Folks, are you in for a ride today!
Yes, I know. I can’t help myself. They. are. so. fun!
So, wanna know what I’ve been up to lately? Hint: the video shows some super top secret stuff, as well as more detail about today’s post.
I went shopping! And like I said the other day, I’m going to finish this piano room once and for all!
Here are the goods in the back of my car. Note to self: it’s probably a good idea to make sure everything will fit before you load up your cart and check out. I had a mini panic attack in the parking lot trying to put all the crap into the car.
I had this going on in the piano room until yesterday:
It’s really no fun at all to sit in those chairs. I feel like I’m on a toilet or something.
So I bought new chairs. Ya, I know I sound flippant about this, but in reality this chair purchase was a long time coming. I’ve been saving my pennies for awhile for these bad boys.
Travis was my helper for the day. He is finally old enough (9.5) that he’s actually a help now.
And ta-da!
At ikea you buy the furniture and the covers separate so you can get the color you want. You can use the chairs without adding a cover, but I think they look like something you’d see at a doctor’s office, so I opted for covers.
And here they are with the covers.
The covers specifically say to not iron them, so I didn’t, and they are so wrinkly I’m getting hives looking at them. I think I’m going to break the rules and bust out my iron anyway.
Travis is so chill.
As you can see I took the curtains back down so I can alter them. And here’s a pretty good shot of the whole room, crap piled high on the piano and all.
I didn’t measure the room before I purchased the chairs. I just assumed they would fit, and they do – thank goodness!
Now I just need to get those curtains hung back up, add a few pieces of artwork, and spruce up the place a bit with some accessories and the room will be as good as done.
And I can’t wait to have one complete room in this house!
The reason I went with these chairs is because I liked the look and price of them. They are $130 each at ikea, which is a lot cheaper than most chairs I’ve found anywhere else. Plus, I wanted something that was more comfortable to sit in than a dining chair, but still looked nice.
I do want to note, the chairs are comfortable enough but they aren’t the most comfy chairs I’ve ever sat in in my life. They are good enough for a room that doesn’t get constant use like our family room does.
I’ll keep you posted on all these projects I’ve got going on around these parts!
See all my blog posts with videos here.

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Thanks for reading! Have a wonderful week!
They look great. Instead of ironing them, have you seen Downy’s Wrinkle Release spray? I’ve used it to get wrinkles out of bed skirts and curtains, because I was too lazy to iron them.
Allison, you are so cute!! And those are my favorite IKEA chairs!!! Can’t wait to see every thing finished!
You are beautiful! I so love your personality… the room looks fabulous! Can’t wait to see the rest!
I don’t think I’ve heard your voice before this video, but you sound just as I imagined (total good thing).
Love the chairs! And you are so darn funNy. I liked the writing on your blog to help explain things….so funny!
Glad you are not sick anymore…stomach flus are. The. Worst.
OMG, you are so CUTE! You sounded just how I thought you would (I’m not a stalker) – like a friend of mine who is also cute and blond. She talks just like you. I love the pop of color that’s going in the dining room!
Love the chairs…and that wrinkle release spray works great!!
Give it a try!
Ok so first things first, you so not look like crap! I don’t even look that good when I am perfectly healthy.
Second, sooo wish we lived closer so that we could go to the 2, count ’em TWO Ikea’s we have here in Chicago.
Third- I totally know where you got the inspiration for your dining room centerpiece…..that is the TDC project that brought me to her site a year ago. Unless you created it and she was inspired by you…in which case kudos to you….
And I love the vlogging thing!
But when are you discussing the vacuum lines cuz I am really getting stoked about that….:)
Hey, I was also gonna recommend the Downy Wrinkle Release spray! We can’t buy it in Canada anymore, for some mysterious reason, but I get it whenever I’m in the States to use on my Ektorp sofa and 2 armchairs….works perfectly!
They look great, by the way!
I think the chairs look good in there. The pillows give them just the right pop of bright color.
Love the VLOG….. but the outtake one you did is still my favorite! Thanks for the IKEA inspiration. Looks like you got some great stuff.
Fun vlog! I love vlogs, so keep ’em coming!
I like your vlogs! And seriously…. most of us are sitting in front of our computers looking juts about as you do so we must all look like crap if you do!
OK, One More Time…….you need to post a warning before you post coffee spewing hilarity in the a.m. !!
Anxious to see the dinning room drapes, the chairs look sweet and (I can’t resist this part) where did ya get those shades (sunglass type)?
Your rooms are really coming together, you must be tickled.
Keep it comin.
My husband and I were talking about getting these chairs for our office. The white looks great against the grey walls. Our office is grey so this is perfect.
the chairs a wonderful! nice to have changes in our lives. I have wanted to check out an Ikea for a long time.
2nd on the wrinkle release. PW and Nester also say that putting the slipcovers on when still a little damp works well.
Loved the VLOG!! I don’t know if I could be that brave! Yours was awesome!!! I cannot wait to see your curtains with the new fabric, it was to die for!! On a side note you must be close to an IKEA and that makes me jealous!!!
Very cool, I will have to pick some up!! Thanks for the head’s up!!
HOH….I. love. Ikea…..did you have time for some meatballs???