Our almost-15-years-old twin nieces are staying with us a good portion of the summer! They live in Texas and we like to fly them to Colorado whenever our schedules allow. We are lucky that they get to spend over 4 weeks with us this summer!
This bedroom switcharoo might seem confusing but stick with me here. Usually our nieces share a room at home, but our guest room has a queen-sized bed. We didn’t want them to have to share a bed all summer, and we thought it would be fun for each of them to get to have their own bedroom.
Our guest room is upstairs with the two other kid bedrooms, so we booted our very accommodating teen son from his room so one of the twins could have his room this summer. That way, all the girls (the twins plus our 13 year old daughter) could all share the upstairs kid wing of the house, including the one bathroom up there.
In order to accomplish this, we needed somewhere for our son to sleep all summer. He offered to sleep on the couch in the basement, but I didn’t want him to feel banished down there so I moved out of my office and created a first-floor bedroom for him.
I haven’t blogged about his bedroom in forever. Here was his bedroom upstairs before we moved him to my office for the summer:

And here was my office:

First order of business was to pack up and move my office. I packed several boxes and stored them in the basement. The remainder of my office I moved to our piano room.

This is my temporary office. I’ll move back into my real office once the girls go back home.

It’s a little a lot messy. I probably would have devoted more time to organizing the area but I got sidetracked gutting a bathroom!

After my office was cleared out, I headed to IKEA to pick up supplies. I purchased the cheapest bed frame they sell ($49.99),…
…the slats for the bed ($40), and a new pretty rug ($99) that I’ll keep in my office once our son moves back upstairs.
Here’s the room all set up and ready to go:

Not too shabby!

I also ordered a full-sized mattress from Tuft & Needle.

We love these mattresses and now own 4 of them (this is NOT a sponsored post. I’m not affiliated with Tuft & Needle in any way. We just like their products.)

It’s always fun to open them and watch them “grow”.

And now for his summer room tour!

He has a very comfortable room this summer and our nieces are enjoying having their own rooms for the summer while they are here on vacation. They share a room at home so this is a big treat for them!

As you probably know (because I talk about it all.the.time.), our son is a drummer. He plays the drum set and is also in marching band. He currently marches the bass drum but is taking private lessons so that he can try out for a quad spot next year. You can see his quad practice pad in the picture below. He also is a self-taught guitarist and is actually really good. The kid is good at music!

Here’s the view looking into his closet:

Our niece is enjoying his old bedroom for the summer. It pretty much looks like this:

It’s been a pretty eventful summer so far. Lots of room-swapping going on around here. Some day we’ll finish out the rest of the basement (it’s only partially finished) and put a real bedroom down there, but for now this situation has worked well. Now all 3 girls share a bathroom upstairs and our son has his own bathroom (which is also the guest bathroom) on the main level. As for what we plan on doing with the extra mattress once summer is over? I am going to store it in our basement storage area. We tend to have people always staying the night, so we can just pull the mattress out and put it on the floor in the basement whenever we have a lot of company. Also, once the room in the basement is finished we will permanently put it in there.
Anyway, that was long-winded! Whew! Thanks if you made it this far. You are a trooper!!
Thanks for reading! Have a wonderful week!

What an awesome auntie you are, and you must be a remarkable mom, too! Not many teenage boys would give up their bedroom for the summer……and offer to sleep on the basement sofa to boot!! I hope you all enjoy this quality time you will get to spend together! My very favorite childhood memories are of times spent with family/extended family!