Happy Hump Day! Now, I’m not usually one to apologize for not posting as much the past two weeks, but I just want to say, I’ve had an exceptionally difficult week with a cute, but mouthy little 11 year old boy around here. *ahem* I’m not mentioning names though. Let’s just say, this child is itching to be an obnoxious teenager and has started testing those freedom waters very early. I’m guessing 11 is the new 13? Needless to say, the blog has been put on the back burner a little more than I’d like while I try to parent this little person who is currently trying as hard as he can to give me a run for my money. Here’s to a better next week!
** So, are you new here? I throw the Hookin’ Up with HoH Party every week to give all of you a chance to find other awesome blogs to read. Below you will find several hundred mini links to other people’s blog posts. Have fun browsing through the links in search of new ideas. Also, if you are a blogger, please feel free to add your own links to the list!

Please refrain from posting links to shops and stores.
Please note: RECIPES/FOOD is a separate link. Please make sure you are linking in the appropriate section.

Here are a few of my favorites from last week’s link party.
Self-explanatory, but OMG adorbs! Make Life Lovely
On the V Side made a chic cabinet magnet board and I’m so wanting to do this! This blog consistently puts out great content, BTW, so add her to your reader!
French Happy Nest shows how to make real sewn striped curtains (as opposed to most tutorials that show how to paint them).
Smart bathroom makeover from SoulStyle. I’d live here!
Being Home made some rolling carts to go under her new bench. Great DIY tutorial if you are in the market to make some yourself.
Paint Speckled Pawprints created an accent wall using stone. I’m kinda cray-cray for stone accent walls. Awesome.
Managing the Manor turned some crates into a cool shelf and shares an awesome distressing technique.
The Project Palace shares how she shows off her most prized artwork – kid art! I want to do this in the gameroom.
I have been following along with Domestic Imperfection on her kitchen makeover and she is finally done. I seriously am ready to move in. Love this new kitchen so much!
This Welcome sampler from Home Frosting is officially at the top of my to-do list (unless she’ll sell me one!). It’s made from all different types of wood and materials. Very cool, rustic, and fun.
Anyone else get sucked into buying the awesome plastic container from ikea, only to get home and not have a clue where to use it? Ya, me too. Fortunately Lookie What I Did shares 7 really really great ways to use it. I’m inspired.
Ardent Hands Designs refinished an old vintage metal rusted out school desk and I’m ga-ga for it. I love the herringbone accent on it.
To see the InLinkz party you will need to click through!
To view the remainder of this post please
If you’ve been featured you are AWESOME so grab a button and tell everyone!
Post about anything you’ve worked on recently.
*Please link back to my blog pretty please! Buttons can be found HERE.
A few things to remember:
Link directly to your specific post.
I pin all the weekly features. Check out the pinterest board here. I may not pin immediately, but they will eventually get pinned.
By posting to this party you are giving House of Hepworths the right to feature one of your photos.
Please do not pin from House of Hepworths, click through to the actual tutorial and pin from there.
A few DON’TS:
* Don’t link up your SHOP, STORE, OR ETSY to my party.
* Don’t link up your GIVEAWAY to my party.
Ready. Set. Post!

Thanks so much for hosting this awesome party!
Thanks for hosting!
I look forward to this every week! I want to come live at your house!! Can we be friends?
Thanks for the party!! Enjoy the rest of your week 🙂
Thanks for the party. Enjoy your week!
Thanks so much for hosting the party!
LOL – I am laughing at myself because I got caught up in looking at all these amazing features (going to pin some) that I almost did not realize my rolling shoe storage was a feature. 😉 Allison, THANK YOU so much for featuring it. I try not to stalk the as-is IKEA section, but I find so many goodies. 😉
I hear ya about kids testing parents! I have to give myself time outs or my head will spin like a crazed woman! Gotta love puberty! Not. 🙁
Thanks again for the feature and thank you for hosting fantastic parties! 😀
Thank you so much for hosting your great party! Have a great week!
Woowee…loving that bath makeover in the features!! Thanks bunches for hosting, girl!! Enjoy the rest of your week! 🙂
Thank you so much for sharing my baby food jar party favors! And thanks for hosting the party! Have a great week!!
Thank you so much for hosting Allison!!!
xo, Tanya
Thanks so much for hosting Allison!
Thanks for hosting!
Selene @ restorationbeauty.com
Thanks for the parTAY!!!
Thanks for the wonderful party Allison! Have a GREAT day!
Thanks for hosting an awesome party every week Alison, and for featuring my Bathroom Reno! Good luck with the boy 😉 Stay strong & brave. xoT
Hi Allison, I can feel for you with your blossoming teenager. I have 5 kids and they have each had their moments of testing the waters over the years. Keep the faith and stay strong. Thanks for hosting the party. I have linked up and look forward to visiting some of the other links. I am starting a new party this Saturday called ‘Saturday Sparks’ and would love to have you stop by.
Hope your day is ‘Stress Free’,
Pieced Pastimes
Mine are only 3 and 7, but some days I feel like I have teenagers already! Good luck Momma! Stay strong! Thanks so much for hosting this week : )
Thanks so much for hosting :o) Loving the inspiration this week!
Thank you so much for the feature!! And for hosting again 🙂
WOW! Look at that bathroom makeover. I want it 🙂
Anyways, thanks for hosting, have a GREAT day!!
Thank you for hosting! Little Bit
Hi, Allison
Thank you so much for hosting this lovely party. I so appreciate you taking the time in doing this. Have a great day!!!
Thank you so much for hosting! Have a great weekend!
I’m so glad I found this!!! More ideas to add to my inspiration book and try out!!!
Thanks for hosting this link party!
Thanks so much for featuring my little desk. I had so much fun working on it.
ALLISON!! Thank you so much for the feature (and the super shout-out! 🙂 ) I’m all warm and fuzzy inside, shucks. 🙂
Take another road trip this summer and come to Des Moines (BECAUSE WHO DOESN’T WANT TO COME TO DES MOINES?!?) We’ll tear up the 515 and I’ll take you to West End Salvage. It’ll be swell. 🙂
Have a great day – Thanks again!
Thanks for the feature! Its so exciting to be featured along side such talented bloggers!
Alison, thanks for another great party!
always a great party! thanks for hosting
thanks much for this fab party!
hugs x
Thanks for the kitchen feature! It sure feels good to be at a stopping point after working on it for so long. Not that that means anything…. I have to admit that I have been eyeing some new lighting pretty intensely.
And I know I’m really late on this, but I love your new header!
Thanks for the party and for showing my 7 ways to use a plastic container…headed back this weekend to get some more….Thanks Again
Great features!! Thanks for hosting!! 🙂
Why that’s one great link party! The Crafts and Projects section is especially interesting. 🙂
Thanks so much for hosting the party again Alison!