So, are you a blogger?
Would you like the chance to guest blog at House of Hepworths?
I will be on vacation from June 25th through July 20th and am looking for some guest bloggers to fill the void.
I can’t guarantee I’ll post every post I receive, but I’ll try to post as many as I can.
If you’d like to guest blog at House of Hepworths while I’m road tripping half-way across the USA, here’s what I want:
A post that introduces yourself and then shows off no more than 3 projects/crafts/recipes/etc that you’ve done on your blog so far. Please only include one or two pictures max per project.
This is not a tutorial post, this is an introductory post. I want you to just introduce yourself and convince my readers why they should check out your blog. Remember, no more than 3 projects.
In a nutshell: Your header image, photo of you if you have one, intro about yourself, 3 projects with explanations about each, closing paragraph or sentence. Done.
As I receive your code, I’ll schedule a day for you and let you know when you will be featured. All I ask for in return is that you post on your blog the day of letting your readers know you are guest blogging at House of Hepworths.
Email your code to
I will probably not get around to posting your code if I receive it while on vacation, so have it to me by June 23rd.
If you are unsure how to get your code, on blogspot and wordpress, there’s a tab in the upper right hand corner of the box where you type out your post labeled “HTML”. After you have written your post, click that tab. Copy every bit of gibberish in the box. Paste it into an email. Send it to me.
Thanks so much for helping me out while I’m on vacation!
Pick me pick me! I would love to do this!
Ooh…I’m so excited. I just sent you my code…can’t wait to see if you pick me
OH YAY, THANKS Allison, I would LOVE to guest post girl. Hopefully you will pick me as well, since I am going to send you my code RIGHT now.
SO excited!!!
Hugs, Bella
Ooooo- this is exciting, you are sooo going to hear from this blogger gal
Connie @
Allison- I just send you the HTML for mine! I would love to be a guest on your blog!! Looking forward to hearing from you.
Have a fabulous vacation!!
So cool of you to open up this opportunity! I hope my lil blog makes the cut, but either way, thanks for doing this!
Uh do I want to?! Heck to the yes I do! Going to send my code right this minute!!!
And can I say I am jealous of an almost month long vacation?! How fun!
I would love to be your guest!!! Putting a post together right now…
Ummm. holy crap. off to do this. Like. NOW.
my code is on its way to you…i am so super jealous of your upcoming trip, that’ll be awesome.
Sounds great – – I put it on my to-do list for tonight.
So exciting! I’ll be sending you an email shortly.
So cool–thanks! I’ll work on a post and get it sent to you. Even if mine doesn’t make it to be posted, I’m looking forward to finding lots of new blogs through you
This is a wonderful idea, Allison! I hope you’ll pick me! But either way, you’re still super-cool…;)
Have a great week!
I do! I do! Just sent you some good ol html
Where are you going for a whole month!?
So cool that you’re offering this opportunity! (Crossing my fingers…)
What a great opportunity…I look forward to reading all these great blogs…..but, Allison, I will miss you so!
Such a great idea, Allison! You’ll be seeing something from me very soon
Becky B.
Organizing Made Fun
I would love an opprotunity at this, crossing my fingers that I might be chosen!
Ooooooh! I am already mentally writing my post;)
Yeah for you! I’m going on vacation/maternity leave for a month and doing something similar! This should boost your traffic a bit (I think.) Have a FABULOUS vacation!
Um, I’m SO excited to do this!! I just found your blog, and I love it!!
Do you still have room? I would love to do a guest post!
Hi Allison! Thanks so much for this opportunity! I just sent over my html code. Even if I’m not chosen I am definitely looking forward to being introduced to other blogs I might not be aware of! Have fun on your vacation!