Well, the kids finally got new beds. Finally. Here’s a link to their new beds from Hayneedle.
And I’m so exited!!!
I know you are probably itchin’ to see the new beds, so lets just start with those pictures first, mmm-kay?
Here’s T’s new bed:
And here’s K’s new bed:
Are you noticing a trend here?
Like the fact that they are the same exact bed?
I know, I know. I just couldn’t help myself. I loved the bed so much I just couldn’t find a more perfect bed for either kid, so they both got the same bed. Fortunately they came in different colors!
Okay, so now for the nitty gritty…
I have never blogged about T’s room. Ever. Well, I did mention it one time and flashed a picture of his dresser before his mean ol’ mom (me) stole borrowed the hutch off his dresser for her office. (In my defense, it was a trash and lego magnet and he didn’t even need it.)
You can kind of see the tip of his old bed. It reminded me of Mary Poppins. Not sure why. I’ll do a full post soon about his whole bedroom and will show you the old bed. Anyway…
You are officially getting a sneak peek of one of the new colors in his room (orange – are you really that shocked?). I am so excited about the theme I’ve chosen for his room, but I don’t want to spoil the surprise quite yet!
As for K’s new bed, it use to look more like this:
As I mentioned here, I finally sold her bedroom set on Craigslist and used that money to purchase her new bed.
I’ve been shopping bargins and sewing like a crazy woman trying to get all their bedding wrapped up, but I want to dedicate an entire post to that, so for now I will just tease you with her old bedding. I’m mean, I know.
The number one main reason we finally bit the bullet and got them both a new bed is because of the trundle. Each daybed has a bed below it that pulls out. Our kids have frequent sleepovers and I was SO.SICK of blowing up the air mattresses every weekend.
My BFF Heather bought this same bed but full-sized. The second I saw it I was smitten and just knew I had to have one for my kids. She bought hers in black but I opted for walnut and white.
We found them at an online store called Hayneedle.
(My ad network advertises Hayneedle, so you might even see an ad for them on my site.)
I really have to point out one thing before I take one more step: I am in no way shape or form affiliated with Hayneedle. I paid full price for these beds and ordered the beds without Hayneedle having any knowledge of me or my blog. I was not paid or perked to talk about Hayneedle or share my opinion.
Okay, so now that that’s settled, where was I?
Oh, Hayneedle. I ordered the beds from there. The beds are great and I’m smitten with them!
Let me give you a big fat tip if you order from Hayneedle (or a lot of other online shops!). If you are going to order something, put it in your cart, then proceed to checkout. Go as far as creating an account and giving them your email address. Click through until you are ready to enter your credit card.
Then just stop.
Leave your window open and walk away. If you give them your email address but never complete your order, you will *probably* receive some type of discount code from them to encourage you to complete your order.
I did this little trick with Hayneedle just to see if it would work. Within about 3 days (maybe 5, I can’t remember) I received an email with an additional 10% off coupon code. My total went from $1,438.99 down to $1,295.09 (a $143.90 savings!). I also bought during a free shipping promotion (which I think they have all the time) and surprisingly there was NO tax added to my purchase either.
I ended up getting two beds, two trundles, and two “free” mattresses (they came with the trundle) for a total of $1,295.09 (actually less but I’ll get to that in a minute).
I don’t want you to think I just dropped this much money like it was hot. I actually planned and saved (and sold K’s old furniture) for it.
The price was great and the order process was simple, but a few of the packages came damaged, which I assume happened in shipping and wasn’t Hayneedles fault.
It really wasn’t a big deal though. They happily exchanged the damaged pieces for me and expidited the new boxes to my house so I received them just a few days later.
One pretty great plus-side to this bulky-item exchange with Hayneedle is that they didn’t want the damaged pieces back. They told me to just throw them away. Well, I’ve got a white backboard and walnut side rails that are all damaged. Both boxes combined will actually build a complete bed, so I think I’m going to fix these damaged pieces, paint everything to match, and put this extra throw-away bed in my guest room.
Double prizes.
So thank you Hayneedle for giving me a free bed!
The beds are perfect, I love LOVE them, and I got a FREE mismatched damaged bed.
Oh, one more thing about having 11 boxes total shipped to my house:
I had SO MUCH cardboard and packing foam to deal with! HA! There was so much trash that the recycle and garbage truck didn’t even want to deal with it and tried to just “forget” to pick it up. I had to run down the street in my pajamas (they come at like 7am!) and force them to come back to my house and get this trash!
But seriously, aren’t these beds just the cutest things ever?
I have made a bunch of bedding and am just wrapping up those tutorial posts, so check back soon for the cutest bedding you ever did see! I can’t wait until these rooms are done. They are shaping up so cute!
Check out the bedding I made for K’s bed in my bedding series:
Wow, I was ever so temped a few years ago to order from them. Glad I didn’t, because I would have lost my mind. Luckily I found a local buy who hand crafts amazing beds for just a fraction of the cost I was going to pay. I am so glad you were able to get everything all worked out.
Wow! We are getting ready to order that exact bed for my daughter. Thanks for the heads up on issues that may arise. Two questions 1). Is the quality really good, not like the furniture sold at SAMs or Costco? 2). What shipping company delivered yours? We have had some problems with obviously damaged boxes being left on our porch by UPS. Thanks ~** Karen
Awesome post! Thanks for the heads up with Hayneedle. Thank you for sharing all of your ideas!!
Thank you for your honest review of Hayneedle and yes, the beds are perfect!
Thanks for all of the great info! This will come in handy
These beds are gorgeous. I was just mentioning to my mom that I wanted to change my daughter’s bed. This just may be an option.
Ugh. So sorry you had to deal with crazy policies! But the beds look great, are classic and the trundle is so practical. Way to go designing Mama!
I recognize that bed. I’ve seen it on Overstock and in furniture stores. I just got new beds for my boy and girl this past fall, and it was so nice to have them deliver it to the house, assemble the beds and place them in the room exactly where I wanted. I checked their site, and they have the Casey bed, too. http://jordans.com/Beds/FSHB-M80505000.aspx Too bad your local furniture stores don’t carry it.