We accidentally made Poop Emoji Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes!
I apologize in advance if you have a sensitive stomach or are easily squeamish. But this was too gross and too awesome not to share.
Last month my son T turned 10. For his birthday he wanted me to make Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes:
T decided he wanted colored cones and chocolate cake and frosting.
No problem.
Everything went as planned and they were actually starting to look pretty cute.
Until the frosting. Then things went horribly wrong.
Do you see what I see?
Are you simultaneously laughing and throwing up in your mouth a little?
Every cupcake looked like a poop emoji. It was the grossest thing E-V-E-R.
Good thing the party was full of 9 and 10 year old boys. They thought the “poop emoji cupcakes” were
Of course they did…
We convinced them it was a “poop emoji themed” party. They thought I was the coolest mom ever.
So, was it really a FAIL?
They were delicious and the boys loved them.
But, on the other hand, they looked like a poop emoji.
The verdict is still out.
Moral of the story: Don’t use the ziploc bag trick (and here) to ice your cupcakes when you are using chocolate icing. Unless you are purposely going for crappy cupcakes. Then by all means, throw some chocolate chips into the icing as well. Might as well make it chunky looking.
I think I’ll stick to vanilla icing in the future.

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Thanks for reading! Have a wonderful week!
Use a wilton star tip next time. They will look just fine then
You’re hysterical! I think I’ll make Even Steven some special poop cupcakes for Valentine’s day. Thanks for the idea!
Ha ha, I am sure he loved it! You should make a video of how to do that icing. I have tried and failed a time or two and am not sure what I am doing wrong, would love to see your method…
Oh my gosh, you just made me laugh until I cried. Then I tried to read it to my hubby, and I kept having to stop because I was laughing so hard. Thanks for sharing…
I think they are a win for the boys. My husband saw this while reading over my shoulder and said it rocked!
This is my favorite post EVER! I’m still laughing.
OMG. I love the second green cone. The way that little tail dribbles over is to die for. You are so funny Allison.
LOL! This is awesome. All that matters is that the boys loved them. So I say this was a total win
Anna girl!!! You are going to get the look!!!
LOL!!! It does look like dog poop! But glad they tasted good!
And love the comment about putting chips in it to make it look chunky! NICE!!!!
Haha! My boys would love those too.
Too funny! Although I don’t think you can go wrong with CHOCOLATE!
LOL!!! Hilarious!! That’s a perfect age to have that kind of mistake – they had to *love* it!
*for future cuppycakes, you could still use the ziploc bag trick but stick a star tip on the corner first to avoid the “crappy” results
~ Mara
Ha ha ha LOVE it! Both is my boys would have labeled you as the coolest mom for sure! I tried to make an orange monster cake for my sons 2nd bday. You use five cake pops dipped in white chocolate for the eyes with a black dot on the front. Yep they totally looked like boobs lol. Even the conservative granny asked (in concern) what they were suppose to be lol
that is hilarious, I so would have covered every inch in sprinkles to try and hide the poop. But you are now the coolest mom ever, so that counts right?
Laughed until I cried. Yes, of course this would be AWESOME to 10-year-old boys. He’ll probably want them again next year.
Poopilicious! It looks as though it was a rousing success.
Aren’t boys GREAT!!! so easy to please….I’ve got three grown ones and one daughter….she is harder to please than all three of the boys put together….smiles.
Hahaha so so funny! I think I could easily get past the look of these cupcakes if I got to eat that chocolate frosting! Chocolate always wins
HAHAHAHA! This is so hilarious! Especially because I did the same thing for my step-dad’s 50th birthday party! I’ve discovered that when using the ziploc bag trick you have start on the inside and work your way out and drag the bag along the top of the cupcake. It elevates the icing a lot less and makes it look more rose-y and less poop-y.
Oh my gosh – laughed my head off reading this post! Thanks for making me laugh! Having two boys – i can completely relate…My oldest loves his traditiional ‘dirt birthday cake’ (a chocolate mousse/pudding mixture in a big bowl covered with oreo cookie crumbs on top and gummi worms sticking out – to resemble real dirt!!). Go figure!
Too Funny! I too unfortunately can relate. I had to pay money for our catastrophe, birthday cake from a baker. I asked for trees and I got pooh logs, I’m going to tweet you a picture, because really, how often do you get to share in this kind of shame
Every time I drop in at HOH I get a good laugh!
If my 9 year old saw these cupcakes he would REQUEST a Dog Poop themed birthday party! LOL
I wish I’d seen this a few years ago. For one of my friends’ bday I decided I was going to make a pile of s**t cake. Aren’t you glad I don’t make stuff for your bday? I stirred in sprinkles and cake chunks to make it chunky and heaped it up. If I’d known to pipe it with a ziploc bag, it would have been perfect!
I don’t “Laugh Out Loud” (literally) very often but this one definitely did it! So hilarious! You gave me an awesome idea for the future for my husband!
Oh my gosh! YOU AND I COULD BE BEST FRIENDS!!!! That is hilarious
Update the look: just add little eyes and you have the “pudding” emoji! For the Win.
Ok, I belly laughed at this one! Now if you just had a cones that looked like grass, you would have a geniune poop look.
OMG best idea ever! Totally going to do this now. hahaha