Hi, I’m Anna. I had three kids in three years, and whew has my life changed. Just a few years ago, I had a great job in social media, lived in the city with my hubby and my dog, and I had a social life. Then we had our three kids, I turned 30, we moved to the suburbs, we bought a minivan, and I quit my job. Can I get some mom jeans to go with my new life?
Now I spend my days with two toddlers and a baby, and I spend my naptimes fixing up the neglected house we bought in the suburbs. And in my spare time, I blog about it all at www.mylifeandkids.com.
Stop by to read the tutorials below – and while you’re there you can read about all of the lies my mother told me growing up (I couldn’t sing in the 5th grade talent show because I have a rare gene that doesn’t work with microphone technology!?!), you can “meet” my post office boyfriend, and you can read about the day that my toddlers decided to change my baby’s name to GOD.
Turn Twin Sheets Into Curtains
Did I mention that I’m also super cheap? I am, and I’m always looking for ways to get the look I want for way less.
Would you guess that these dining room curtains were once twin sheets? Click here to see how you can turn twin sheets into curtains too.
Make a Map out of Scrapbook Paper
Did I mention that I’m also crazy? I am! And I took on way more than I could handle with this US map. But I pushed through, and boy am I glad I did!
Click here to see how you can make a map using scrapbook paper, a canvas and some Mod Podge.
I hope you’ll stop by My Life and Kids to see these tutorials and more (like what to do when you toss a disposable diaper in the washing machine – YUCK!)
Thanks for having me – such fun!
Love this guest post!