There is nothing better {to me} than chilling by a pool or at the beach, with an umbrella overhead, a good drink in hand, and a few great friends to chill with. I LOVE sitting around outside just hanging out. Gabbing, sharing, laughing, and just getting to know each other even better. I could have lazy pool-side chats with girlfriends every day of the week and never grow tired of it.
Well, I feel that way about the friends I’ve made online as well. Though we live too far apart to actually sit together at the beach, I wanted to hang out with them anyway, dang it! So I created a fun summer-long series called:
Every Friday I’ll invite a blog friend over to my online home to hang out with me and all my other friends {YOU!}. I love these people, and I want you to get to know them as well.
First up on my Hangin’ Out All Summer series is
Alicia from Thrifty & Chic.
I’m not sure how I met Alicia, but I think it was because of my Link Party. I find loads of amazing blogs in my link party each week and believe it or not, I end up following quite a few of them! Alicia links up faithfully each week, which is great, but her posts are so fabulous that I tend to over-feature her. I just can’t help it. I LOVE her decorating style so much that whenever she does a new craft or project I just have to feature it.
Her home and style are like looking at a Ballard catalog, but better. I swear. I just drool when I look at her home. And I may or may not have begged her to come decorate my house for me.
She has a tab on her blog called “Favorite Projects” which is organized by catagory with easy to browse images of all her crazy-awesome projects. If you want a quick glance at her style, I urge you to check out that tab!!
Enough rambling, let’s hang out with Alicia, shall we?!
Hello HoH readers!!! I am so thrilled to be here today Allison is pretty much one of the most spunkiest craftiest people I know, and I’m honored she is giving me a little piece of her blog…at least for today
I am Alicia, DIYer, builder, decorator, crafter and voice behind
I love all things cheap The cheaper, the better lol. Of course it has to have some style though, right? I’m in the process of decorating my builder grade house and making it a little more custom….and making sure I do it on the cheap
Here are some of my favorite projects:
First is adding a little character into a bland and beige dining room with cedar planked walls:
Also, redoing my bathroom for under $60! Board and batten and all
A couple of my favorite projects over the past few years was turning an old 70s dresser into a fab desk:
Turning some old tree stumps into my coffee table:
And, if you read my blog, you will know I have a crazy infatuation with headboards….and pillows lol. Like, I may have a serious problem. I’m running out of rooms to put headboards in and running out of closets to put unused pillows in. The headboards may soon be making their way into my dining room, as the pillows already have:) Here’s my favorite DIY $20 headboard:
…..and here’s a tutorial on my easy peasy way of making pillow covers for any pillow in your house.
And just a few of my reader’s favorite projects are my my knock off ballard design garden district mirrors made from $5 target mirrors and the pvc pipe mirror that was made from…well, pvc pipe
If you get a chance, stop on over and say ‘hi’. Don’t worry, I don’t bite, although they say I look wicked mean with a handsaw in my hand lol jk. I would love to meet all of you! Any friend of Allison’s is a friend of mine
and thank you again Allison for letting me fluff up my feathers a little bit and stealing your blog for a day
Isn’t Alicia great?! I hope you can see now why I love her blog so much! And she’s pretty darn nice herself.
Take a second to hop on over to her blog or her facebook page and say hi! You can never have too many friends!
I hope you enjoyed getting to know one of my friends a little better today and I really hope you enjoy this fun Summer Friday Series as well! I’ve got a baker’s dozen or so blog friends lined up for the summer, so obviously I won’t be able to share all my favorites with you, but if everyone enjoys the series I’ll consider extending it.
okay seeing all that just made me feel so unworthy, I get excited when I hang a picture, LOL. Great stuff though:)
Wow, absolutely amazing.
Love the ingenuity of the dresser to desk. Great job!
DESK!!!…love it….smiles