Silhouette Link: Shop Silhouette HERE
HoH Coupon Code: HoH4ever
Silhouette has recently come out with a way to cut FABRIC on your Silhouette machine!
“Cut fabrics with your Silhouette machine and Silhouette fabric interfacing.
“Just iron the interfacing to your fabric, place it on the Silhouette cutting mat and feed it into your electronic cutter. Then iron your cutout design to your project and stitch or sew it in place.”
Check out all these fun projects made with the Silhouette and the fabric interfacing.
Make fabric boxes for treats:
What little girl wouldn’t want a Cinderella silhouette t-shirt?
Pillows are always great to have, especially cute ones like this:
Tuck your baby in at night under this hand-made quilt.
St. Patty’s day has never been so fun!
The frame and silhouette on this shirt are so elegant.
Can a turtle be any cuter? And the color combination is just yummy!
This owl is a “hoot”!
You can even add fabric to cards for an extra fun note.
Aren’t these amazing?
From NOW through March 27th, you can get a discount on the Silhouette and the Fabric Interfacing so that you too can create these delicious projects. (Must use coupon code: HoH4ever). Here’s the deal:
Silhouette Bundle:
* Silhouette SD machine
* Clean Cut Fabric Interfacing
* Sewable Fabric Interfacing
* Roll of white flocked Heat Transfer Material
All yours for $229!
Already have a Silhouette machine? Just want to stock up on extra Fabric Interfacing?
25% off fabric interfacing!
Silhouette Link: Shop Silhouette HERE
HoH Coupon Code: HoH4ever
Happy Shopping!
I love all of your crafty-womanship! I just started following your blog a couple of weeks ago and get so excited when I see you have a post up in my dashboard!
Hey Allison,
Your promocode is still ringing up your previous deal of vinyl and not adding the fabric stuff.