed by it all.
There’s so much I could say, but I’d like to keep this post short of a novel. What slant do I want to put on it?
Let’s just start with the people since that’s what everyone wants to see anyway…
Kami, Lindsey, Jen, Beckie, Me, & Melissa.
I met so many amazing women at Blissdom. I’m just overwhelmed by all the kind, generous, sweet, amazing women that I am lucky enough to now call my friends.
Me & Lisa Leonard; Me & Sandra
Melissa, Me, Gussy, Nester, Lorie
Marion, Lindsey, Laurie
I have about 90 photos on my Facebook Fan Page if you’d like to see all of them.
Another highlight (the best highlight?) was meeting Crystal Bowersox from American Idol last year.
I freaking met Crystal Bowersox!!! If you aren’t familiar with my American Idol obsession, you can read about me attending last years American Idol Finale here.
So, did I actually learn anything?
To see a plethora of pictures from my weekend, I encourage you to visit my facebook fan page (and join it too!).
Fun pictures! I loved meeting you and getting to hang out! I totally agree that every woman needs a girls weekend every once in awhile. I’m glad mine included getting to know you!
Kristen, right back atcha! I am so glad I met you! You are such a sweet person. If you want to do another girls weekend sometime let me know and I’ll start planning one. I’d LOVE to do a girls blogger cruise! Wouldn’t that just be great?!
Love your recap. This was my first conference and I am totally hooked!
Me too. I honestly didn’t really learn that much this go-round, but all the pep-talks and encouragement from the speakers as well as meeting all these amazing bloggers made it so worth it. I’ll definitely be back next year.
holy cow…sorry to hear about your ear drum! happy you had fun at Blissdom…!!!
Thanks Jamie! We missed you!
I think I’m going to try for next year. Last year there was no way on the face of the planet I could have gone. This year I could have if I would have thought about it early enough. Next year, I’m going to make it!
I hope you do! It was so much fun. There were so many different styles of blogger there – not just home decor and craft ones. Also, I met a few who don’t even blog yet! They just came to learn how to blog before they start their blog. Such a variety of people. Just subscribe to the Blissdom news feed and you should get an email next year when tickets go on sale.
Dude, your eardrum! Aaaagggghhhh! I did that one time, flew with probably one of the worst sinus infections/colds/flus I’ve ever had, *something* went “pop” and I could hardly hear for a week or more. But I didn’t have BLOOD! Yikes!
Love your recap of Blissdom, it seems everyone who went feels the same way, which is awesome!. You guys are all so darned cute. I’d love to go next year, will see if my little bitty blog has grown by then.
I hope you do go next year! I’d love to meet you!!! As for the ear, I knew it was going to blow. I could feel it. I was yawning, chewing gum, plugging my nose and blowing… anything I could think of to do to relieve the pressure. The right ear finally popped for me, but the left one wouldn’t until finally it was killing me so bad and then it just blew. I knew the second it happened and there wasn’t a darn thing I could do to prevent it. I was so upset! And it was on the way to Blissdom so I couldn’t hear very well out of my left ear the entire week!
aw man. I have to go to this sometime!
Sounds awesome! I go on scrapbook weekends 2x a year; I love, love, love to get away. My next one is coming up in March, I can’t WAIT!
I’ve read tips on blogging that say “twitter, twitter, twitter.” I don’t get it either. I have a twitter account for my site; and I do “tweet”, but to be honest? If I follow someone and they tweet incessantly, I get irritated! I don’t want to overdo it. If you figure out the secret, please let me know, lol!
Laurie, You won’t believe me, but this was the first girls getaway I’ve been on since I had my son 9 years ago. I never go anywhere. It just made me realize how much I need to do this at least once a year. Now I just need to get my girlfriends on board!
As for twitter, the main reason to use it (they say) is for networking. Most average people aren’t on twitter, but bloggers, businesses, shops, etc ARE. If you tweet a lot with these people they will get to know you and you are more likely to get deals with them.
OMG I hope your ear heals and you have no lasting ill effects. My son had ear issues as a baby and I can still hear the crying in my head at times. Get well soon.
Thanks. I’ve never blown out an ear drum before. It happened on the way there, and it’s already feeling better. It just sounded like I was listening under water from that ear for a few days. After the initial pop it didn’t really hurt again. Just sounded horrible.
All the photos look so fun! I so wish I could have gone to bliss!! Looks like you made some great friends…there’s no such thing as too many great girlfriends!
yay! glad you had a good time… where can i request one of these to be held in hawaii???
Tell me about it! Hawaii would be the best! Except I’d have to go for a week or more just to enjoy the island. I literally saw ZERO of Nashville. I didn’t even leave the hotel!
It’s so funny b/c I’ve been seeing you in pictures on other great blogs and I’m like, “Hey! That’s Allison” (like we’ve met?!). I’m so jealous I couldn’t go but at seven and a half months pregnant, traveling isn’t an option for me!!! What other blog convention did you attend? I need to book one ASAP! Any suggestions? It looks like you had a great time. Sorry about the ear . . . that sucks! So cool you got to meet Bowersox! What do you think of the new Idol judges? I love Idol too!
Stephanie, Ya 7.5 months pregnant is probably not the best time to get on an airplane and head to a blogging conference.
I also attended Bloggy Boot Camp with the SITS girls back in October. I was going to blog about it but never got around to it and then it was too late. But I learned a ton about blogging, traffic, SEO, bringing in new readers, etc. Definitely worth it to go to at least one conference. Plus you get to meet some pretty awesome gals.
It was great getting to meet you and hang out!!! I am glad we got to be friends for sure!!!
But oh your poor ear!! How horrible! Feel better!
Jess! I know! I’m so glad I met you. You better keep in touch! You are seriously one of my new BFFs. Love you girl! xoxo
Oh so sorry about the ear! You must of said a lot of “Huh?” during your stay. I can tell in the picture of you and Crystal your excitement of meeting her, that was the my favorite picture of them all. I am loving the new American Idol by the way. I didn’t think I would like Steven, but when he hugged and kissed the young woman in the wheel chair it just melted my heart, he was genuine. And can Jennifer get any prettier? She is such a natural beauty.
You look great and it seems like you all had A LOT of fun! And I know you were excited to meet Crystal Bowersox! I’ve seen your picture on countless other blogs so it seems you were making friends all over the place
And if I go next year, I’m totally hanging with you…from what I’ve read, you were the life of the party 
Great pics…everyone is so beautiful! I must try and go to this next year. Looks like fun!! And I am with Rebecca…I wanna hang with you so I can make sure and meet all these fabulous women!!
Love seeing all the photos and hearing about the fun you had! I am planning on going next year! Crossing my fingers, toes, whatever! Hope to meet you next year!
Oh, I am so sorry to hear about your ear. You would have never known it by my short few minutes with you
So good to meet you and I’m glad you had a wonderful time!
It did sound like the best time all around ( with the exception of the ear- ouch)
I don’t twitter either and I have just set my foot down that I am not- I think we can get overwhelmed with all that we should do to grow but am content with my little ol blog !
bee blessed
I love reading your blog and thought of you to award the Stylish Blogger Award.
Courtney @frog2fab.blogspot.com
Be a rebel like us!!!
ha! I’m such a bad influence!
LUCKY!!!! You and I need to meet at a conference!!!