I made tons of decor before I moved from California back to Texas. Have you ever wondered where those items ended up?
Today we’re going to play a little game called,
“Whatever happened to that crap?”
I went around my house with my camera and took pictures of all the stuff I made in California. Now you get to see where it ended up!
{Fun Times!}
Whatever happened to the Red “You are Special” plate?…
The Red plate, which I painted in 2005 and was one of the first things I ever posted about on this blog, now resides on top of the refrigerator. We’ve still never used it…
All of the following crafts & decor now live on my recently painted bookshelves…
2. Ceramic Pitchers with grass and flowers
3. Book end (purchased in Los Angeles)
7. Refurbished Gumball Machine
9. Pinto Bean Decor Balls (Split pea ball in between)
Q: Whatever happened to that plastic 3-drawer organizer that was spray painted black?
A: It now lives under the stairs in the junk closet with all the Wii stuff in it.
Q: How about the fun painted frame for the Disney World picture?
A: It has sat on the piano since the day we moved in.
The Cheese Dome Cloche and the Painted Knife Block both live on my kitchen counter:
The Soap Pump now sits at my new kitchen sink, and it still looks as good as the day I made it.
2010 & 2011
The cute wicker can now holds all my pens in the kitchen instead of the kids colored pencils. I still love it!
Do you remember this hanging plant container makeover? It’s still one of my favorites. Anyhoo, it is pretty much in the same place as before; on the wall entering/leaving the kitchen.
The candlesticks that had a drastic makeover in California, have once again gone through the makeover process. Now they are part of a nice ensemble of candles in an alcove off the Dining Room.
The trash stand that once looked like this:
…Now sits in my guest bathroom.
I love having my yellow vase up on my mantle now!
My Dollar Store birds makeover received a make under once we moved. They now {lamely} sit on top of music next to the piano. Boring.
This mirror makeover & my Dollar Store 5-minute Frame now hang in my stairwell on my gallery wall.
I also added my beloved HoH plate to the gallery wall as well:
The little black box is still in a bathroom, only this time it’s the upstairs guest bathroom instead of our master bath.
I hang my keys in plain sight next to the front door; my skeleton key art, that is!
Believe it or not, I still have the cheap-o Cupcake Cones pan I made a year ago; and it still works great!
A few weeks ago I showed you how I reused this refurbished shelf.
This isn’t all roses and cherries though. I’ve got a few items still sitting in a heap, and a few more that didn’t make the cut.
The large dice decor and the painted flower pot are still waiting for a new home in this big ol’ house.
My cooler died. It was so old that it just wouldn’t retain cold anymore, so I had to toss it.
The bunnies were never on my LURVE list, so I donated them to Goodwill.
I’m not sure what happened to the Lego magnets. It’s a mystery!
My Spring Tiki Platter did not survive the move. The heat from being stored in a box somehow melted part of it onto another item. It now lives in a landfill somewhere.
And lastly, the Inspirational Plate Trio. I liked them, but I never loved them. In an effort to pare down the crap around here, they ended up at Goodwill for a new family to love on.
That, my friends, is where all the California crap went. Most I kept and reused, some got tossed, and a few items were donated.
I hope you enjoyed this little time travel tour!
great post! i have only been reading your blog for a few months, so it was neat to see a lot of your past projects!!
how interesting! It’s always funny to see what we change our mind about after time. we also have things get lost or ruined in moves, despite my best efforts to be organized!
I am a new reader, so I enjoyed seeing so many of your past projects all at once
I especially love seeing how homes evolve over time… and moving always seems to speed-up that process!
Well………certainly no one can say you’ve been a couch potato!
It is all a living testament (and all the interior decorating) to the creative person who lives at HoH.
Great to see where all your stuff ended up. And the top of your refrigerator is so clean and dust free!
Hahahaha, we play this game everytime I move things around in my house, I think my friends come over just to play a giant game of “Find PJ’s Stuff!” It’s my own fault because I move things around so much. I’m kind of itching to do it again right now!
Love your stuff though!
As always.
Wow, I remember most of those projects from the time you made them initially:) This was a fun then and now post.
HAHA!! That was fun!! I wanna do something like this someday! It’s funny spotting something that was a big blog hit and seeing it all dusty next to a stack of dvd’s! Or my poor Alie. Her room is cluttered with all my rosette thing-a-mah-bobs!!
That was fun to see where everything had been and where was now!
I love this post- What a great idea.
Such a fun blog post! THanks for sharing
Hey! I just awarded you the Versatile blogger award here: http://funkymonkeyinthemiddle.blogspot.com/2011/05/i-got-award.html Congratulations! While you’re there, take a look around
very fun to see all the things you’ve done over the years in one post!
I love that you updated us on what you’ve done with all of your goodies! I’m a new blogger and i’m worried that i’ll over accumulate things in my house! You make me feel better knowing what you’ve done with everything.
Those are some really great projects.
Isn’t it amazing when you put all the projects together how much you’ve accomplished? I need to cling to that as I am constantly battling dirty dishes in the sink and loads of laundry!