After almost 2 years of living in our new home in Colorado, I realized I’ve never given you a tour of our guest room. The shame! You aren’t missing much though because I really haven’t done much to the room. Also, it’s full of random furniture that doesn’t work together. It’s pretty much the leftover hodge podge of rooms.
The last time I showed you this room was two years ago during our new house walk-through post. It also just happens to be the first time I showed you this room. haha

Yes, teal walls. I kind of equally dig and loathe them. Is that even possible? Here are a few more before pictures:

All the walls were teal except one, and it was dark brown. Dislike!

The first thing we did was go to IKEA and buy a cheap queen sized bed frame. We also ordered a memory foam mattress from Tuft & Needle (not a sponsored post. We just love their mattresses.)

Here’s the room now:

I warned you! A total hodge podge of stuff! The dresser I purchased off craigslist after we moved here, and the chair is from IKEA. The large teddy bear is my daughters. She decided it’s too big for her room so he now lives in the guest room.

I’ve tried make the room not too sterile and as comfortable as possible for guests. The room is still basically a “before” picture, but hey, at least we have a guest room for people to stay in!

I pretty much gathered random decor we weren’t using and put it all in the guest room. It’s such a huge cluster, but I like to think of it as eclectic.

We also have a huge shortage of linen closets in this house (we have exactly ZERO linen closets! Who built this place?!). Because we have nowhere to store blankets and towels, I added a bookshelf in the guest room for all of it. Tacky? Yes. Necessary? Yes.

I do have so many plans for this house, and adding a linen closet is high on the list. There’s a place we can squeeze one in, but it involves a renovation of some sort, so we are just playing the waiting game.

Here’s the view from the window of the room. This guest room is very small. In fact, it is a lot smaller than any other bedroom in the house. Whoever designed this house did not do a good job of making all the bedrooms roughly the same size. Neither kid wanted this room because it’s so small, so it became the guest room by default.

I’m pretty sure I bought the bedding set on clearance at Target. Once I get around to actually decorating this space and making it cozy, I may or may not keep the bedding. It works great for now.

And here’s Big Bear. Like, literally, that’s his name. We are so original over here.

And because I love before and afters, here they are side-by-side:

And another angle:

Thanks for reading! Have a wonderful week!

You’re so talented – the room turned out so good!
Well even if it is a hodge podge of sorts, it’s way better than the teal. Great job. In the meantime, I’m sure your guests enjoying having their own space when they come for a visit.
The room looks so much better now! I have to agree with Ben….you are very talented, Allison!
Did the people who previously owned my house also previously own yours?!?!? I have too many rooms in my house that are dark brown. Also I do not have a linen closet either. Now the bedrooms have nice huge closets (except one bedroom). We did have a huge walk in closet in our hall, but we made it into a pantry and the kids’ extra blankets are all in their rooms (either in a tote under their beds or in their closet). Then the rest of the extra blankets are in the top of my closet. One day kids will start moving out and when they do I will move that extra stuff out of my closet. =)
What’s the name of the new paint color? I didn’t see it mentioned anywhere. I’ve been looking for something like that for my bedroom.
The paint color is Stucco by Sherwin Williams. It’s the perfect neutral light tan.
Looks much better than before, for sure! The last part of your post cracked me up, because we have that same bear, and his name is also Big Bear. Lol!
It looks wonderful! I do have a suggestion for your linen shelving. With this suggestion in mind measure where/how you think a white, faux wood window blind would hang and measure. Go to Home Depot – one can pick them up on sale most of the time. For $34 or less you can install that blind, raise it lower it, cover the contents and it looks a lot like a plantation shutter door!
I love what i learn from you!! Thanks bunches ~
I did this once with a bookcase that I used as a pantry – my then-apt had a huge kitchen, but only your basic around the sink base & upper cabinets, so there was nowhere to put food away once the dishes etc were in. I just got 2 narrower tension rods & 2 sets of red gingham 36″ kitchen curtains from Big Lots. Voila, no one could see how many bags of cheezy poofs I was hoarding LOL You sew, Allison, so you could grab a few yards of clearance fabric to make longer curtains. If it’s not a project you want to spend a lot of time on, just throw in fabric heat tape & iron your rod pockets & hems. Maybe a pale yellow to pick up what’s on the bed?