Do you remember when I had a clothing crisis because I scheduled a Family Portrait?
Well, after everyone and their dog stepped in with an opinion, I finally came up with this little ensemble.
{Thank you to everyone AND all their pooches for helping me choose outfits!}
Are you just dying to know how the pictures turned out?
Anyone who can make me look this good can obviously preform miracles. Because, let me just say, I.Never.Look.This.Good. Ever.
Cute Couples’ Alert. Be forewarned. These pictures may be too cute for your virgin eyes. View at your own risk.
Aaannnd Hell-oooooooooo, Stud-man! A 9 year old should not be this smokin’. Just sayin’.
This ones gonna be trouble. I tell you what. Truh-bull. She’s already got the eye-batting down to a T. And that tooth-less smile? Melt.
How on earth can I even narrow them down enough to pick which ones to print?
And these three people? We managed to capture the three loves of my life and their true genuine smiles and expressions. I love how Kinsey’s playing peek-a-boo behind her “da-da”. And my little man? The miniature clone of Ben? He looks so big and grown up. Where have the last 9 years gone? And of course Ben is looking quite dapper himself.
I think I’m going to have to print them all. There’s no other way around it. But for my mantle, I’m strongly considering this one:
I love how it’s so informal and casual. It perfectly reflects our fun silly laid-back family.
Those ARE fantastic pictures. I love the one of your son when he’s smoldering at the camera. Yikes! Watch out, hearts!
Great pictures!!! I’ll have to keep her in mind for the future
Your family is adorable! You look great and your kids look like they’re having fun which is unusual for family portraits
Thanks for sharing!
I do really need to learn to say no to auto. Looking forward to reading through the ebook. Thanks for the info.
The pictures are beautiful. And I have a copy of the book. It is great!
You look absolutely awesome!! The kids look adorable, too. Quite a handsome hubby!!!
Those are beautiful pictures and what a beautiful family you have.
Makes me wish I lived in Austin too! 
Your family is beautiful! The pictures turned out amazing. Sure wish I lived closer so I could have Kristen Duke take our family pictures.
You have a beautiful family! Your kids are going to break hearts!!
And just an FYI, I love your blog! Thank you for sharing all your awesome ideas and projects!!
look at your cute self! Isn’t it wonderful to have a great photographer?? I was sooo lucky once upon a few years ago to have Miss Tara Whitney do our family photo shoot. Seriously count my lucky stars every time I see those pictures
Happy for ya!
Love, love, love!! Your family is beautiful! I wish I could have Kristin come to Vegas and give us a little photo love!!
Gorgeous family–your children are the perfect combinations of you and your husband! Thanks for sharing these awesome pictures, I’m sure you are so excited to display them in your home
Have a great night!
Katie@Little Things Bring Smiles
fab family photos!! what a great looking family!
These photos are ahhhhh-mazing! You look FABULOUS! And you have about the cutest family I’ve ever seen. I giggled at your daughter’s face in the last one.
So I have a question…if I am on this blog post or any other post, is there a link to previous posts? Because if there is, I can’t see.
Defintely captured emotion and your son has
himself some lady killer peepers!!
The pictures turned out GREAT!!!! I love them!
I love them! LOVE. You all look amazing. I love the *real* expressions. So. Much. Fun!
oh my goodness these are fantastic!! I think my fave is the one with your daughter’s cute face in the family photo!! Love your outfit selection! You guys look so lovely!
Wow-these pictures are really great-what a beautiful family you are!
Fantastic photos!! She knocked it out of the park with these. Your kids are totally adorable!
I love a photographer who is creative and doesn’t stick you in those boring JC Penny poses.
My favorite is the last group shot. The expression on your daughter’s face has so much personality! Just like her mom
well hot dang sister…those pictures are amazing!
wow, you have one tough choice ahead of you for sure allison! but a fun tough choice to make, you know!
i love them all! and you look beautiful btw!
These pics are A-mazing! Love them! She is a very talented photogapher and you are lucky to have her in your area!
Those are so great! Don’t you just LOVE finding a photographer who can actually capture you/your family’s characters?! We have a photographer friend here in MN who takes our pictures and I must say, the only problem we have is not being able to narrow down our favorites! And I think you’ll agree that’s an ok problem to have.
I love them!!! Beautiful family and beautiful pictures!!!
Gorgeous family! Your pictures really turned out great!
You have a beautiful family! Your photos turned out great! I am happy to say that about a year ago I said no to auto and never looked back. It makes all the difference in the world!
Scissors & Spatulas
I can’t believe I JUST saw these today! They were posted almost a month ago… what the heck? ANYWAYS, so just want to tell you that your family is GORGEOUS! How adorable is it that both you and your hubby have a little twin. And you! You look so awesome!! LOVE these pics. Thanks for sharing!