I’m pretty sure KITSCHY is my new favorite word. I don’t know why. Probably because it’s rude.
Remember that really long vacation I just got back from?
I tried really hard to not load up on crap decor while on the road, but I did manage to come home with just a few fun little tasteless inferior kitsch art things…
I know, it’s pretty much the most random mismatch of hodge podge anyone could have picked up on vacation. I’m cou’ like that.
I guess I’ve got some serious splainin’ to do.
Let’s start with the ridiculously large lantern.
My facebook fan page looked like this while we were in Chicago:
After 9 people told me I was cookoo-crazy to leave that lantern behind, I quickly updated my status while I had Ben do a wheelie in the parking lot to turn the car around. I sprinted through Target.
Hallajulah! No one found it and bought it from underneath me. Woot.
After some serious crap shifting, we found a nice home for the lantern behind Travis’s head. It remained locked in that position for the next 3 weeks.
I’m still not sure where I’m going to put my new prized lantern. I’ll let you know as soon as it finds the perfect home. I was thinking my porch, but I don’t want it getting stolen, so now I’m not sure.
While we were in Washington DC Ben had to work for 2 days, leaving the kids and I to fend for ourselves. We spent a good 3 hours in Cracker Barrel one afternoon eating dinner and shopping in their huge gift shop. I couldn’t resist the 50 off table and walked away with these two tchotchkes.
Item 1: a cute cast iron bumble bee.
I’ll probably put this ca-utie patootie on the railing on my deck.
Item 2: a yellow beehive glass mister.
I love the color. I love the shape. And it’s GLASS. I’ve got a makeover planned for this little guy though. I don’t really need a mister considering all my plants are fake. lol
And last, but not least, I bought a ceramic peace sign hand.
Would you even believe that I found this ceramic peace sign hand on the Atlantic City, NJ boardwalk in a really REALLY crappy 99 cent store?!
I’m pretty much obsessed with doing peace signs in photos. so it seemed appropriate for me to own my very own peace sign hand.
I don’t know why. It’s like this involuntary tick. I see a camera, I do a stupid face and throw up a peace sign or two.
Even my shadow is not exempt from the peace sign.
Are you surprised that I only drug home four decor-related things with me? Ya, me too.
I’m really not a tchotchke or, as the Salvation Army calls it, a Brick-Brack fan, so I do try to keep the random kitschy crap to a minimum. But sometimes, even I’m not immune to the peace sign or a little bumble bee.
Do you collect knick-knacks? What is the most random thing you’ve ever drug home from vacation?
Love the mister, I have a cute silver one but no plants to use it on., will be interesting to see what you do with this one.
That lantern is great, would look amazing outside all lit up, but not if some muppet is going to pinch it!
Ok your idea of crap is waaaayyyy far from real, well, crap.
Caaaauuuute finds and I love that lantern and live in Chicago and have never seen the likes of that thang in our stores here. Damn. 
I would love the lantern with a coat of turquoise.
The bee is super cute 
i’m sorry, but i actually NEED that peace sign to actually GO everywhere, on any future vacation with you. instead of throwing up the peace sign, you just hold that ceramic piece up. seriously. it’ll be classic.
Glad you are back ! Missed your posts- guest posts are great, but glad to have you back. I typically bring a lot of crap back with me. :/
Love the peace sign !
When you go into Cracker Barrel, they need to put blinders on you and escort you from the front door to the table. At least that’s what my husband does to me. It’s not so bad…
Crackin me up as usual!
Sounds like you had an awesome trip.
You are hilarious
I would have held onto that lantern while you were in Chitown…oh yeah and I would have fed you if you stopped by…some of the pizza we’re famous for…boo I have definitely not seen that at our Target!!
If I bought something as large as the lantern, I’d probably have it shipped to a friend to hold till I got back. I have a small car or I’d be flying. One trip I brought home a shelf thing, that my uncle in Minn made, and I had it boxed up at the Mall of America and it was sent to Cargo at the airport. That part was great, but I remember lugging that and my luggage at the end of the night (I had flight delays and was exhausted). This last trip I bought a San Francisco baseball hat. I didn’t have a hat with me and I figured it’s a souvenir too. Considering how many cities you went to and the amount of time you spent gone that only 4 items is nothing. You’ll always look at those items and think of a good moment from this trip and so will your kids.
I just realized I wrote a long comment. Sorry about that.
I would never be able to keep it down to 4 items. Love the lantern. And I say you use the peace sign to hold jewelry or hair bands instead of one of those fancy mannequin hands.