I’ve gotten a few awesome gifts in the mail lately and I just have to share them with you!
In February I posted about my fun & quirky cow and pig heads in my kitchen.
Aren’t they just so fun? Based on the comments, I take it you either LURVE them, or LOATHE them. Personally I’m on the LURVE team.
Well, Stephanie over at Room*6 (great blog, btw!), sent me, wait for it…
I’m DY-ING here. Yes, that is a matching ceramic chicken head. Now I’ve got a complete set – the beef, the pork, and the chicken!!!
I still haven’t painted it white yet to match the others, but I am just too excited to wait any longer to show you. And of course, as soon as I paint it and hang it up y’all will be the first to know.
And then, another reader, Janet from Biker Chick News mailed me a gift too!
I’m too spoiled, y’all. Thank you!!
Janet sent me this darling monogram pillow because of my obsession with monograms.
Not only is it a big fat purdy “H”, but it’s also orange(ish). Swoon.
I really hope I’m not coming off braggy. I just love these two presents and I wanted to make sure Stephanie and Janet both got a proper shout out.
Thanks Stephanie and Janet, I’m in LURVE.
I love those animal heads! (Wait, that does not sound right….)
Anyway, I’m in the lurve category. Off to check out the blogs you posted the links for. 
get out! you’ve got great readers, because that’s one cool unique line up of heads. I’m on team LURVE IT officially.
So great.
Please give us an updated post when they’re all hanging out together. It’s just so fantastic.
Thanks for the shout out Allison! Glad you LURVE it!!!
So glad you like the little pillow, it looks FAB next to your placemat pillow! Also – we have that SAME cow head!! Same mold, but ours is painted (someone’s ceramics class project??) and is hanging in the basement bar (because it’s all about the DRINKING here…) LOL
I love them! If he can have his deer head in the family room… I wonder do they make a deer head with antlers I could put up in the kitchen? They are too cute!
So I’m in the “not a fan of the animal heads” camp, but I love the pillow! We have the same monogram, “H”, so maybe I’m a bit biased.