Hey everyone! I hope you have had a great week this week. I spent the better part of an evening working on bathroom grout. Yup, fun stuff going on over here at the house of Hepworths.
Our guest bathroom is nothing to scream home about, but you know what? It has a functional shower, toilet, and sink with clean running water, so I can’t really be too disgusted with it. AmIright? I mean, there are so many people in the world that don’t even have clean water, so for me to complain that oh.em.gee. my countertop is tile instead of granite? makes me sound like a total brat.
Well, I guess I am still kind of a brat because the grout on the floor was seriously bugging me. It just looks dirty, and I can’t have my guests thinking I don’t know how to mop.

I mean, it just looks dirty. And no matter how many times I scrub it with a toothbrush and peroxide, or bleach, or scrubbing bubbles, or whatever other concoction I come up with, it still just looks like I never mop the floor. And that is just gross and pretty much unacceptable for a self-proclaimed grime-a-phobe.
I’ve read on many other blogs expert predictions (too many to even try to attempt to link back anywhere else) about a product called GroutRenew (this is NOT a sponsored post!). People swear by it and say it’s a miracle product.

I finally caved and bought a bottle. I was hesitant to try it because I’d rather actually clean the grout than just paint over the grime, but enough is enough. I can only scrub in vain so many times. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and this tile grout is desperate. We do plan on doing a full gut at some point in the very far away, distant future, so I finally just figured, “we can’t replace it any time soon, so I might as well try to make it look good.”

Um… you guys… this stuff rocked my socks off. I was afraid I’d be all, “you can paint a pig but it will still look like a pig”, but nope, this is the real deal. I mean, check out this before and after. Crazytown I tell ya.

It is every bit at magical as they say. You paint it on like, well… paint… and then it dries this somewhat translucent color. It’s hard to really explain. I assumed it would go on like paint and when dry would look just like I actually painted the grout. But that isn’t the case. It went on like paint and it dried the color on the bottle, but the grout still looks every bit like natural unpainted grout. It has slightly darker spots, and slightly lighter spots. It almost looks like it just stained the grout a lighter color. WHAT I’M TRYING TO SAY is that it looks totally natural and you can’t even tell that it was ever painted.

I did not think this stuff would be as much of a miracle potion as it is, and I am now humbled and take back every negative thought I had about this product. In fact, I will now go and paint all the grout in the other two bathrooms, and I might even paint the grout in the laundry room too. This is how much of a convert I now am. I will bow down to the great and mighty GroutRenew.

I feel like I just got a brand new floor. No demo needed! After living through a kitchen demo and remodel, I am in no mood to do a demo any time soon, so this grout painting is now my new best friend.
before & after

Hot dawg, I just got me a brand new floor. I will now go and paint ALL THE THINGS everywhere.
I haven’t used the product but have heard of it; seen before and after photos. But your pics showed a bigger area, thanks! Specifically how did you put it on, what did you use?
I just used a small paintbrush to apply it to the grout. If any got on the tile I wiped it off with a paper towel. Worked great!
Hi! I used Grout Renew (antique white),
on all my house floors this summer.
Planning on installing hardwood in
a couple of years, but in the meantime
had to do something with the current flooring.
Everyone that visits compliments the “new floor”
and proceed to add they have to do theirs with
such an overwhelming tone (the same one I had
when I was looking what to do with them), until,
While researching “grout cleaning” I came accross
this product. It’s truly amazing. Although I did
scrubbed grout and floor really good before applying
Grout Renew and coated with sealer afterwards.
I bought a bottle of this forever ago and still haven’t tried it. I need to get myself in gear and just do it. It is amazing how your floor looks brand new!
Looks fantastic!!! I do have a question, though. When the grout gets dirty again, do you just paint more Grout Renew over it?
I tried this product with high hopes after trying multiple products both home made and store bought to try and clean my dirty grout. I had read sooooo many good reviews about what a miracle GroutRenew is. Unfortunately i was sorely disappointed. Let me preface by saying i have 4″x4″ white tile on my bathroom floor with grout that I assume was once white but is now a dark gray because of dirt and grime. The grout lines are quite thin and the grout is unsanded. I painted the grout renew on and it looked just like that….like I had taken white paint and painted in between the tiles. It did not look good. It did not cover the grime like I was hoping. Uggghhhh…..returned the product to Home Depot to get my $11 back. Back to the drawing board
Great to see a review by a non sponsored person!
See for the longest time I thought my 30-year-old house just had dark grout. I know that’s true in one bathroom, but now I know the kitchen and guest bath are just…dirty. Definitely looking into trying this until we can replace.
Thanks for the cleaning info, i think I might have to give it a try in my bathroom as well.
Yep! That stuff is miracle in a bottle! I used Grout Renew last year in the mudroom to freshen the grout color, but more importantly, to seal it. The grout still looks clean / new, and if dirt does get on it, it wipes off in one sweep. I have also used in the bathrooms and it is so nice to finally have sealed grout in the shower and not have soap scum stick to it as easily.
The tile in my kitchen is white, with what I think used to be white grout, but when we moved in it was varying shades of black and brown from grime. I finally got tired of it a few months ago and spent a couple hours with with this stuff and a paint brush on the floor and I’m still totally amazed. I went with grey to hopefully avoid future stains and scum, and I love it. Awesome, awesome product.
We’ve been considering doing this in our master bath but haven’t bit the bullet yet.
Holy cow! What a HUGE difference! So cool that you have something you’re happy with now, no demo needed!
This stuff is UH-MAZE-ING! If you click on my link, you can see the BIG difference it made on my grout. When we moved in 6 years ago, we had no idea our grout wasn’t sealed. Six years of everyday living turned our once off-white grout into nasty black and grey grout. It took me all day but I did 4.5 rooms with this stuff. I love it!
Wow! That looks great! I’m so glad to know about this product. Thanks for sharing.
it is always amazing what a place looks like once old grout is cleaned!
For the love of goodness, why do people use white grout when burilding their bathrooms? Ours is exactly like yours and I am totally trying this!
Seriously! I just don’t get it. Especially if they have little boys…
So, I’m a little bit confused…do you need to do anything afterward like seal the grout? Does it still look good six months later?
The grout renew has built in sealer!
Does grout have to be cleaned with a toothbrush first? How clean is clean? I mop with a shark machine is that clean enough?