The board and batten in Kinsey’s room is finished!!!
Before I started this project she had been living in a football field…
Sad, I know.
The other day I tormented you guys by showing you a half finished board and batten project. It’s like dangling a carrot. I’m all about real time though, and that is where I was. Yesterday I did my last swipe of pink paint. I may have heard Angel’s sing. Never has a room taken so long to paint!
I still have loads of work to do in here, like buy all new outlet covers and put them on. Oh, and decorate. I can’t wait to start pounding new nail holes into the walls.
Oh, and try to ignore her closet. It’s a downright disaster in there. I have a passionate loathing for closet doors though, so since I took her’s off a year ago, I couldn’t shut the door for the pictures.
I’ll come back later today and give you all the deets on the project (how to do it, paint colors, etc), but I’m just so dang proud of the room that I wanted to show you guys real quick.
Don’t tell Ben this, (hi Ben!) but I’m planning on selling her dresser on Craigslist and purchasing some type of wardrobe system for her closet that will house ALL her clothes. Then I want to get a big ol’ shelving unit (maybe this one) and a cute little girl dressing table (maybe this one) for all her belongings. Oh, and I am planning on selling her twin bed and upgrading to a full sized one as soon as I can afford a new mattress for her (why are they so expensive?!).
But for now, her room will stay like this because all this furniture swapping and closet re-doing will cost me a pretty penny that I don’t have. boo.
My FAVORITE part of the room is impossible to photograph and I’m so bummed! I spent the most time working on this big bay window and I absolutely LURVE the way it turned out. Too bad it’s so hard to see.
Here’s a close-up to give you an idea of what it looks like.
I ran a really huge header board across the top just to give it some oomph. It’s all MDF, I just had the our local hardware store guy cut it 14″ wide instead of 3.5″ wide.
I also decided to use basic window trim around the window instead of the MDF planks that I used around the bay part.
And I don’t know why, but I love the way it looks under the window. I ripped out the old moulding under the window and made the new MDF planks go around the entire window sill so it looks boxed in and finished.
Gah, I’m diggin’ this new room. Seeing the pictures and writing this post has *almost* made me forget how much torture it was painting all the boards. Almost. Not enough to do another room tomorrow though. Maybe next week.
Like I said, I’ll come back soon and give you ALL the details about the room. If you have any really specific questions that you think I might forget to mention, leave them in the comments section and I’ll make sure to address them in the next post.
In my innermost Arnold, “I’ll be back.” Oh, and “It’s not a tume-eh!” I always think of that when I think of good ol’ Arnold.
Have a great day!
Wow–it looks so awesome! And I’ll bet it did take forever to paint it–but it was worth it, so good job
OMG! LOVE the room! The window is fabulous!!! Well worth your hard work!!! Just an amazing job Allison!! And your line about Arnold made me laugh, especial as I was reading in my Arnold voice!! LOL!
It is beautiful!
So fantastic! The bay window really reminds me of the picket shutters that you see in old houses in Europe.
That paint job is terrific. We painted all of the panelling in my mom’s very 1970’s basement and all those nooks and crannies just about ran us to ground.
It looks sooooo much better! I bet Kinsey loves not having a football room anymore!
Looks so much better already. I want to do board and batten in a room but haven’t decided where.
Oh my goodness, what a transformation! It looks so amazing {and so appropriate
} for your daughter. What a lucky girl to have your for her mom! Great job!!! It was so worth it!
It looks gorgeous. You did an incredible job!
Allison, you have done an amazing job. I was excited to see the finished project, and here it is. Wonderful work and much more suited for a girl! Cheers.
So far with all the tutorials and options out there I think I like yours the best for uniformity with the rails and slats all measuring 3.5″ right? At least that’s the way it looks to me. How did you decide how far apart to make them, wall size? I think you did an awesome job. We are going to do this with our master bedroom because it is SO small it really does need a feature to distract you from the size of the room.
Thanks I love it!
It looks beautiful! Such a good job!
Allison! It looks SO good! If you have any questions about closet systems, I’ve put in FOUR in our house. Here is my little girls’ closet system and I love it because it can be changed around so as her clothes get big {sob, sob} I can move the pieces around.
I am trying to think where I could do the board and batten cause I love it!
Becky B.
Organizing Made Fun
Such a big difference! I bet your little girl is thrilled! I would be.
Incredible! and I love all the choices you made in regards to the window. I did that same football field in my nephew’s room… I’m so glad your girly has her pretty pink room now
Lovely and classic!
That is absolutely incredible! What a huge undertaking and you pulled it off beautifully. That trimmed out window…wow! Good work Allison!
It looks great! If the Home Depot guy could see it now, he might not be so annoyed about having to make all those cuts
The board and batten turned out great. I think her dresser and bed are great. You could do something really fun with a coat of paint!
I actually love the bedroom furniture, I’m just trying to be more practical with her room. I think getting rid of the dresser and getting a closet organizing system would be more functional and practical and will leave more floor space for her toys. But, I agree, I do love the furniture.
I love it! Looks great. Would love to do something like this for my daughter in our next house.
Wow! It turned out GREAT!!! I’m inspired!!!
Aimee @
Ikea has mattresses- we got twin ones for both of our big kids and they are great so far- we’ve had them nearly a year. I don’t know that I’d buy one for an adult bed, but for kid beds that will eventually be empty/outgrown, they are great!
You are my idol. For real.
Oh, but not in a creepy way.
LOL. Noted.
Love it! I’ve only seen the board and batten look with the bigger rectangle on the bottom and the squares across the top (like Thrifty Decor Chick’s)- I like this look too!! I think I’d use this in our Family room- I feel like it’s maybe a little less formal? Looks awesome
I love your ambition! (and real-life, tell-it-like-it-is attitude!) A Job well Done!
I was actually going to do it with a smaller square up until I started nailing the boards to the wall. When I measured how high I wanted it, it didn’t look right with extra squares (you probably want it around 5 feet if you do the extra squares). I wanted to keep it low so Kinsey can reach the top of it to put little knick-knacks on top of. I may install some hooks on the top plank as well, and wanted her to be able to reach them. That is why I kept it low.
My day consists of the typical things: laundry, dishes, gassin’ up the SUV, school, work, watering the plants…and then, around 11pm…I (faithfully) go to my FAVORITE website:
You are such a rockstar! Have you ever considered getting your own tv show???? What about Oprah’s OWN Network???
You’re simply amazing!
Oh wow, that was such a nice comment! Thank ya! I’m probably too lazy to have my own show. lol. But thank you so much for the compliment. I don’t feel worthy!
I might have a queen sized mattress for sale for a couple hundred bucks. With the whole moving to FL thing + getting married = king size might be in my future
Let me know if you are interested!
Um, heck ya! That is too big for K’s room, but a Queen is exactly what I want for our guest room (that currently has a loaner bed I’m storing for my BIL). Please let me know!! I feel pretty confident your mattress doesn’t have bed bugs. lol
Wow, what a great job, I just love the board and batten look. I have been wanting to do this for awhile, but hubby not on board YET? Now, I am thinking I maybe able to do this on my own.
Thanks for the inspiration.
We just finished our board & batten ( and it’s very similar to yours, what a coincidence! Yours looks great, you can’t seem any of the seams!